Our Bali Trip



Our time in Bali


This is a diary of what I did in my Bali trip with my family. I did a lot of fun things, and I am forever grateful to be able to experience this with my family. This trip was to celebrate 2023 new year so this happened in late December 2022 until the January.


1st day

We went to Bali by car from Bandung. We drove to Tegal first which took 4 hours to drop off grandma and to take a break for a few hours, and then we said our goodbyes to grandma and continued our drive to Bali. We took multiple stops to take a break and to go to the toilet. In the morning of the next day we were still driving so we took a pit stop to pray and then continued. We finally got the edge of the east Java island and took a ferry to Bali which took a hour, so we ordered some pop Mie to eat. After we arrive, we got back in our car and drove for a bit to our first hotel in Bali was a resort near by the beach, but we only stay for the night.

2nd day

In the morning, I made milk tea and took a shower before we left the resort to go to the city. But before we go to the city, we visited our cousins in the mountains of Bali first and then went to the city in the afternoon. The traffic in Bali was very bad so it took us a while to reach out next hotel. When we got to our next hotel it was already almost midnight, so we didn’t go to the shopping centre because it was closed, so we went to sleep.

3rd day

The next day we had breakfast in the 2nd hotel and then explored the city, we went to the Beach walk shopping centre and bought some candy. After that we had volcano pizza which is a pizza that is set on fire for lunch. After that we checkout from our 2nd hotel and drove to our 3rd hotel which we played in the beach. After that we ate Chinese food for dinner and then we slept.

4th day egg leg bed red dead map game food

The 4th day was our most interesting day because we had a lot of fun activities to do so in the morning, we went on a boat to go snorkelling in the ocean which was really cool because I saw many fishes in the water. After that we got on the boat and went to the turtle island, but it started raining so Aliza got very wet. After we got to the turtle island, we fed the big turtles first and looked at the many different types of turtles. But there was more than just turtles, there was a huge number of other animals like: peacock, owls, snakes, bats, and more. After that we went back to the beach and waited for our last activity, which was donut riding where you ride a big, inflated donut which is roped to a speed boat and try to stay on it. It was very fun and luckily none of us fell out, after we were done with our water activity, we took a shower and check out from the hotel and went to Garuda Wisnu Kencana Bali which has 3 massive statues, a massive park with many small restaurants, and a movie in one of their buildings. We explored the statues and took some pictures, had burger, hotdog, and boba for lunch and watched an animated movie about the young Garuda. After that we went to our 4th hotel which we had a really nice dinner and then went to bed.


5th day

In the morning we had breakfast in the hotel, and I ordered egg benedict, which was tasty, but I liked Zhafran pancakes because it was very fluffy and delicious. After that we went to a nearby beach to relax there but it was very windy and the big umbrella that give shade to the chairs came off and almost flew away. After that we came back to the hotel, we prepared our stuff and checked out from the hotel. we drove to a very nice restaurant for lunch which had a lot of food to pick, and I picked burger, which was massive and delicious, but my drink was Oreo coffee which was bitter. My  brother Zhafran ordered mix juice but it had a lot of ginger in it so he couldn’t drink it so my dad asked the waiter if we could get mix juice but with less ginger which the waiter agreed. After that we went to our 5th hotel which we got a very nice hotel room which look like an apartment room with a big balcony and marble floor which looked nice but feels bad to walk on. We went swimming in the hotel swimming pool which had pool noodle for us to play with. After that we ordered pizza, spaghetti, chicken, and more from the hotel to our room for dinner and ate on the balcony but we were still hungry. So, my mom and dad left the hotel to find some food from the street near the beach and then brought some back home. After that we brush our teeth and went to bed.


6th day

In the next day we had breakfast in the hotel and prepared to leave to check out the hotel. After that we went to a trampoline park which was small, but I still had fun and after that we took a rest on the 2nd floor of the building which had a bowling alley and a VR area, but we didn’t play them. After that we visited my grandma brother who was trying to bicycle from Klaten to Lombok, while only bringing a bag and has been doing it for 1 week, which was very impressive. So, we had dinner with him and chatted with him about his journey and then we said our goodbyes to our grandma brother and went to our 6th hotel and took a rest.


