What is Minecraft?


Before We Start Anything

We Need to ask everyone who just started Playing Minecraft:

What is Minecraft And is it fun to play ?:

Minecraft is a fun game everyone can play and have fun like you can make multiplayer servers for cheap or for free or really anything but Minecraft does cost money While Minecraft Bedrock is 5 $ or 5 dollars but Minecraft java is actually a lot more expensive that you think it is actually 27 $ which is a lot of you can say 27 dollars so that’s a lot of money but java has a benifet than  bedrock because bedrock has realm same as java but java you can make your own Minecraft multi player and you just have to give the I P of the server then they can just play at your server so yeah but java cost more so its your choice go big or go small I went small then after 4 years I got the big or you can say java so that is good and it is very fun and in java there is servers you can play on but same with bedrock but not as much servers you can play but on java you can just search on google like servers you can play on so that is good and you will have so much recommendation to play like there are thousands and thousands of games you can play in java but not as much on bedrock so if you have the money I suggest buying the java but it is your choice at the end of the day really so its your choice if you want to spend 5 dollars or 27 dollars so yeah I hope you under stand this Minecraft and is it fun to play there are more tips like right below this I hope you enjoy so yeah there is way more tips and tricks and rules and things to do and not to do so yeah this is the end so if you enjoy thank you and next .

Here is all the ingot that exist in Minecraft Java:

Leather is a material you can get from cows and make armor from them and it is the worst armor in the game except if you are wearing no armor so that is better having no armor but 1st there are leather helmet leather chest plate leather leggings and leather boots now if you don’t know how to make it then wait for later because I am going to tell you how to make leather armor so you can go out being safer than what you think I guess now onto next.Now if you want to make Armor out of leather you want to go and 1st start with the worst armor the leather boots now get a crafting table get oak wood press E turn into oak planks then turn into crafting table place it down then get 4 leather you can get from a cow then after that go the crafting table then go place the 4 leather at the middle right middle left then bottom left corner and bottom right corner then done now you want to make a helmet now  you need 5 leather you can get from the cows now after you get it go to your crafting table then place the 5 leather at the middle then middle right then middle left then bottom right corner and bottom left corner then done now you want to make leggings now this one is a little harder you need 7 leather which you can get from cows then go to your crafting table then place the 7 leather in the crafting table at middle top middle right middle left top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done now you want to make a leather chest plate now get 8 leather from cows go to your crafting table then place it at the middle bottom middle then middle right then middle left then top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done that’s how you make it now that’s how you make the full set anyways on to the next one.


Chain mail is actually not able to craft anymore is chain mail armor and chain mail armor is not able to craft again so we are going to go back in time so yeah everything im going to say is back in time but now days to get it you can get it from the mobs which wear armor and dungeons but that’s rare so how do you get it back then well you need iron ingot then turn them iron nuggets and make chain mail which I don’t know how to make It but remember this is back then not today time yeah make sure you don’t try to do this in the real game because it maybe don’t work because it only work in the long time ago or I don’t know. Chain mail armor was able to craft back then in Minecraft but not now  but to make it back then you need to get chain mail now chain mail boots you need 4 chain mail place it at the middle right and middle left then bottom right corner and bottom left corner if this not work then its back then not today version now helmet now get 5 chain mail go to crafting table place it at the middle then middle right then middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done now leggings you need 7 chain mail go to your crafting table place it at the middle top middle right middle left then top right corner then top left corner then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done and if it doesn’t work its on a older version of Minecraft java then now chest plate get 8 chain mail place it at the middle then middle right then middle left then middle bottom then top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done that’s how you make it and if you go a older version you can make this but now so yeah that’s how you make it bye.



Wood is a material  you can use to my tools as you can make sword pickaxe axe shovel and a hoe so yeah and you can make homes out of wood so that is also good so yeah and with the tools you can use the sword to kill animals and pickaxe to mine cobble stone and the axe you can get more wood then shovel to dig dirt for some reason to make flat surface or to prank your friends I don’t know but yeah the hoe you can farm and use it to make food so then you don’t die so that is good so yeah that is what wood is for now we are going to go how to make it so yeah. now lets go to the easiest one from all now the first one from all is wooden sword now you want to make a crafting table now get 1 oak wood from a tree press E go to the 2 x 2 crafting table make oak wood to 4 oak planks then turn into crafting table then after that you want to go place it down now get 1 more oak wood turn into oak planks make sticks then place the stick at the middle bottom and the oak planks at the middle and middle top so yeah that’s how you make a wooden sword now you want to make a wooden pickaxe now get oak wood now oak planks then get 2 sticks and 3 oak planks now place the 2 sticks at the middle and middle bottom and now the 3 oak planks at the middle top and middle top right then middle top left then done now wooden axe get the same thing 2 stick and 3 oak planks get 2 sticks into the middle and bottom middle then the 3 oak planks at the middle top then top right corner then middle right then done now wooden shovel now get 2 sticks and 1 oak plank then place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then the oak plank at the middle top then done now hoe the easiest get 2 sticks and 2 wooden oak planks then place the 2 stick at the middle and bottom middle then 2 oak planks at the middle top and top right corner then done that’s how you make all the wooden tools and that’s how you make them ok done.


Cobble stone is a block where you make buildings out of and you can make tools better than wooden tools and easy to get as you only need a wooden pickaxe or more higher tier to mine it so that is very easy and good and it is very good when you just started the game so I recommend it when you start the game or just made a survival or a place where you are going to go and play survival so make sure to get cobble stone when you play.Stone tools in tools which you can make from cobble stone which you can mine with wooden pickaxe or higher tier now how do you make it well make a crafting table then after that get 1 stick and 2 cobble stone place the crafting table put the 1 stick at the middle bottom then 2 cobble stone at the middle and middle top then done then now you want to make stone pickaxe now get 3 cobble stone and get 2 sticks place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then the 3 cobble stone place it at the middle top and top right corner and top left corner then done that’s how you make a stone pickaxe then now stone axe now you need the same thing 2 sticks and 3 cobble stone then place 2 stick at the middle and middle bottom then the 3 cobble stone at the top middle then top right corner then middle right then done now cobble stone shovel now this one you only need 2 sticks and 1 cobble stone place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle the 1 cobble stone at the middle top then done now stone hoe now get 2 sticks and 2 cobble stone place 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then place the 2 cobble stone at the middle top and top right corner or the top left corner so yeah that’s how you make the tools anyways onto the next.


Iron  ingot is a ore than you can smelt from iron ore to iron ingot from a furnace well cook in the furnace and iron ore is common because it is not that down than a diamond place so yeah then after you cook the iron ore to iron ingot you can make tools and armor with it so that is very good so iron has a use for It and it is not that useless because it is actually useful because it can make tools like sword pickaxe axe and shovel and even a hoe and it can also make a iron helmet iron chestplate iron leggings iron boots so that is good now you may say how do you make them well it should be below this so yeah read it if you don’t know how to make iron armor and tools because below this text is very useful so read it if you don’t know.Iron tools are tools which are made out of iron now how do you make them now the 1st one is a sword because a sword is the easiest one to make and the most simple to make now how do you make it now you need 1 crafting table you can craft one  by using 4 oak planks and pressing E or you already have one or place one then now you need 2 iron ingot and 1 stick now you can get 2 iron ingot from smelting 2 iron ore from your furnace or something then done now place 1 stick at the middle bottom then put 1 iron ingot at the middle then the other one at the middle top then done you made a iron sword now pickaxe iron so now you need 3 iron ingot and 2 sticks place the sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 3 iron at the middle top and top right corner and top left corner then done then now axe 2 sticks and 3 iron now 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 1 iron at the middle top then 1 at the top right corner then 1 at the middle right then done now shovel now you only need 2 sticks and 1 iron now place the sticks at the middle and bottom middle then place 1 iron at the middle top then done you made a iron shove now that’s all the iron tools and the armor how to make iron armor should be below so read it if you don’t know how to make it so yeah.first one is to make is iron boots so yeah and it only need 4 iron ingot which can be found in your mine or somewhere in your chest but if you don’t have 4 iron ingot get 4 iron ore from your chest or from mining then you want to make a furnace and how to make it you want to make 4 oak planks then make a crafting table by pressing E then done then place down your crafting table or the one you have or you just got to go home then get to crafting table then get 8 cobble stone then place it round like a donut then after that you want to craft it then done you place down the furnace or you make one or just go to your home then smelt your 4 iron ore if you have 4 iron ingot than that’s fine then after you smelt your 4 iron ingot go to your crafting table place 1 iron ingot at the middle right then the other at the middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done that’s how you make boots now you need to make helmet now this one is harder because this one you need 5 iron ingot so yeah if you have 5 iron ingot in your place or just mine 5 iron ore then you want to smelt your 5 iron ore from the furnace and using coal then done now that you have 5 iron ingot or you already do go to your crafting table or craft one then after that you want to play 1 iron at the middle then middle right then middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done that’s how you make iron armor helmet then done now leggings get 7 iron ingot you can get by finding 7 iron ore then smelting it in the furnace with coal then place 1 iron at the middle top then 1 more at the middle right then 1 more at the middle left then 1 more at the top right corner then 1 more at the top left corner then 1 more at the bottom left corner then 1 more at the bottom right corner then done you made a iron leggings very easy now make the chestplate now you need 8 iron ingot which you can get from getting 8 iron ore then smelting it in the furnace by using coal and the furnace then done then get 8 iron ingot now go to your crafting table now put 1 iron at the middle then 1 at the middle bottom then 1 at the middle right then 1 at the middle left then 1 at the top right corner top left corner bottom left corner bottom right corner then done you made a iron chestplate now you know how to make the full iron armor set now I hope that helps you because its better than leather armor so then you can be more safe than ever well not really but you will be safe.


Golden ingot or you can say gold ingot is a rare ore you can find in the cave pretty deep but not as deep as diamonds or iron but it is pretty hard to get as you can only mine it with a iron pickaxe like with diamonds so this is pretty hard to find and golden ingot can be made into armor boots and helmet and leggings and chest plate but not good to make those and swords and pickaxe and axe and shovel because golden ingot is actually a ore which  you cook then get a apple then you go to a crafting table put a apple in the middle then place 8 golden ingot around it then done you made a golden apple or gapple for short and that is the use for golden ingot so yeah now we are going to say how to make a armor and tools.Golden armor is a armor made out of gold now you may say why do I need a golden armor well you don’t because golden armor is the worst armor you can make because it is worst than iron so make iron instead or golden armor because gold has another used for it right above this so now if you are still interested and say how to make it well here is how to make it now lets start with the worst one the golden boots this you need 4 golden ingot now you need 4 gold ore which you can get in your cave mining or you have some gold in your chest or you have them somewhere then when you are mining and got 4 gold ore you want to smelt it in the furnace with coal then place it in the furnace then place your crafting table you have or I don’t know then place 1 golden ingot at the bottom right corner then bottom left corner then middle right then middle left then done now you want to make helmet now this time you need 5 golden ingot now this time go back to the cave and get 5 gold ore or get from somewhere which you have then smelt it then go to your crafting table place 1 gold ingot at the middle then middle right then middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done then after that you want to make leggings this time you need 7 golden ingot now get 7 gold ore from your cave place or somewhere smelt it in the furnace then go to your crafting table place at the middle top then middle right then middle left then top right corner then middle left corner then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done now chest plate then the last one now you need 8 golden ingot then get 8 then smelt it then place 1 at the middle then middle bottom then middle right then middle left then top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner done.Now is not worth it to make golden tools but if you are a maniac ok here you go I don’t say its worth it but if you are interested then here you go now 1st one is to make a sword the easiest now to make this you need 2 golden ingot now go to your mine or somewhere else then get 2 gold ore then smelt it in the furnace then get 1 stick then get a crafting  table or go to crafting table then place 1 stick at the middle bottom then the 2 golden ingot at the middle and top middle then done now pickaxe 3 golden ingot now smelt 3 gold ore from your mine place 2 sticks at the middle and middle bottom then 3 golden ingot then middle top then top right corner then top left corner then done then now same material then 2 stick at the middle and bottom middle then 1 gold ingot at the middle top then top right corner then middle right then done then mow shovel now 1 golden ingot and 2 sticks then place 2 sticks at the middle and middle top and 1 at the middle top then done.


Diamonds is a ore which is rare and you can only get at Y 11 as it is very deep and y 10 that is where lava is so you have to be super careful if you are trying to find diamonds but diamonds do give exp but the chances are rare and you can only get from 1 to 10 and 10 is very rare so you are most likely going to get 5 diamonds or 3 in 1 find but if you find 7 to 10 diamonds in 1 stack then that is just mega luck and if its your first ever diamond find that is even more luckier than just trying to look for ages so yeah that is just insane if you do find 7 to 1 0 diamonds in 1 find and in your first try so yeah diamonds are rare like very rare.You need 2 diamonds and 1 stick for a sword and you need a crafting table so make a crafting table get 2 diamonds and 1 sticks place down the  crafting table then place 1 stick at the middle bottom then 1 diamond at the middle then 1 more diamond at the middle top then bam you made a diamond sword so then now you can kill mobs in like 2 hits except for really op mobs so now you want make a a diamond pickaxe you need 3 diamonds and 2 sticks and same concept 2 sticks middle and middle bottom then 3 diamond at middle top and top right corner and top left corner then done then the axe put 2 sticks middle and bottom middle 1 diamond at the top middle then 1 at the right top corner then 1 at the middle corner then shovel 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 1 diamond at the top middle then done that’s how you make 4 tools of type of diamonds so yeah done.For boots you need 4 diamonds and 1 crafting table place those 4 diamonds 1 at the middle right then the other middle left then right bottom corner then the other left bottom corner then done then the helmet top middle the right middle then left middle then top right corner then top left corner then the leggings you need 7 diamonds you need to put 1 diamond in the top middle right middle left middle right top corner left top corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done then the chestpalte 8 diamonds required then you need a crafting table and middle middle bottom middle right middle left top right corner top left corner bottom right corner bottom left corner then done that’s how you make all 4 armor diamond so yeah that is how to make it all so then done.


Netherite is a Ore you can get in the nether at a very low depth and it is very hard to find it is basically like diamonds but there is only 5 – 7 in just 1 chunk so it will be hard finding it and some may be under Lava so good luck if you are trying to find it because it is very hard to find netherite in the nether so if you are trying to find it in your Minecraft world Good Luck ! ! ! ! ! ! You need only 1 netherite ingot and diamond armor and there is something called smithing table and how do you make it you ask 1st you need to make 4 wood make a crafting table then you place It down then you basically put 4 wood like a crafting table BUT WAIT you want to put 2 iron on top after that there is something called smithing table click then place then you need a diamond armor then 1 netherite ingot then place it in the spot in the smithing table then done you got yourself netherite armor you can also do it to items to so yeah.1st netherite armor is hard to get you need diamond armor and netherite which you need 4 ancient debris which can be found very deep in the nether and so after that you wanna smelt it then get 4 gold ingot put in crafting table then done so first is it worth it to get it, if you want to be MORE O P than diamond sure I guess but there is many risk you have to take to get it as lava magma cubes and big ones are very deadly so yeah its hard to get but it is worth it and It is better than diamond as it has 1 + knock back armor so they get 1 + knock back as they will go farther than you so idk if that is good or not but it is better than diamonds so yeah good luck trying to get that as it is very hard to get it so is it worth it yes but there is many risk as the ones I just said and it is very O P as more op as these listings I am about to say right now: Leather Armor, Chain mail Armor, Iron Armor, Gold Armor And Diamond armor. So that is it with armor next one will probaraly be with tools and stuff maybe swords and other stuff so yeah and I am typing a lot so yeah I am going to take a break.



How to be good at Minecraft: Tips and Tricks to How to be good

1.       When you go and make a portal you want to place a block on the lava then you want to put water get rid of the block done u have made the bottom layer next build 2 blocks up after that you want to go get the water again with your bucket then put at the top without water spilling:

How To Prevent water spilling:

At the top u want to make a circle 3x3 flat not a cube then get rid of the hole in the middle then place the water before u do that look where u are placing it u want to place it above the hole so then water does not spread


How To Make Obsidian as the wall:

First you want to pick up lava with your bucket then place it above the obsidian already made with the bottom like what u did 1st step then place it then it will make obsidian and obsidian requires diamond pickaxe to break it which cost diamonds but u have no time for diamonds so this is a good way how to make it without diamonds so then after that u want to do it again you want to make the wall 3 high so count the bottom u only need to do it 2 times then do it on the other side after that it’s the top part now this is a tricky part:

How To Make the top part:

Ok first u want to do the 2nd step on the 3rd obsidian then place water then after that place the lava on top it should turn into obsidian do it again and it will be a nether portal then get rid of the water get rid of the other stuff and done:


How To Light the nether portal On:

You must get a flint and steel but u don’t know how ok first u may have 1 iron ore or ingot in ur chest if u have ore smelt in the furnace with wood or coal. Coal is better so use that if u have coal in ur chest if u have a iron ingot you are fine after  u get a iron ingot u want to get a flint but you don’t know how to get  flint but if u already know how to get flint then good for you but if u don’t know how to get flint u want to get gravel then if u don’t get a flint then grab it to your home then keep breaking the gravel and if you are lucky then u will get flint after that u want to press E to open inventory then after that there is a 2 x 2 crafting  table in your inventory it should be on the right corner of your inventory then u want to put a flint and iron ingot in there in any position after that u should get a flint and steel after that go back to the portal u made from step 1 to 4 then light it on fire after that you want to go into the nether portal then after spending 1 diamond at all or a pickaxe just 3 iron and some blocks and a lava pool crazy mind blown I hope this help you out this is what I found out of me playing Minecraft pass 2 month and it is crazy  I have more tips and tricks coming up when I feel like typing so yeah and I will try to keep this updated and keep putting more if I feel like it and if I know what to type and know what to do and explain it well I am not good at explaining but this is the best way I can explain this to you and it is crazy when I found this out that I don’t even have to use diamond pickaxe to make a nether portal and enter it with just the material of 3 iron and some blocks an d a lava pool so yeah I hope this helps u out and I will keep this updated. Well ill try to keep this update

Anways this is the 2nd page or you can say another tips and tricks so here we go

How to be good at Minecraft 2: Tips and Tricks to how to be good

2.       Here are some Minecraft rules you should never do ever in Minecraft

1.       Never dig Straight Down if there is one rule in Minecraft its digging straight down and you may ask yourself why should I not dig straight down It is very easy to go down fast but there is a risk of getting yourself in lava there is a better way to go down fast but less risky so 1st u want to go between 2 blocks then mine down so if there is lava below u mine 1 of the blocks so then u can stand on the other block so then you will not fall in lava or you will know there is lava below you so that is a better way and easy way like digging straight down.

2.       Never Look at Ender man Eyes That is another rule because Ender man and very sensitive to people looking at their eyes so never look at their eyes if you ever to visit one or find you the best way I think you can do it is go to your house and sleep then the ender man should be far away or just stay in your home and wait till its gone but while that is happening you can go mining.

3.       Never Summon Herobrine in Minecraft. Fine fine I hear you say its just a joke! But if you want a full explanation to the story click this link right here: https://www.thisworldthesedays.com

4.       Never Troll People. Now why do I say this because firstly they are going to troll back ofcourse and probaraly going to do something worst to you so its better to not troll or keep it to your self and not tell anyone that you trolled then but I still don’t recommend trolling people because they can do something worst than what you did to them in Minecraft.

5.       Never go to the nether without golden boots. Now you may say this, Why golden boots why not full diamond armor well piglins can still kill you with diamond armor but if u have golden boots they will have no sense to kill you. Or else you are sneaky and don’t hit them once or steal anything or be sneaky in the nether so that’s why you should wear golden boots in the nether in Minecraft so then piglins will not attack you in the nether in Minecraft yay learned.

6.       Never make Golden Armor. Why should I never make golden armor when gold is more rare than iron, well gold breaks more easily and it is less powerful its better up using iron than gold even though gold is more rare than iron and also gold is supposed to be used for golden apples or people call short gapples. If you don’t know what they are, they are a food when you eat you heal back and how do u craft them you get a 3 x 3 crafting table made by 4 wood then put a apple in the middle and surround with gold ingot and you cannot make enchant golden apple because Minecraft decide to ban making it because it was to OP. and how do u make it u get a crafting table 3 x 3 again then put a apple in the middle then surround it with golden blocks then after that you can’t make It because Minecraft banned it and the only way to get it is from temple spawner and dungeons and other stuff but it only has a 4% chances or less or more to get it so it is very rare to get it.

7.       Never Smack Piglins In the nether. You may already know this but all to the begginers do not hit them because they are very sensitive like a ender man when you look at them straight in the eye and if you do punch a piglin then good luck cos all of the piglins will fight back and you will die. UNLESS you have a golden gear like boots or anything really but if they break you may even consider it game over.

8.       Never eat a gapple if you just found it. Yes this is not a rule but it is my opinion and I say it because you will have a more better time to use it than just when you find it and you are not in any danger or anything so its better off just keeping it and putting it in your chest or any where you wanna put it really anyways that was 8 rules I put for you beginners and I will update it every time I want to and know what to right or anything so ye this was page 2 ye


What is Leather in Minecraft Java?

Leather is a material you can get from cows and make armor from them and it is the worst armor in the game except if you are wearing no armor so that is better having no armor but 1st there are leather helmet leather chest plate leather leggings and leather boots now if you don’t know how to make it then wait for later because I am going to tell you how to make leather armor so you can go out being safer than what you think I guess now onto next.


How to make Leather Armor in Minecraft Java?

Now if you want to make Armor out of leather you want to go and 1st start with the worst armor the leather boots now get a crafting table get oak wood press E turn into oak planks then turn into crafting table place it down then get 4 leather you can get from a cow then after that go the crafting table then go place the 4 leather at the middle right middle left then bottom left corner and bottom right corner then done now you want to make a helmet now  you need 5 leather you can get from the cows now after you get it go to your crafting table then place the 5 leather at the middle then middle right then middle left then bottom right corner and bottom left corner then done now you want to make leggings now this one is a little harder you need 7 leather which you can get from cows then go to your crafting table then place the 7 leather in the crafting table at middle top middle right middle left top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done now you want to make a leather chest plate now get 8 leather from cows go to your crafting table then place it at the middle bottom middle then middle right then middle left then top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done that’s how you make it now that’s how you make the full set anyways on to the next one.




What is Chain mail in Minecraft Java?

Chain mail is actually not able to craft anymore is chain mail armor and chain mail armor is not able to craft again so we are going to go back in time so yeah everything im going to say is back in time but now days to get it you can get it from the mobs which wear armor and dungeons but that’s rare so how do you get it back then well you need iron ingot then turn them iron nuggets and make chain mail which I don’t know how to make It but remember this is back then not today time yeah make sure you don’t try to do this in the real game because it maybe don’t work because it only work in the long time ago or I don’t know.


How to make Chain mail armor back then in Minecraft Java:

Chain mail armor was able to craft back then in Minecraft but not now  but to make it back then you need to get chain mail now chain mail boots you need 4 chain mail place it at the middle right and middle left then bottom right corner and bottom left corner if this not work then its back then not today version now helmet now get 5 chain mail go to crafting table place it at the middle then middle right then middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done now leggings you need 7 chain mail go to your crafting table place it at the middle top middle right middle left then top right corner then top left corner then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done and if it doesn’t work its on a older version of Minecraft java then now chest plate get 8 chain mail place it at the middle then middle right then middle left then middle bottom then top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done that’s how you make it and if you go a older version you can make this but now so yeah that’s how you make it bye.