7th day

In our 7th day we went to the Bali Zoo which was near to our hotel but first we had breakfast, and I ordered a French sandwich which was tasty. After that we went to the Bali Zoo and we saw a lot of animals, from deer, birds, crocodiles, and fishes but that was the first part of the Zoo. We took a picture with the birds and bought the photo in the end of the trip, but it was Very expensive. We continued our trip and went to the Sumatra Zoo section first, but we had to go on a bus because it was so far. After we got to the Sumatra Zoo section we played in a playground and ordered pizza for lunch, but it was taking so long so we checked out the animals from the Orangutan, giraffe, pony, and other monkeys. We went back to the restaurant and got our pizza which was tasty but not big, we watched people ride elephants around a shallow lake while we were eating. After that we explored the Sumatra tigers which were sleeping and then the other the other animals, but it seem that they were gone. After that we went back on the bus and went to the beginning area which has a section of lots of birds, monkeys, insects, boars, and more which was really interesting and felt like we were going into a jungle because how many animals were there. After that my brothers got tired and wanted to go to the swimming pool in the zoo and left with my mom, but I stayed with my dad went to the Safara section which has a lot of zebras, lions, and hyenas. We even saw the employee trying to feed the lion, but the lion was too sleepy to eat. After that we went to the swimming pool that my brother and mom went to. My brother was swimming, so I went swimming with them after I changed my clothes and then after we were done swimming, we finished up our trip in the zoo and left the zoo. After that we went to our last hotel, which was in the mountains, so it took us a long time to get there and then we had to walk up the steep steps to our room while holding the baby which made me very tired and hungry. We took a rest in the cafeteria which we had fried noodle, but we also made a friend with the owner of the hotel son which could speak good English, so we played together until it was time to go sleep.


8th day

Our 8th day was our last day in Bali so when we woke up we took a shower and prepared to leave but before we leave we had breakfast from the cafeteria and we got onion bread, egg, and brownies which were tasty. But when we were waiting for our food to be finished we played pool table with out friend and he told us the basic rules but none of us was able to get a good hit because we were so bad. Syafiq accidently hit his finger with the pool table, and it stated bleeding and then got a bandage. Later on, I also cut my finger, but it was not that bad, so I didn’t want a bandage but then Zhafran got his finger cut and he wanted a bandage. After our food was done, we ate it and then prepared to leave and walked down the mountain to our car. It was very hot so when I got down to our car, I quickly got into the car and cooled off, but my brother decided to play football with our friend for a bit until we were ready to leave with the help of the owner. After we were done, the owner showed a way to go to the road that lead to the ferry, so we followed him and after he we got to the road we said our goodbyes to him and our friend and left. It took us a few hours to get the ferry and after we parked our car in the ferry we got out and went to the cafeteria of the ship and got pop Mie to eat while we wait. After we reach to the Java island we got in our car and got off the ferry and continued our drive back home but we took a pit stop in a rest area and bought some snacks and then continued the journey. we took another pit stop to pray Maghrib and Isha in a rest area but also because the baby was crying a lot and also needed its diaper changed. After we were done, it started raining so we had to run to the car and we got wet, after that we continued and we stop at a hotel in Surabaya because it was getting late. The hotel looked very nice, and we needed a good rest, so this was good timing for us, and we went to bed.


9th day

In the morning we woke up and went to the cafeteria of the hotel and had breakfast which had bread, fried rice, soup, and more. After we finished eating we went back to our room and took a shower and then prepared to leave the hotel. After we checked out, we left and continued our journey back home but we were going to Tegal first to pick up our grandma. We didn’t take any pit stop because it was not too far and after we reach there in the afternoon, we ordered some food to eat for dinner and then we go to sleep in the house.


10th day

We woke up and took a shower, had breakfast, and left with grandma to go to Bandung. It took us 4 hours and we took a pit stop to go to the toilet and then continued. Finally, we have reached back to our house in Bandung, and we all were tired, so we just stayed at home for the day and just chilled out.


Review Ronaldo siwi but Messi Goat

Anyways I really like Bali because there was so much you can do there but make sure you have a big wallet because it is not cheap because the stuff there may not be that expensive if you can find the local food or small shops. But if you’re staying in the main city “Badung” it will be quite expensive like the restaurants, beach chairs, shops, and more because those area are focused for tourism so its was going to be expensive either way. The worst aspect is probably the traffic because it is very bad in the city and even outside of it because the roads are small in most of the city with a lot of people it get very crowded. The best way to get around the city is to walk but make sure to bring an umbrella because it can get very hot, another way is to go by bicycle but there’s barely any bicycle in Bali to buy. The Zoo was amazing with all the animals and I even saw some animals that I never saw before like the orangutan, Sumatra tiger, boar, and more and I really like the Safara section with the Lion, zebra, and especially the Hyena but sadly there was no giraffe. The only thing I don’t like is the restaurants in the zoo because most of them were overpriced and they tasted fine. The only thing I wished I could do more in Bali before we left was to go to the Taman safari which we go by car through the zoo instead of walking but it was too expensive. Another place I wished we could’ve went was the Water Boom swimming park which is the biggest swimming park in Bali with massive slides but the reason we didn’t went there was because my little brother Zhafran was too young to go on most of the slides which would be a waste of time for him and instead maybe in the future when my little brother was older we could go there. I liked Bali and I would definitely go back there for maybe a few days just to go to the areas that we haven’t visited yet but also enjoy the beach a bit more than last time.


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