What is Wood in Minecraft Java?

Wood is a material  you can use to my tools as you can make sword pickaxe axe shovel and a hoe so yeah and you can make homes out of wood so that is also good so yeah and with the tools you can use the sword to kill animals and pickaxe to mine cobble stone and the axe you can get more wood then shovel to dig dirt for some reason to make flat surface or to prank your friends I don’t know but yeah the hoe you can farm and use it to make food so then you don’t die so that is good so yeah that is what wood is for now we are going to go how to make it so yeah.

How to make Wooden tools in Minecraft Java:

Wooden tools are tools you can make out of wood now lets go to the easiest one from all now the first one from all is wooden sword now you want to make a crafting table now get 1 oak wood from a tree press E go to the 2 x 2 crafting table make oak wood to 4 oak planks then turn into crafting table then after that you want to go place it down now get 1 more oak wood turn into oak planks make sticks then place the stick at the middle bottom and the oak planks at the middle and middle top so yeah that’s how you make a wooden sword now you want to make a wooden pickaxe now get oak wood now oak planks then get 2 sticks and 3 oak planks now place the 2 sticks at the middle and middle bottom and now the 3 oak planks at the middle top and middle top right then middle top left then done now wooden axe get the same thing 2 stick and 3 oak planks get 2 sticks into the middle and bottom middle then the 3 oak planks at the middle top then top right corner then middle right then done now wooden shovel now get 2 sticks and 1 oak plank then place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then the oak plank at the middle top then done now hoe the easiest get 2 sticks and 2 wooden oak planks then place the 2 stick at the middle and bottom middle then 2 oak planks at the middle top and top right corner then done that’s how you make all the wooden tools and that’s how you make them ok done.


What is Cobble stone in Minecraft java?

Cobble stone is a block where you make buildings out of and you can make tools better than wooden tools and easy to get as you only need a wooden pickaxe or more higher tier to mine it so that is very easy and good and it is very good when you just started the game so I recommend it when you start the game or just made a survival or a place where you are going to go and play survival so make sure to get cobble stone when you play.


How to make Stone tools in Minecraft Java?

Stone tools in tools which you can make from cobble stone which you can mine with wooden pickaxe or higher tier now how do you make it well make a crafting table then after that get 1 stick and 2 cobble stone place the crafting table put the 1 stick at the middle bottom then 2 cobble stone at the middle and middle top then done then now you want to make stone pickaxe now get 3 cobble stone and get 2 sticks place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then the 3 cobble stone place it at the middle top and top right corner and top left corner then done that’s how you make a stone pickaxe then now stone axe now you need the same thing 2 sticks and 3 cobble stone then place 2 stick at the middle and middle bottom then the 3 cobble stone at the top middle then top right corner then middle right then done now cobble stone shovel now this one you only need 2 sticks and 1 cobble stone place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle the 1 cobble stone at the middle top then done now stone hoe now get 2 sticks and 2 cobble stone place 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then place the 2 cobble stone at the middle top and top right corner or the top left corner so yeah that’s how you make the tools anyways onto the next.


What is Iron ingot in Minecraft Java?

Iron  ingot is a ore than you can smelt from iron ore to iron ingot from a furnace well cook in the furnace and iron ore is common because it is not that down than a diamond place so yeah then after you cook the iron ore to iron ingot you can make tools and armor with it so that is very good so iron has a use for It and it is not that useless because it is actually useful because it can make tools like sword pickaxe axe and shovel and even a hoe and it can also make a iron helmet iron chestplate iron leggings iron boots so that is good now you may say how do you make them well it should be below this so yeah read it if you don’t know how to make iron armor and tools because below this text is very useful so read it if you don’t know.


How to make Iron Tools in Minecraft Java?

Iron tools are tools which are made out of iron now how do you make them now the 1st one is a sword because a sword is the easiest one to make and the most simple to make now how do you make it now you need 1 crafting table you can craft one  by using 4 oak planks and pressing E or you already have one or place one then now you need 2 iron ingot and 1 stick now you can get 2 iron ingot from smelting 2 iron ore from your furnace or something then done now place 1 stick at the middle bottom then put 1 iron ingot at the middle then the other one at the middle top then done you made a iron sword now pickaxe iron so now you need 3 iron ingot and 2 sticks place the sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 3 iron at the middle top and top right corner and top left corner then done then now axe 2 sticks and 3 iron now 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 1 iron at the middle top then 1 at the top right corner then 1 at the middle right then done now shovel now you only need 2 sticks and 1 iron now place the sticks at the middle and bottom middle then place 1 iron at the middle top then done you made a iron shove now that’s all the iron tools and the armor how to make iron armor should be below so read it if you don’t know how to make it so yeah.

How to make Iron armor in Minecraft Java?

first one is to make is iron boots so yeah and it only need 4 iron ingot which can be found in your mine or somewhere in your chest but if you don’t have 4 iron ingot get 4 iron ore from your chest or from mining then you want to make a furnace and how to make it you want to make 4 oak planks then make a crafting table by pressing E then done then place down your crafting table or the one you have or you just got to go home then get to crafting table then get 8 cobble stone then place it round like a donut then after that you want to craft it then done you place down the furnace or you make one or just go to your home then smelt your 4 iron ore if you have 4 iron ingot than that’s fine then after you smelt your 4 iron ingot go to your crafting table place 1 iron ingot at the middle right then the other at the middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done that’s how you make boots now you need to make helmet now this one is harder because this one you need 5 iron ingot so yeah if you have 5 iron ingot in your place or just mine 5 iron ore then you want to smelt your 5 iron ore from the furnace and using coal then done now that you have 5 iron ingot or you already do go to your crafting table or craft one then after that you want to play 1 iron at the middle then middle right then middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done that’s how you make iron armor helmet then done now leggings get 7 iron ingot you can get by finding 7 iron ore then smelting it in the furnace with coal then place 1 iron at the middle top then 1 more at the middle right then 1 more at the middle left then 1 more at the top right corner then 1 more at the top left corner then 1 more at the bottom left corner then 1 more at the bottom right corner then done you made a iron leggings very easy now make the chestplate now you need 8 iron ingot which you can get from getting 8 iron ore then smelting it in the furnace by using coal and the furnace then done then get 8 iron ingot now go to your crafting table now put 1 iron at the middle then 1 at the middle bottom then 1 at the middle right then 1 at the middle left then 1 at the top right corner top left corner bottom left corner bottom right corner then done you made a iron chestplate now you know how to make the full iron armor set now I hope that helps you because its better than leather armor so then you can be more safe than ever well not really but you will be safe.


What is Golden ingot in Minecraft Java?

Golden ingot or you can say gold ingot is a rare ore you can find in the cave pretty deep but not as deep as diamonds or iron but it is pretty hard to get as you can only mine it with a iron pickaxe like with diamonds so this is pretty hard to find and golden ingot can be made into armor boots and helmet and leggings and chest plate but not good to make those and swords and pickaxe and axe and shovel because golden ingot is actually a ore which  you cook then get a apple then you go to a crafting table put a apple in the middle then place 8 golden ingot around it then done you made a golden apple or gapple for short and that is the use for golden ingot so yeah now we are going to say how to make a armor and tools.


How to make golden armor in Minecraft Java?

Golden armor is a armor made out of gold now you may say why do I need a golden armor well you don’t because golden armor is the worst armor you can make because it is worst than iron so make iron instead or golden armor because gold has another used for it right above this so now if you are still interested and say how to make it well here is how to make it now lets start with the worst one the golden boots this you need 4 golden ingot now you need 4 gold ore which you can get in your cave mining or you have some gold in your chest or you have them somewhere then when you are mining and got 4 gold ore you want to smelt it in the furnace with coal then place it in the furnace then place your crafting table you have or I don’t know then place 1 golden ingot at the bottom right corner then bottom left corner then middle right then middle left then done now you want to make helmet now this time you need 5 golden ingot now this time go back to the cave and get 5 gold ore or get from somewhere which you have then smelt it then go to your crafting table place 1 gold ingot at the middle then middle right then middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done then after that you want to make leggings this time you need 7 golden ingot now get 7 gold ore from your cave place or somewhere smelt it in the furnace then go to your crafting table place at the middle top then middle right then middle left then top right corner then middle left corner then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done now chest plate then the last one now you need 8 golden ingot then get 8 then smelt it then place 1 at the middle then middle bottom then middle right then middle left then top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner done.


How to make golden tools in Minecraft java:

Now is not worth it to make golden tools but if you are a maniac ok here you go I don’t say its worth it but if you are interested then here you go now 1st one is to make a sword the easiest now to make this you need 2 golden ingot now go to your mine or somewhere else then get 2 gold ore then smelt it in the furnace then get 1 stick then get a crafting  table or go to crafting table then place 1 stick at the middle bottom then the 2 golden ingot at the middle and top middle then done now pickaxe 3 golden ingot now smelt 3 gold ore from your mine place 2 sticks at the middle and middle bottom then 3 golden ingot then middle top then top right corner then top left corner then done then now same material then 2 stick at the middle and bottom middle then 1 gold ingot at the middle top then top right corner then middle right then done then mow shovel now 1 golden ingot and 2 sticks then place 2 sticks at the middle and middle top and 1 at the middle top then done.


What Is Diamonds in Minecraft Java?

Diamonds is a ore which is rare and you can only get at Y 11 as it is very deep and y 10 that is where lava is so you have to be super careful if you are trying to find diamonds but diamonds do give exp but the chances are rare and you can only get from 1 to 10 and 10 is very rare so you are most likely going to get 5 diamonds or 3 in 1 find but if you find 7 to 10 diamonds in 1 stack then that is just mega luck and if its your first ever diamond find that is even more luckier than just trying to look for ages so yeah that is just insane if you do find 7 to 1 0 diamonds in 1 find and in your first try so yeah diamonds are rare like very rare.


How to make Diamond Tools in Minecraft Java.

You need 2 diamonds and 1 stick for a sword and you need a crafting table so make a crafting table get 2 diamonds and 1 sticks place down the  crafting table then place 1 stick at the middle bottom then 1 diamond at the middle then 1 more diamond at the middle top then bam you made a diamond sword so then now you can kill mobs in like 2 hits except for really op mobs so now you want make a a diamond pickaxe you need 3 diamonds and 2 sticks and same concept 2 sticks middle and middle bottom then 3 diamond at middle top and top right corner and top left corner then done then the axe put 2 sticks middle and bottom middle 1 diamond at the top middle then 1 at the right top corner then 1 at the middle corner then shovel 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 1 diamond at the top middle then done that’s how you make 4 tools of type of diamonds so yeah done.


How to make Diamond Armor in Minecraft Java.

For boots you need 4 diamonds and 1 crafting table place those 4 diamonds 1 at the middle right then the other middle left then right bottom corner then the other left bottom corner then done then the helmet top middle the right middle then left middle then top right corner then top left corner then the leggings you need 7 diamonds you need to put 1 diamond in the top middle right middle left middle right top corner left top corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done then the chestpalte 8 diamonds required then you need a crafting table and middle middle bottom middle right middle left top right corner top left corner bottom right corner bottom left corner then done that’s how you make all 4 armor diamond so yeah that is how to make it all so then done.


How to get netherite in Minecraft: Here is a extra tip to how to do it:

Did you know there is something better than Diamonds In Minecraft ! ! :


What is Netherite in Minecraft?

Netherite is a Ore you can get in the nether at a very low depth and it is very hard to find it is basically like diamonds but there is only 5 – 7 in just 1 chunk so it will be hard finding it and some may be under Lava so good luck if you are trying to find it because it is very hard to find netherite in the nether so if you are trying to find it in your Minecraft world Good Luck ! ! ! ! ! ! !


How do you make Netherite Tool In Minecraft ? :

You need only 1 netherite ingot and diamond Tool and there is something called smithing table and how do you make it you ask 1st you need to make 4 wood make a crafting table then you place It down then you basically put 4 wood like a crafting table BUT WAIT you want to put 2 iron on top after that there is something called smithing table click then place then you need a diamond tool then 1 netherite ingot then place it in the spot in the smithing table then done you got yourself a netherite tool you can also do it to armor to so yeah.

How do you make Netherite Armor In Minecraft ? :

You need only 1 netherite ingot and diamond armor and there is something called smithing table and how do you make it you ask 1st you need to make 4 wood make a crafting table then you place It down then you basically put 4 wood like a crafting table BUT WAIT you want to put 2 iron on top after that there is something called smithing table click then place then you need a diamond armor then 1 netherite ingot then place it in the spot in the smithing table then done you got yourself netherite armor you can also do it to items to so yeah.


How to be good at Minecraft: What armor you should choose:

What is Armor:

If don’t know what armor is, Armor is a Something you where and it will make you less damage or more protective you can say and there are different type or armor you can get and some are really easy and some are really hard to make or get in Minecraft.

Why Do we need Armor:

You need armor for many reasons like to stay survive and not die and other stuff like beating hard mobs like many ender dragon wither and other hard stuff to beat so you need armor to deflect some damage or take less damage with the type of armor you have in Minecraft I will be talking about worst to best armor in Minecraft and if it is really worth it to get worth it or not worth it but that will be later on and other stuff and so yeah Yes you need armor for a lot of stuff so you should probaraly bring a pair of armor or spare when you are going mining or something.

Is there a Best and Worst Kind Of armor in Minecraft:

Yes there is a Best and Worst Kind of Armor well it matters about the difficulty to get it like take example like uhmm Diamonds they are hard to get so may as well be 2nd best Armor now you will say what is the best armor then if diamonds are the 2nd best. Well for all beginners I will be telling you that later after I explain every type of armor and is it really worth getting it so I will be telling that right below this text so yeah and I mean right below this text so yeah uhm yeah yeso.


How to make Leather Armor in Minecraft Java?

Now if you want to make Armor out of leather you want to go and 1st start with the worst armor the leather boots now get a crafting table get oak wood press E turn into oak planks then turn into crafting table place it down then get 4 leather you can get from a cow then after that go the crafting table then go place the 4 leather at the middle right middle left then bottom left corner and bottom right corner then done now you want to make a helmet now  you need 5 leather you can get from the cows now after you get it go to your crafting table then place the 5 leather at the middle then middle right then middle left then bottom right corner and bottom left corner then done now you want to make leggings now this one is a little harder you need 7 leather which you can get from cows then go to your crafting table then place the 7 leather in the crafting table at middle top middle right middle left top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done now you want to make a leather chest plate now get 8 leather from cows go to your crafting table then place it at the middle bottom middle then middle right then middle left then top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done that’s how you make it now that’s how you make the full set anyways on to the next one.


How Good is Leather Armor and is it worth getting it in Minecraft:

Leather Armor. Everyone has heard about the armor. Well maybe you don’t so what is Leather armor, leather armor is a armor you can get from a Cow And if you kill it u get leather and if you get leather you can make armor with it and would I say it is worth getting it mostly not but if you can’t find any iron or anything then I recommend getting it but if you want to use it properally then I suggest using it if you just started because if you want to use it usefully then you gotta get enchant table then enchant it and get a anvil then put it on your sword pickaxe axe shovel shield anything you name it it can be bows crossbows so if you just started I suggest using it for armor but if you have iron armor then don’t make it but if you to be cozy then I guess so you can make.

What is Chain mail in Minecraft Java?

Chain mail is actually not able to craft anymore is chain mail armor and chain mail armor is not able to craft again so we are going to go back in time so yeah everything im going to say is back in time but now days to get it you can get it from the mobs which wear armor and dungeons but that’s rare so how do you get it back then well you need iron ingot then turn them iron nuggets and make chain mail which I don’t know how to make It but remember this is back then not today time yeah make sure you don’t try to do this in the real game because it maybe don’t work because it only work in the long time ago or I don’t know.


How to make Chain mail armor back then in Minecraft Java:

Chain mail armor was able to craft back then in Minecraft but not now  but to make it back then you need to get chain mail now chain mail boots you need 4 chain mail place it at the middle right and middle left then bottom right corner and bottom left corner if this not work then its back then not today version now helmet now get 5 chain mail go to crafting table place it at the middle then middle right then middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done now leggings you need 7 chain mail go to your crafting table place it at the middle top middle right middle left then top right corner then top left corner then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done and if it doesn’t work its on a older version of Minecraft java then now chest plate get 8 chain mail place it at the middle then middle right then middle left then middle bottom then top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done that’s how you make it and if you go a older version you can make this but now so yeah that’s how you make it bye.


How Good Is Chain mail Armor and is it worth getting it in Minecraft:

Well there is a problem you can probably see you can’t make chainmail armor because Minecraft decided you can only get them if you can loot them for temple dungeon spawners and other areas I have  no idea so if you are trying to get this it is not worth it because it is just a little better than leather and worst than iron so I suggest not getting it and it is just a little better than leather so its better off just getting leather armor or iron armor or diamond or what ever you really have in Minecraft but if you are lucky and you find it in like a dungeon a temple and spawner or really any where its better to keep it in your chest to keep it safe so no one take it and I don’t think its that rare in dungeons or temple or spawners but I will check on google just to make sure that I get things right while this is only my 2nd month of playing  Minecraft java so I will do my research on some things so I can get it right so the chances of getting it is actually nvm.

I was Wrong About the Chainmail armor that you can get it:

I was wrong I guess because you can only get it from mobs or skeleton or any mobs which can wear armor so im sorry you can only get them from mobs and they are very rare to drop so I say this is a no no worth and it is a little better than leather.

What is Iron ingot in Minecraft Java?

Iron  ingot is a ore than you can smelt from iron ore to iron ingot from a furnace well cook in the furnace and iron ore is common because it is not that down than a diamond place so yeah then after you cook the iron ore to iron ingot you can make tools and armor with it so that is very good so iron has a use for It and it is not that useless because it is actually useful because it can make tools like sword pickaxe axe and shovel and even a hoe and it can also make a iron helmet iron chestplate iron leggings iron boots so that is good now you may say how do you make them well it should be below this so yeah read it if you don’t know how to make iron armor and tools because below this text is very useful so read it if you don’t know.


How to make Iron armor in Minecraft Java?

first one is to make is iron boots so yeah and it only need 4 iron ingot which can be found in your mine or somewhere in your chest but if you don’t have 4 iron ingot get 4 iron ore from your chest or from mining then you want to make a furnace and how to make it you want to make 4 oak planks then make a crafting table by pressing E then done then place down your crafting table or the one you have or you just got to go home then get to crafting table then get 8 cobble stone then place it round like a donut then after that you want to craft it then done you place down the furnace or you make one or just go to your home then smelt your 4 iron ore if you have 4 iron ingot than that’s fine then after you smelt your 4 iron ingot go to your crafting table place 1 iron ingot at the middle right then the other at the middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done that’s how you make boots now you need to make helmet now this one is harder because this one you need 5 iron ingot so yeah if you have 5 iron ingot in your place or just mine 5 iron ore then you want to smelt your 5 iron ore from the furnace and using coal then done now that you have 5 iron ingot or you already do go to your crafting table or craft one then after that you want to play 1 iron at the middle then middle right then middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done that’s how you make iron armor helmet then done now leggings get 7 iron ingot you can get by finding 7 iron ore then smelting it in the furnace with coal then place 1 iron at the middle top then 1 more at the middle right then 1 more at the middle left then 1 more at the top right corner then 1 more at the top left corner then 1 more at the bottom left corner then 1 more at the bottom right corner then done you made a iron leggings very easy now make the chestplate now you need 8 iron ingot which you can get from getting 8 iron ore then smelting it in the furnace by using coal and the furnace then done then get 8 iron ingot now go to your crafting table now put 1 iron at the middle then 1 at the middle bottom then 1 at the middle right then 1 at the middle left then 1 at the top right corner top left corner bottom left corner bottom right corner then done you made a iron chestplate now you know how to make the full iron armor set now I hope that helps you because its better than leather armor so then you can be more safe than ever well not really but you will be safe.


How to make Iron armor in Minecraft Java?

first one is to make is iron boots so yeah and it only need 4 iron ingot which can be found in your mine or somewhere in your chest but if you don’t have 4 iron ingot get 4 iron ore from your chest or from mining then you want to make a furnace and how to make it you want to make 4 oak planks then make a crafting table by pressing E then done then place down your crafting table or the one you have or you just got to go home then get to crafting table then get 8 cobble stone then place it round like a donut then after that you want to craft it then done you place down the furnace or you make one or just go to your home then smelt your 4 iron ore if you have 4 iron ingot than that’s fine then after you smelt your 4 iron ingot go to your crafting table place 1 iron ingot at the middle right then the other at the middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done that’s how you make boots now

How Good is Iron armor and is it worth getting it in Minecraft ? :

1st iron is easy to get so that is already a yes and it is better than leather and chan mail so that is already a easy yes right now and iron really have no use except for anvils and other stuff no one uses in Minecraft and the tools are actually decent to so that 100% yes and it is worth getting if you just started or like after u got leather armor so yeah that good and if you have a ton of iron in your chest no use and you have no armor make some armor. Come on its not that hard and it is worth it if you think about and hey while you are there make a 2nd set for spare so if you die just use that gear and that’s better so iron is easy to get and easy to make and easy to spare if you have a lot of iron so this is a yes it is easy to get it is way better than leather and chain mail and it has good armor hearts and it is worth getting so I recommend this armor to people who start the game or who has leather or something I don’t know but it is worth it so yeah next ! ! ! !

What is Golden ingot in Minecraft Java?

Golden ingot or you can say gold ingot is a rare ore you can find in the cave pretty deep but not as deep as diamonds or iron but it is pretty hard to get as you can only mine it with a iron pickaxe like with diamonds so this is pretty hard to find and golden ingot can be made into armor boots and helmet and leggings and chest plate but not good to make those and swords and pickaxe and axe and shovel because golden ingot is actually a ore which  you cook then get a apple then you go to a crafting table put a apple in the middle then place 8 golden ingot around it then done you made a golden apple or gapple for short and that is the use for golden ingot so yeah now we are going to say how to make a armor and tools.


How to make golden armor in Minecraft Java?

Golden armor is a armor made out of gold now you may say why do I need a golden armor well you don’t because golden armor is the worst armor you can make because it is worst than iron so make iron instead or golden armor because gold has another used for it right above this so now if you are still interested and say how to make it well here is how to make it now lets start with the worst one the golden boots this you need 4 golden ingot now you need 4 gold ore which you can get in your cave mining or you have some gold in your chest or you have them somewhere then when you are mining and got 4 gold ore you want to smelt it in the furnace with coal then place it in the furnace then place your crafting table you have or I don’t know then place 1 golden ingot at the bottom right corner then bottom left corner then middle right then middle left then done now you want to make helmet now this time you need 5 golden ingot now this time go back to the cave and get 5 gold ore or get from somewhere which you have then smelt it then go to your crafting table place 1 gold ingot at the middle then middle right then middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done then after that you want to make leggings this time you need 7 golden ingot now get 7 gold ore from your cave place or somewhere smelt it in the furnace then go to your crafting table place at the middle top then middle right then middle left then top right corner then middle left corner then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done now chest plate then the last one now you need 8 golden ingot then get 8 then smelt it then place 1 at the middle then middle bottom then middle right then middle left then top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner done.



How Good is Golden Armor and is it worth getting it in Minecraft ? :

Gold is harder to get than iron so you may think its good and better than uhm chain mail leather and iron right? Actually if you think so you are wrong because it is the same as chain mail armor so it is worst than iron better just getting iron armor than golden armor and gold has another better use for it as they say golden apple or you can say gapple as short for golden apple as I just said like 10 seconds ago ok so it is bad for armor is it worth getting as I am typing this you can probaraly say no so it is not worth getting it its better to get iron than gold so who am I to judge and the next one is coming up and you probaraly know this in Minecraft and it is drum bum ! ! ! !

What Is Diamonds in Minecraft Java?

Diamonds is a ore which is rare and you can only get at Y 11 as it is very deep and y 10 that is where lava is so you have to be super careful if you are trying to find diamonds but diamonds do give exp but the chances are rare and you can only get from 1 to 10 and 10 is very rare so you are most likely going to get 5 diamonds or 3 in 1 find but if you find 7 to 10 diamonds in 1 stack then that is just mega luck and if its your first ever diamond find that is even more luckier than just trying to look for ages so yeah that is just insane if you do find 7 to 1 0 diamonds in 1 find and in your first try so yeah diamonds are rare like very rare.


How to make Diamond Armor in Minecraft Java.

For boots you need 4 diamonds and 1 crafting table place those 4 diamonds 1 at the middle right then the other middle left then right bottom corner then the other left bottom corner then done then the helmet top middle the right middle then left middle then top right corner then top left corner then the leggings you need 7 diamonds you need to put 1 diamond in the top middle right middle left middle right top corner left top corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done then the chestpalte 8 diamonds required then you need a crafting table and middle middle bottom middle right middle left top right corner top left corner bottom right corner bottom left corner then done that’s how you make all 4 armor diamond so yeah that is how to make it all so then done.


How Good is Diamond Armor and is it worth getting it in Minecraft ? :
IT IS DIAMONDS they are AMAZINGLY HARD to get but if you have that patient it is 100% WORTH IT as they have full armor hearts they are incredibly amazing and incredibly power full BUT INCREDIBILY HARD TO GET from mining but if you have the patients to get it, it is very worth it so if you are very good to the game or you are in a server you played on for long time this will make you literally 10 x better than what you are right now because diamond armor is insane but with diamond you can also make a enchanting table and with that you can enchant stuff which can make stuff even more O P but you need Diamonds to get it but if you have a full set of diamond armor it is no prob for you to get it and make it and you may put some book shelf to make it even better than what it is right now for you so yeah diamond armor is better than leather chain mail gold iron and it is very strong the max armor health but it is very hard to get but if you have enough diamonds then go create it then it will literally make you 10 x better come on ok lets go!!

How to get netherite in Minecraft: Here is a extra tip to how to do it:

Did you know there is something better than Diamonds In Minecraft ! ! :

What is Netherite in Minecraft?

Netherite is a Ore you can get in the nether at a very low depth and it is very hard to find it is basically like diamonds but there is only 5 – 7 in just 1 chunk so it will be hard finding it and some may be under Lava so good luck if you are trying to find it because it is very hard to find netherite in the nether so if you are trying to find it in your Minecraft world Good Luck ! ! ! ! ! ! !


How do you make Netherite Armor In Minecraft ? :

You need only 1 netherite ingot and diamond armor and there is something called smithing table and how do you make it you ask 1st you need to make 4 wood make a crafting table then you place It down then you basically put 4 wood like a crafting table BUT WAIT you want to put 2 iron on top after that there is something called smithing table click then place then you need a diamond armor then 1 netherite ingot then place it in the spot in the smithing table then done you got yourself netherite armor you can also do it to items to so yeah.

How good is Netherite Armor and is it worth it to Get it in Minecraft ?:

1st netherite armor is hard to get you need diamond armor and netherite which you need 4 ancient debris which can be found very deep in the nether and so after that you wanna smelt it then get 4 gold ingot put in crafting table then done so first is it worth it to get it, if you want to be MORE O P than diamond sure I guess but there is many risk you have to take to get it as lava magma cubes and big ones are very deadly so yeah its hard to get but it is worth it and It is better than diamond as it has 1 + knock back armor so they get 1 + knock back as they will go farther than you so idk if that is good or not but it is better than diamonds so yeah good luck trying to get that as it is very hard to get it so is it worth it yes but there is many risk as the ones I just said and it is very O P as more op as these listings I am about to say right now: Leather Armor, Chain mail Armor, Iron Armor, Gold Armor And Diamond armor. So that is it with armor next one will probaraly be with tools and stuff maybe swords and other stuff so yeah and I am typing a lot so yeah I am going to take a break for now so yeah i am trying to get 3.5k words so I just need like 40 more words so yeah next is swords so I hope you will like that but 1st I am going to get 3 . 5 k words which is a lot just in 1 day and so uhmm ye that’s good bye.


How to be good at Minecraft: What are Helmets in Minecraft Java:

What are Helmets in Minecraft Java:

Helmets are armor In Minecraft Java you can use to protect your self but this is only the 3rd  best but the other will be later now there are 6 types of helmet in the game as leather chainmail gold iron diamond and even netherite so yeah those are the type of helmets there are in the game and helmets are armor and there is a best to worth kind of helmets in the game to.

What types of helmets are there in Minecraft java:

There 6 types of helmet in Minecraft there are leather helmet then chainmail helmet then golden helmet then iron helmet and diamond helmet and even netherite helmet now those are the 6 types of helmets there are in the game and the leather you can make the chainmail you can’t you have to find it the gold helmet you can the iron helmet you can diamond helmet you can and same with the netherite helmet you can also make netherite helmet so that is very good so that was the 6 types of helmets in Minecraft java so yeah that’s all of them so now I’m going to go to the next one I guess.

Is there a Worst to best kind of Helmets in Minecraft Java:

Yes there is a worst to best kinds of helmet in Minecraft java and there are 6 types of helmets the 1st Leather Helmet is a Helmet which you can get from 5 leather and it is the worst armor you can get right now in the game than having no armor so yeah then after you get 5 leather you want to go and put a crafting table down then place the 5 leather at the middle right middle left middle top and top right corner then top left corner then done that’s how you make leather helmet so then after you make leather helmet you can wear it and you can feel a little less scared than just going out without no armor at all so that is good and I suggest this if you just started the game or a server with your friends or with out yours friends or really any time if you just started so yeah this one is pretty good. Chainmail Helmet is a armor you can wear but only find it in the temple or the dungeon which is actually pretty rare or you can get it from a zombie or a skeleton or any mobs which wear armor because there might be a change dropping It with low durability but this one you can not make it or get it very easy this one might be the hardest but the netherite helmet or the diamond helmet will maybe be easier but I never know but  yeah that’s the chainmail armor so if you do get a chain mail helmet better keeping it in a chest because it is more better there than using it because it is pretty rare but it is your choice and if you get it I recommend keeping it than going for it and using it if you just started just go for the leather helmet than go for the rare helmet than you can lose any time. Golden Helmet is a armor which is actually pretty bad because gold is worst than iron now you may say why because iron may be easier but gold has another use for it than making armor and tools so gold is actually for golden apple or gapple if you want to call for short you need 8 golden ingot and  1 apple and to get golden ingot you get gold ore from the mine then smelt in the furnace then go to crafting table put the apple in the middle then 8 golden ingot all around it then done that’s how you make a golden apple or a gapple so yeah if you are making a golden helmet then I say don’t make it because it is not that good so yeah better of making leather armor or the next one which is going to be iron helmet so yeah just keep the golden helmet or you can use when you just started the game. Iron helmet is a helmet you can make from 5 iron ingot you can get from iron ore from your cave or somewhere and smelt it in the furnace then get the 5 iron ingot from the cave or you have some in your chest some where then go to a crafting table then place the 5 iron helmet to the middle top middle right middle left top right corner then top left corner then done that’s how you make a iron helmet so yeah that’s how you make it and if you just started the game I suggest just getting it if you just started or you are in the middle not to bad or not to good at the game so yeah that’s what it is. Diamond Helmet is a really good helmet you can get from 5 diamonds but you can only get it if you are very good at the game because you can only get it at y 11 so yeah and it is very rare as you can only get 1 – 10 if you find diamonds so yeah it is pretty hard getting diamonds so now that you some how have 5 diamonds go to a crafting table and this one you don’t have to go and smelt it in the furnace so that’s good now place the 5 diamonds place it at the middle top middle right middle left so yeah then place it at the top right corner then top left corner then done that’s how you make diamond helmet and if you are late game then I suggest this because it is a pretty late game item because it is very hard to get it so yeah that’s what I suggest now there is something better than a diamond helmet but a diamond helmet is still very good then now onto the next one I guess. Netherite Helmet is a helmet which is very hard to get because it need a diamond helmet and a netherite ingot so that is very hard now get 5 diamonds place the 5 diamonds at the middle top and middle right and middle left and top right corner then top left corner then done that’s how you make a diamond helmet then get 1 netherite ingot in the nether now go very deep but the nether is lie 75% lava so that is very dangerous digging down so yeah make sure to be careful and when you are mining you have to get 4 ancient wood but again you have to be careful of lava and mobs as piglins and pig piglins and magma cubes so be careful then after that get 4 golden ingot to then make the 4 ancient wood smelt then ancient ingot then go to a crafting table place the ancient ingot at one side then the 4 golden ingot in one of the other sides or use the green book then get 4 oak planks and 2 iron ingot put the 4 oak planks like a crafting table then 2 iron ingot on top then done make a smithing table place it down place the diamond helmet in one side the then netherite ingot In the other side then your good now that you made a netherite helmet the best one you made that’s it so yeah that’s it really ok onto the next one I guess.


How good is a Leather helmet and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java:

Leather Helmet is a Helmet which you can get from 5 leather and it is the worst armor you can get right now in the game than having no armor so yeah then after you get 5 leather you want to go and put a crafting table down then place the 5 leather at the middle right middle left middle top and top right corner then top left corner then done that’s how you make leather helmet so then after you make leather helmet you can wear it and you can feel a little less scared than just going out without no armor at all so that is good and I suggest this if you just started the game or a server with your friends or with out yours friends or really any time if you just started so yeah this one is pretty good.

How good is a Chain mail helmet and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java:

friends or with out yours friends or really any time if you just started so yeah this one is pretty good. Chainmail Helmet is a armor you can wear but only find it in the temple or the dungeon which is actually pretty rare or you can get it from a zombie or a skeleton or any mobs which wear armor because there might be a change dropping It with low durability but this one you can not make it or get it very easy this one might be the hardest but the netherite helmet or the diamond helmet will maybe be easier but I never know but  yeah that’s the chainmail armor so if you do get a chain mail helmet better keeping it in a chest because it is more better there than using it because it is pretty rare but it is your choice and if you get it I recommend keeping it than going for it and using it if you just started just go for the leather helmet than go for the rare helmet than you can lose any time.



How good is a Golden Helmet and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java:

Golden Helmet is a armor which is actually pretty bad because gold is worst than iron now you may say why because iron may be easier but gold has another use for it than making armor and tools so gold is actually for golden apple or gapple if you want to call for short you need 8 golden ingot and  1 apple and to get golden ingot you get gold ore from the mine then smelt in the furnace then go to crafting table put the apple in the middle then 8 golden ingot all around it then done that’s how you make a golden apple or a gapple so yeah if you are making a golden helmet then I say don’t make it because it is not that good so yeah better of making leather armor or the next one which is going to be iron helmet so yeah just keep the golden helmet or you can use when you just started the game.


How good is a Iron Helmet and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java:

Iron helmet is a helmet you can make from 5 iron ingot you can get from iron ore from your cave or somewhere and smelt it in the furnace then get the 5 iron ingot from the cave or you have some in your chest some where then go to a crafting table then place the 5 iron helmet to the middle top middle right middle left top right corner then top left corner then done that’s how you make a iron helmet so yeah that’s how you make it and if you just started the game I suggest just getting it if you just started or you are in the middle not to bad or not to good at the game so yeah that’s what it is.


How good is a Diamond Helmet and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java:

Diamond Helmet is a really good helmet you can get from 5 diamonds but you can only get it if you are very good at the game because you can only get it at y 11 so yeah and it is very rare as you can only get 1 – 10 if you find diamonds so yeah it is pretty hard getting diamonds so now that you some how have 5 diamonds go to a crafting table and this one you don’t have to go and smelt it in the furnace so that’s good now place the 5 diamonds place it at the middle top middle right middle left so yeah then place it at the top right corner then top left corner then done that’s how you make diamond helmet and if you are late game then I suggest this because it is a pretty late game item because it is very hard to get it so yeah that’s what I suggest now there is something better than a diamond helmet but a diamond helmet is still very good then now onto the next one I guess.

How good is a Netherite Helmet and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java:

Netherite Helmet is a helmet which is very hard to get because it need a diamond helmet and a netherite ingot so that is very hard now get 5 diamonds place the 5 diamonds at the middle top and middle right and middle left and top right corner then top left corner then done that’s how you make a diamond helmet then get 1 netherite ingot in the nether now go very deep but the nether is lie 75% lava so that is very dangerous digging down so yeah make sure to be careful and when you are mining you have to get 4 ancient wood but again you have to be careful of lava and mobs as piglins and pig piglins and magma cubes so be careful then after that get 4 golden ingot to then make the 4 ancient wood smelt then ancient ingot then go to a crafting table place the ancient ingot at one side then the 4 golden ingot in one of the other sides or use the green book then get 4 oak planks and 2 iron ingot put the 4 oak planks like a crafting table then 2 iron ingot on top then done make a smithing table place it down place the diamond helmet in one side the then netherite ingot In the other side then your good now that you made a netherite helmet the best one you made that’s it so yeah that’s it really ok onto the next one I guess.




How to be good at Minecraft Java: What is a Chest plate in Minecraft Java?

What is a Chest plate in Minecraft Java?

Chest plate is a Armor in Minecraft Java which you can wear and feel more safer than just going outside than just going outside in the wild with no armor and chest plate is the best armor you can get or use in the game so you need most material to make it of course so yeah it will be harder to make a chest plate I hope the below stuff will help you and chest plate need 8 material to make it so it is a little harder making it but it is the best getting it so make sure to read if you don’t know.

How many types of Chest plate are there in Minecraft Java:

There Are 6 Types of chest plates in Minecraft Java the 1st one is Leather armor then chain mail armor then iron armor then golden armor then diamond armor then netherite armor so yeah there are 6 types of armor now if you are going to ask is there a worst to best armor and yes there is a worst to best armor in chest plate so yeah its going to be the next one after this so im going to go do that right now and chest plate is the best armor you can get because it requires 8 material to make it while the others take less so yeah that’s a tip right there so im going to go and do the next right now.

Is there a worst to best types of chest plate are there in Minecraft Java:

Yes there is a worst to best types of chest plate and there is going to be right now so yeah if you don’t know the worst to best of chest plate just read below and you will learn worst to best.   Leather Chest plate is the easiest chest plate to make as you only need to get 8 leather which you can easily get from cows and cows drop 0 – 2 leather when you kill them so that is good so how do you make it well get oak wood press E turn into oak planks turn into crafting table place it down then place the 8 leather at the middle then bottom middle then middle right then middle left then top right corner then top left corner then bottom right corner then bottom left  corner then done that’s how you make the leather chest plate the easiest chest plate to make because you only need to kill cows to get it and it is the worst because it is the easiest of course and it only gives you 1 armor health I think I am not sure but I think so anyways on to the next one I guess so yeah on to. Chain Mail chest plate is a little better than leather but to get chain mail armor can be only able to get from dungeons or mobs like zombie skeleton or any mob which wear armor and if they wear chain mail armor there is a chance it will drop but it is not worth it using it because it is very hard to get so better of keeping it than using it because it is very hard to get but back then you can just craft it and so yeah like in a different version you were able to craft chain mail armor like chest plate but you can’t so yeah just keep on it than use it so yeah that what I say don’t use it if you are able to get it because it is very hard to get because it is hard and if it breaks you just broke something rare yeah. Golden Chest plate is a pretty bad one because bad because gold is worst than iron now you may say why because iron may be easier but gold has another use for it than making armor and tools so gold is actually for golden apple or gapple if you want to call for short you need 8 golden ingot and  1 apple and to get golden ingot you get gold ore from the mine then smelt in the furnace then go to crafting table put the apple in the middle then 8 golden ingot all around it then done that’s how you make a golden apple or a gapple so yeah if you are making a golden Chest plate then I say don’t make it because it is not that good so yeah better of making leather armor or the next one which is going to be iron helmet so yeah just keep the golden Chest plate or you can use when you just started the game so yeah so I say if you got it just use it because you have no use for it and it is not as rare as chain mail armor so just use it but if you are making it I say don’t because it is very bad making it so yeah on to the next one I guess so that was golden chest plate on to the next one I say. Iron Chest plate is armor which is actually good now you need 8 iron ingot which you can get from the spare iron you have or going to your mine and getting it so yeah go to your mine get 8 iron ore then go smelt the iron ore into iron ingot now you get 8 iron ingot now go to your crafting table you have or go to your home then use the crafting now place your 8 iron ingot at the middle then middle right then middle left then middle bottom then top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done that’s how you make it and if you just started the game I suggest getting this because 1st off it is better than leather and gold and chain mail so yeah if you just started the game or started a server I suggest getting it as iron ore is very not hard to get because you don’t have to go really deep so yeah if you are in the middle term of the game and you don’t have this iron armor then go get it because it is very good for you if you are middle or start. Diamond Chest plate is a armor which is actually really hard to get because you can only get it from y 11 which is very deep because y 10 is where lava is so you want to be careful so best bet to go is making stairs so then you don’t fall down so yeah do that instead of just digging down or if you are risky the go dig down but your choice so yeah  and when you go down to diamond level it gets even harder because it is rare for them to spawn and only 0 – 10 can be spawned in 1 area and 10 is very rare to get the average is to get 4 – 6 so yeah and If you get higher than it you are lucky but if you get lower than I consider that un lucky but still lucky because diamond is rare to get now you need 8 diamonds so after you get 8 diamonds you want to get all the way to the top to your crafting table then after that place your 8 diamonds at the middle then middle bottom then middle right then middle left then top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done that’s how you make diamond chest plate and there is something better than diamond yes the legendary netherite anyways if you are in the late game and you don’t have diamonds then I suggest getting diamonds but they are super  good for the late game so do that instead ok anyways im going to do the next one which is netherite chest plate yay on to the next. Netherite Chest plate is the best Chest plate you can make in the game because it is the hardest to make you need 1 netherite ingot now it may seem not that hard but it is hard because you need to go to the nether and if you go the nether remember like 75% is lava so be careful now dig down then go to a very deep level then go find netherite and only 6 are in 1 chunk yes 16 by 16 16 x 16 that’s a lot so yeah you need 4 ancient wood then after you get that which is very hard there are mobs yes piglins baby piglins and pig piglins and magma cube so yeah and if you don’t want piglins killing you wear golden boots then done with the pig piglins and magma cube there is no way getting them not to kill you then after you get 4 ancient wood get 4 golden ingot then after that go to the surface make a furnace cook the 4 ancient wood then you get ancient debris then after that go to a crafting table or make one then place the 4 ancient debris on one side then the 4 golden ingot on the other side or use the green book then done now go make smithing table get 4 oak wood then 2 iron ingot place the 4 oak planks like a crafting table then the 2 iron ingot on top so yeah make sure to do that then place it down then did I say you can only mine ancient wood with diamond pickaxe nope then now place the smithing table down then get a diamond chest plate put the diamond chest plate on 1 side then the netherite ingot on the other side then done you made your self a netherite chest plate the best chest plate in the game which is the hardest to get and if you are at the very late game I suggest getting this as it is the best chest plate in the game so yeah and you need to be very patient anyways im going to do the next thing if this help thank and no problem anyways on to the next one.


How good is a Leather Chest plate and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java?

Leather Chest plate is the easiest chest plate to make as you only need to get 8 leather which you can easily get from cows and cows drop 0 – 2 leather when you kill them so that is good so how do you make it well get oak wood press E turn into oak planks turn into crafting table place it down then place the 8 leather at the middle then bottom middle then middle right then middle left then top right corner then top left corner then bottom right corner then bottom left  corner then done that’s how you make the leather chest plate the easiest chest plate to make because you only need to kill cows to get it and it is the worst because it is the easiest of course and it only gives you 1 armor health I think I am not sure but I think so anyways on to the next one I guess so yeah on to.


How good is Chain mail chest plate and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java?

Chain Mail chest plate is a little better than leather but to get chain mail armor can be only able to get from dungeons or mobs like zombie skeleton or any mob which wear armor and if they wear chain mail armor there is a chance it will drop but it is not worth it using it because it is very hard to get so better of keeping it than using it because it is very hard to get but back then you can just craft it and so yeah like in a different version you were able to craft chain mail armor like chest plate but you can’t so yeah just keep on it than use it so yeah that what I say don’t use it if you are able to get it because it is very hard to get because it is hard and if it breaks you just broke something rare yeah.


How good is Golden chest plate and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java?

Golden Chest plate is a pretty bad one because bad because gold is worst than iron now you may say why because iron may be easier but gold has another use for it than making armor and tools so gold is actually for golden apple or gapple if you want to call for short you need 8 golden ingot and  1 apple and to get golden ingot you get gold ore from the mine then smelt in the furnace then go to crafting table put the apple in the middle then 8 golden ingot all around it then done that’s how you make a golden apple or a gapple so yeah if you are making a golden Chest plate then I say don’t make it because it is not that good so yeah better of making leather armor or the next one which is going to be iron helmet so yeah just keep the golden Chest plate or you can use when you just started the game so yeah so I say if you got it just use it because you have no use for it and it is not as rare as chain mail armor so just use it but if you are making it I say don’t because it is very bad making it so yeah on to the next one I guess so that was golden chest plate on to the next one I say.


How good is Iron Chest plate and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java?

Iron Chest plate is armor which is actually good now you need 8 iron ingot which you can get from the spare iron you have or going to your mine and getting it so yeah go to your mine get 8 iron ore then go smelt the iron ore into iron ingot now you get 8 iron ingot now go to your crafting table you have or go to your home then use the crafting now place your 8 iron ingot at the middle then middle right then middle left then middle bottom then top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done that’s how you make it and if you just started the game I suggest getting this because 1st off it is better than leather and gold and chain mail so yeah if you just started the game or started a server I suggest getting it as iron ore is very not hard to get because you don’t have to go really deep so yeah if you are in the middle term of the game and you don’t have this iron armor then go get it because it is very good for you if you are middle or start.


How good is Diamond Chest plate and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java?

Diamond Chest plate is a armor which is actually really hard to get because you can only get it from y 11 which is very deep because y 10 is where lava is so you want to be careful so best bet to go is making stairs so then you don’t fall down so yeah do that instead of just digging down or if you are risky the go dig down but your choice so yeah  and when you go down to diamond level it gets even harder because it is rare for them to spawn and only 0 – 10 can be spawned in 1 area and 10 is very rare to get the average is to get 4 – 6 so yeah and If you get higher than it you are lucky but if you get lower than I consider that un lucky but still lucky because diamond is rare to get now you need 8 diamonds so after you get 8 diamonds you want to get all the way to the top to your crafting table then after that place your 8 diamonds at the middle then middle bottom then middle right then middle left then top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done that’s how you make diamond chest plate and there is something better than diamond yes the legendary netherite anyways if you are in the late game and you don’t have diamonds then I suggest getting diamonds but they are super  good for the late game so do that instead ok anyways im going to do the next one which is netherite chest plate yay on to the next.

Did you know there is something better than Diamonds In Minecraft ! ! :


How good is Netherite Chest plate is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java?

Netherite Chest plate is the best Chest plate you can make in the game because it is the hardest to make you need 1 netherite ingot now it may seem not that hard but it is hard because you need to go to the nether and if you go the nether remember like 75% is lava so be careful now dig down then go to a very deep level then go find netherite and only 6 are in 1 chunk yes 16 by 16 16 x 16 that’s a lot so yeah you need 4 ancient wood then after you get that which is very hard there are mobs yes piglins baby piglins and pig piglins and magma cube so yeah and if you don’t want piglins killing you wear golden boots then done with the pig piglins and magma cube there is no way getting them not to kill you then after you get 4 ancient wood get 4 golden ingot then after that go to the surface make a furnace cook the 4 ancient wood then you get ancient debris then after that go to a crafting table or make one then place the 4 ancient debris on one side then the 4 golden ingot on the other side or use the green book then done now go make smithing table get 4 oak wood then 2 iron ingot place the 4 oak planks like a crafting table then the 2 iron ingot on top so yeah make sure to do that then place it down then did I say you can only mine ancient wood with diamond pickaxe nope then now place the smithing table down then get a diamond chest plate put the diamond chest plate on 1 side then the netherite ingot on the other side then done you made your self a netherite chest plate the best chest plate in the game which is the hardest to get and if you are at the very late game I suggest getting this as it is the best chest plate in the game so yeah and you need to be very patient anyways im going to do the next thing if this help thank and no problem anyways on to the next one.



How to be good at Minecraft Java: What are leggings in Minecraft Java?

What are leggings in Minecraft Java?

Leggings is a armor piece which you can get by using 7 material of the leggings material as it can be made out of leather or chain mail or iron or gold diamond and even netherite so yeah if you don’t know about leggings then read all of this and this is the 2nd hardest set to make because you need 7 materials to make it so yeah I hope you enjoy this leggings is spend so long making these because it takes thousands and a lot of words to make these so yeah on to the next one I guess.

How many types of Leggings are there in Minecraft Java?
There are 6 types of Leggings in Minecraft Java and there is leather chain mail gold and iron and diamond and netherite so yeah they are op and if you ask is there a bad to best type of leggings in Minecraft Well there is a worst to best type of leggings in Minecraft Java so yeah it should be the next one which is going to be worst to best and the worst to best is leather leggings then chain mail leggings then iron leggings then golden leggings then diamond leggings then netherite leggings so yeah I’m going to go and do the next one ok on to the next one I guess on to the next one I guess.



Is there a worst to best type of leggings in Minecraft Java?

There are actually a worst to best type of leggings in Minecraft Java there are 6 types of leggings and there is a worst to best type of leggings so yeah the first one will be on this one right now so yeah. Leather Leggings are the worst leggings you can get but at least it is more safer than going outside with nothing gear on so yeah this one you need 7 leather which you can get 0 – 2 leather per cow you kill but its all matter about luck now once you got 7 leather this type of leggings you don’t have to cook and you only need the leather now get a oak wood press E turn into oak planks then turn into crafting table then after that you want to place it down then place the 7 leather the at the middle top middle right middle left top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done that’s how you make leather leggings now how do I say is it worth it or not well I say this is worth it if you just started because if you just started the game and you have nothing to wear this is the one to make or go because 1st of it is better going out side with no armor or going outside with at least a piece of armor to make you a little less dead so yeah I say its worth it if you just started the game or started a server with you or friends or just started basically anything so yeah if this one help I will go on to the next one so yeah on to the next one. Chain mail Leggings are leggings which you can only get from mobs which wear armor like zombies or skeleton or you can get them by finding a dungeon not just is It rare finding it but it is even rarer seeing them on mobs or finding them in dungeons and mobs only wear golden or iron or leather but if they wear chain mail there maybe not even a chance it will drop down so yeah not just is it super rare it is super terrible so yeah if you just started the server then I suggest if you have this then keep it because it could actually be worth something and not nothing and also back then in a different version you can craft chain mail but not this version future version you have to go back to a different version which I don’t know so yeah if you are going to try to get chain mail armor better off just not getting it and if you do just keep it you can maybe get something out of it so yeah I say not worth it even if you just started so yeah just keep it because if you are in a server with your friends you can maybe trade it for something or not depending if count it valuable or not so yeah I hope this help I am going to go to the next one I guess so yeah I’m going to just go too the next one I guess so yeah. Golden Leggings are leggings which are actually really bad because gold has another use than swords or armor because gold is actually used for golden apples or people can say for short gapples so yeah and how do you make it well you need 1 apple and 8 golden ingot so go to your mine and get 8 gold ore then after that you want to smelt it then after you smelt the 8 golden ingot you want to get 1 apple then after you get 1 apple and 8 golden ingot you want to go and make a crafting table or place one or just go to one then after that you want to go place 1 apple at the middle then the 8 golden ingot around it in the crafting table and then boom you have yourself a golden apple or gapples so yeah if you are making gapples I say its worth it but if you are making like golden leggings or tools or armor I say not worth it so its better off making leather armor so yeah make sure you don’t make these because it is bad because it is not worth it making it so yeah I guess on to the next one and also if you just started the game I say not worth it just keep it or use it if you found it but never make it so yeah don’t make it but if you find it and you don’t have armor better than gold like leather just use it because you have no use for it but if you are going to make then I say its not worth making it because gold is worse than iron and gold is harder to get than iron so yeah on to the next. Iron Leggings are better than gold because I just said it on top before the anyways iron leggings are actually better than gold chain mail and leather ok so how do you make this iron legging well 1st you need to go and  get 7 iron ore from your mine or you already have it or you have the iron ingot but if you don’t then go to the cave and get 7 iron ore then after that you want to smelt the 7 iron ore then you got 7 iron ingot then make a crafting table or go to one or place one down then place the 7 iron ingot put 1 at the middle top then 1 at the middle right then 1 at the middle left then 1 at the top right corner then 1 at the top left corner then 1 at the bottom left corner then 1 at the bottom right corner then done that’s how you make iron leggings then would I suggest thing well yes if you have the iron to make this and you just started I say its worth getting it because 1st of it is very easy and it is better than nothing and better than gold chain mail and leather so yeah if you have the iron make this because is good than using it and it gives good armor health and it has good durability so you can keep it for a long time before it breaks so yeah make sure to make iron leggings or any iron. Diamond Leggings are really good leggings which are really hard to get because you can only get them at y 11 and at y 10 there are lava so you want to be careful because you might fall down and die because of the lava so you want to be careful so bring blocks and water bucket or just dig diagonal or just dig straight down if you are lazy and it takes to long for you to dig diagonal so yeah then again diamonds are mostly below lava and there could only be 0 – 10 diamonds and the average is 4 – 6 and if you found more than 6 diamonds in 1 finding then that’s lucky but if you find less than 4 well your unlucky but you are lucky because again it is diamonds are rare to get so yeah it’s a win even if you get little so yeah now once you get 7 diamonds you want to go to your home or make a crafting table or place one or go to your home and go to your crafting table then place the 7 diamonds at the middle top then 1 at the middle left then 1 at the middle right then 1 at the top right corner then 1 at the top left corner then 1 at the bottom left corner then 1 at the bottom right corner then done that’s how you make diamond leggings and you can only mine the diamonds with iron pickaxe or higher like diamond pickaxe or netherite pickaxe so yeah and so yeah that’s it so do I say its worth it I say yes if you are in the late game like you have iron armor and you have been playing for pretty long time then I say its worth getting it because if you are thinking to fight the wither get diamond armor because if you don’t then its maybe going to kill you if you have no good gear so I say this one is worth getting it if you are in the late game so yeah make sure to get it if you are in the late game so yeah I hope you enjoy this one now did you know there is something better than diamond yes netherite and yes netherite is better than diamond so on to netherite one yay. Netherite Leggings are really good leggings or you can say the best leggings in the game so yeah now why is this the best leggings in the game well 1st of to get netherite the only way is to go and go to the nether and dig down and make sure to be careful because then nether is like 75% lava so yeah you want to be careful then after that you want to go down and get 4 ancient wood and not just is that the only risk it is very rare as only 6 or 5 in every chunk yes 16 by 16 16 x 16 which is a lot so yeah you need to be very patient not just that you also need to be careful because mobs spawn there as piglins or pig piglins or magma cubes and baby piglins but how do you avoid the piglins well you need to wear golden boots but the pig piglins and magma cubes will still kill you because there are no way to be able to make them not able to attack you because they are real killer mobs so yeah you just have to kill them manually so yeah now after you got 4 ancient debris you need to smelt it in the furnace now after you smelt it in the furnace you need to get 4 golden ingot now then after that go make a crafting table or go place one or go to one then place the ancient debris on one side then the golden ingot on the other side now go make netherite ingot or just use the green book then now get 4 oak planks and 2 iron ingot then go to a crafting table then place the 4 oak planks like a crafting table then place 2 iron ingot on top then done smithing table place it down then get diamond leggings place it on one slot then the netherite ingot on the other slot then done netherite leggings now do I say its worth it well I say it is worth it if you are at the very late game because it is very hard to get so yeah if you are going to the end I say this worth it because you really need to get good at wear good things to defeat something very hard to defeat so yeah I say this one is worth it if you have the patient so yeah that’s the netherite leggings on to the next one I guess so yeah.


How good is Leather Leggings and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java:

Leather Leggings are the worst leggings you can get but at least it is more safer than going outside with nothing gear on so yeah this one you need 7 leather which you can get 0 – 2 leather per cow you kill but its all matter about luck now once you got 7 leather this type of leggings you don’t have to cook and you only need the leather now get a oak wood press E turn into oak planks then turn into crafting table then after that you want to place it down then place the 7 leather the at the middle top middle right middle left top right corner then top left corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done that’s how you make leather leggings now how do I say is it worth it or not well I say this is worth it if you just started because if you just started the game and you have nothing to wear this is the one to make or go because 1st of it is better going out side with no armor or going outside with at least a piece of armor to make you a little less dead so yeah I say its worth it if you just started the game or started a server with you or friends or just started basically anything so yeah if this one help I will go on to the next one so yeah on to the next one.


How good is Chain mail Leggings and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java:

Chain mail Leggings are leggings which you can only get from mobs which wear armor like zombies or skeleton or you can get them by finding a dungeon not just is It rare finding it but it is even rarer seeing them on mobs or finding them in dungeons and mobs only wear golden or iron or leather but if they wear chain mail there maybe not even a chance it will drop down so yeah not just is it super rare it is super terrible so yeah if you just started the server then I suggest if you have this then keep it because it could actually be worth something and not nothing and also back then in a different version you can craft chain mail but not this version future version you have to go back to a different version which I don’t know so yeah if you are going to try to get chain mail armor better off just not getting it and if you do just keep it you can maybe get something out of it so yeah I say not worth it even if you just started so yeah just keep it because if you are in a server with your friends you can maybe trade it for something or not depending if count it valuable or not so yeah I hope this help I am going to go to the next one I guess so yeah I’m going to just go too the next one I guess so yeah.


How good is Golden Leggings and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java:

Golden Leggings are leggings which are actually really bad because gold has another use than swords or armor because gold is actually used for golden apples or people can say for short gapples so yeah and how do you make it well you need 1 apple and 8 golden ingot so go to your mine and get 8 gold ore then after that you want to smelt it then after you smelt the 8 golden ingot you want to get 1 apple then after you get 1 apple and 8 golden ingot you want to go and make a crafting table or place one or just go to one then after that you want to go place 1 apple at the middle then the 8 golden ingot around it in the crafting table and then boom you have yourself a golden apple or gapples so yeah if you are making gapples I say its worth it but if you are making like golden leggings or tools or armor I say not worth it so its better off making leather armor so yeah make sure you don’t make these because it is bad because it is not worth it making it so yeah I guess on to the next one and also if you just started the game I say not worth it just keep it or use it if you found it but never make it so yeah don’t make it but if you find it and you don’t have armor better than gold like leather just use it because you have no use for it but if you are going to make then I say its not worth making it because gold is worse than iron and gold is harder to get than iron so yeah on to the next.


How good is Iron Leggings and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java:

Iron Leggings are better than gold because I just said it on top before the anyways iron leggings are actually better than gold chain mail and leather ok so how do you make this iron legging well 1st you need to go and  get 7 iron ore from your mine or you already have it or you have the iron ingot but if you don’t then go to the cave and get 7 iron ore then after that you want to smelt the 7 iron ore then you got 7 iron ingot then make a crafting table or go to one or place one down then place the 7 iron ingot put 1 at the middle top then 1 at the middle right then 1 at the middle left then 1 at the top right corner then 1 at the top left corner then 1 at the bottom left corner then 1 at the bottom right corner then done that’s how you make iron leggings then would I suggest thing well yes if you have the iron to make this and you just started I say its worth getting it because 1st of it is very easy and it is better than nothing and better than gold chain mail and leather so yeah if you have the iron make this because is good than using it and it gives good armor health and it has good durability so you can keep it for a long time before it breaks so yeah make sure to make iron leggings or any iron.

How good is Diamond Leggings and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java:

Diamond Leggings are really good leggings which are really hard to get because you can only get them at y 11 and at y 10 there are lava so you want to be careful because you might fall down and die because of the lava so you want to be careful so bring blocks and water bucket or just dig diagonal or just dig straight down if you are lazy and it takes to long for you to dig diagonal so yeah then again diamonds are mostly below lava and there could only be 0 – 10 diamonds and the average is 4 – 6 and if you found more than 6 diamonds in 1 finding then that’s lucky but if you find less than 4 well your unlucky but you are lucky because again it is diamonds are rare to get so yeah it’s a win even if you get little so yeah now once you get 7 diamonds you want to go to your home or make a crafting table or place one or go to your home and go to your crafting table then place the 7 diamonds at the middle top then 1 at the middle left then 1 at the middle right then 1 at the top right corner then 1 at the top left corner then 1 at the bottom left corner then 1 at the bottom right corner then done that’s how you make diamond leggings and you can only mine the diamonds with iron pickaxe or higher like diamond pickaxe or netherite pickaxe so yeah and so yeah that’s it so do I say its worth it I say yes if you are in the late game like you have iron armor and you have been playing for pretty long time then I say its worth getting it because if you are thinking to fight the wither get diamond armor because if you don’t then its maybe going to kill you if you have no good gear so I say this one is worth getting it if you are in the late game so yeah make sure to get it if you are in the late game so yeah I hope you enjoy this one now did you know there is something better than diamond yes netherite and yes netherite is better than diamond so on to netherite one yay.

Did you know there is something better than Diamonds In Minecraft ! ! :


How good is Netherite Leggings and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java:

Netherite Leggings are really good leggings or you can say the best leggings in the game so yeah now why is this the best leggings in the game well 1st of to get netherite the only way is to go and go to the nether and dig down and make sure to be careful because then nether is like 75% lava so yeah you want to be careful then after that you want to go down and get 4 ancient wood and not just is that the only risk it is very rare as only 6 or 5 in every chunk yes 16 by 16 16 x 16 which is a lot so yeah you need to be very patient not just that you also need to be careful because mobs spawn there as piglins or pig piglins or magma cubes and baby piglins but how do you avoid the piglins well you need to wear golden boots but the pig piglins and magma cubes will still kill you because there are no way to be able to make them not able to attack you because they are real killer mobs so yeah you just have to kill them manually so yeah now after you got 4 ancient debris you need to smelt it in the furnace now after you smelt it in the furnace you need to get 4 golden ingot now then after that go make a crafting table or go place one or go to one then place the ancient debris on one side then the golden ingot on the other side now go make netherite ingot or just use the green book then now get 4 oak planks and 2 iron ingot then go to a crafting table then place the 4 oak planks like a crafting table then place 2 iron ingot on top then done smithing table place it down then get diamond leggings place it on one slot then the netherite ingot on the other slot then done netherite leggings now do I say its worth it well I say it is worth it if you are at the very late game because it is very hard to get so yeah if you are going to the end I say this worth it because you really need to get good at wear good things to defeat something very hard to defeat so yeah I say this one is worth it if you have the patient so yeah that’s the netherite leggings on to the next one I guess so yeah.



How to be good at Minecraft Java: What is boots in Minecraft Java?

What are boots in Minecraft Java?

Boots are part of armor pieces and there are 6 types of them In Minecraft So yeah and you can wear them for your boots and fun fact if you wear boots you take less damage when they hurt you and when you fall off a higher place you take less damage so yeah that’s a fun fact from boots you  can wear for armor so yeah and there is 6 types of boots in Minecraft and it is leather then chain mail and gold and iron and diamonds and even netherite bet you never heard that ok now I’m going to do the next one so yeah In going to do the next one so yeah on to the next one ok I guess I’m going to.

How many types of Boots are there in Minecraft Java?

There are 6 types of boots in Minecraft Java actually so yeah there are a 6 and those 6 are Leather Chain mail and gold and iron and diamond and netherite boots so yeah and they can be use to help you take less damage so yeah that’s what boots are for and actually boots and the easiest armor piece to make as you only need 4 material to make it so it is way easier and it does less armor health so yeah that’s some facts about boots and if you take damage you take less damage and also you take less damage if you fall down if you are wearing boots so yeah now we know that there are 6 types of boots and there is leather chain mail iron gold diamond and netherite boots so yeah next.

Is there a worst to best type of boots in Minecraft Java?

Yes there is a worst to best type of boots and if you do want some facts just read if you want to. There are 6 types of boots in Minecraft Java actually so yeah there are a 6 and those 6 are Leather Chain mail and gold and iron and diamond and netherite boots so yeah and they can be use to help you take less damage so yeah that’s what boots are for and actually boots and the easiest armor piece to make as you only need 4 material to make it so it is way easier and it does less armor health so yeah that’s some facts about boots and if you take damage you take less damage and also you take less damage if you fall down if you are wearing boots so yeah now we know that there are 6 types of boots and there is leather chain mail iron gold diamond and netherite boots. So yeah that’s some facts about them so now we are going to talk about worst to best type of boots so yeah enjoy. Leather Boots and boots which you can wear to take less damage from falling and take less damage when a mob hits you so yeah the boots have 2 good things the only bad thing it’s the worst one because it is the easiest to make so it gives the least amount of armor health so that is one thing to think about to so yeah and so how do you make leather boots well leather boots you don’t need to smelt or do anything hard just find some cows which should be around you but if not try to find some then after that you get leather and beef use that beef to eat and the leather is the one we want to use to make that leather boots now get 4 leather which shouldn’t be to hard then get 1 oak wood then press E turn into oak planks then make a crafting table then place it down now you want to place your 4 leather at the middle right and middle left and bottom right corner and bottom left corner then done that’s how you make leather boots now do I suggest them yes or no well here is something it is the worst one to make as it is the easiest to make but I do suggest them if you just started the game because if you just started the game or started a server with your friends or not I suggest making these because the next one you need to make is iron so better off making leather then later making iron armor so yeah make leather armor first so yeah now we are going to do the next one but the next one you can’t craft so yeah be ware of that if you didn’t know that so yeah. Chain mail boots are boots but with a twists but it is better than leather but worse than gold and iron and more but chain mail armor can not be crafted yes it can not be crafted you can only get them from mobs which so yeah mobs which wear armor like skeleton and zombie those can wear armor and its even rarer them wearing armor and its even more rare them wearing chain mail armor and even more rarer than it might drop so you have a lot of risk to do so yeah you need to be very patient and if you get it when you just started the game keep it because it might be worth something than its durability and bad because it is very bad worst than iron and it is way harder to get than iron and others so yeah better of using leather or iron so yeah and by the way you can also find them at dungeons but those are like super hard to get to so yeah and its even rarer trying to find it there because it is rare them spawning in dungeons so yeah I say if you get it don’t use it and if you did got it then don’t use it but if you are trying to get it don’t get it because it is not worth it so yeah don’t get it because you can maybe get a diamond gear 1 of them in the time spam of trying to get chain mail armor because chain mail are super hard to get so yeah better of keeping it so yeah and back then you can make it so yeah and you have to change version to be able to craft them but you can’t craft them today so yeah I say don’t get it but if you do then don’t use it ok that’s it on to the next. Golden boots are very bad boots because gold are worst than iron but gold are harder to get because gold is actually have another use for it than using it for armor and tools and other stuff so yeah now I’m going to tell you what gold is actually used for and gold is actually used for golden apples or gapples for short and so yeah and now we know what it is called now we want to know how do you make it well it does heal you so it is kind a expensive so yeah so now you want to go and get 1 apple from the tree now go to your mine or go to your chest with valuable and get 8 gold ingot or 8 gold ore but If you don’t then go mine and get 8 gold ore then smelt it now you have 8 gold ingot now how do you make it well make a crafting table or go to one or just place one then place the apple in the middle then after that you want to place the 8 gold ingot around it so then it will be golden apple or gapple for short then done that’s how you make it now It does heal you so it should be worth it now do I say its worth it or not to make it but if you find a golden stuff and you don’t have stuff better than it use it but if you are going to make it then no don’t make it only find it so yeah that my tip so now we know that gold has another used for it and its not use for to make armor or tools so yeah that is about golden boots so now I am going to do iron boots so yeah time to do it. Iron boots are armor pieces and it is very good because it is the 3rd best boot piece you can get and the other ones are bad so yeah now how do you make iron boots well this is how you make it well 1st go to your mine or chest and get your 4 iron ingot but if not then go to your mine and try to find 4 iron ore and it should not be to hard as it is very easy because iron is not that hard to get because iron is not very low and its near to the surface maybe I don’t know pretty not that low to find it so yeah you can maybe dig diagonal or down if you are to lazy to get iron so yeah then after you get 4 iron ingot you want to go and smelt it in your furnace with coal then after you wait you will get 4 iron ingot then after you get 4 iron ingot you want to make a crafting table or go to one or just place one then after that you want to place your 4 iron ingot at the middle right middle left bottom right corner and bottom left corner then done that’s how you make iron boots then done that’s how you make it then now do I suggest it this of course yes because iron boots and better than nothing and if you just started and found a iron gear that is very good because it can make you survive for good amount of time and it has good durability so then you don’t have to keep making it and so yeah that’s good and so yeah I say its good if you just started the game or you are at the middle term of the game so yeah anyways I am going to go do it now so yeah on to the next one I guess so yeah. Diamond Boots are really good boots which are really hard to get because you can only get them at y 11 and at y 10 there are lava so you want to be careful because you might fall down and die because of the lava so you want to be careful so bring blocks and water bucket or just dig diagonal or just dig straight down if you are lazy and it takes to long for you to dig diagonal so yeah then again diamonds are mostly below lava and there could only be 0 – 10 diamonds and the average is 4 – 6 and if you found more than 6 diamonds in 1 finding then that’s lucky but if you find less than 4 well your unlucky but you are lucky because again it is diamonds are rare to get so yeah it’s a win even if you get little so yeah now once you get 4 diamonds you want to go to your home or make a crafting table or place one or go to your home and go to your crafting table then place the 7 diamonds at the Middle right then middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done that’s how you make diamond boots and you can only mine the diamonds with iron pickaxe or higher like diamond pickaxe or netherite pickaxe so yeah and so yeah that’s it so do I say its worth it I say yes if you are in the late game like you have iron armor and you have been playing for pretty long time then I say its worth getting it because if you are thinking to fight the wither get diamond armor because if you don’t then its maybe going to kill you if you have no good gear so I say this one is worth getting it if you are in the late game so yeah make sure to get it if you are in the late game so yeah I hope you enjoy this one now did you know there is something better than diamond yes netherite and yes netherite is better than diamond so on to netherite one yay so yeah next one. Netherite Boots are really good boots or you can say the best boots in the game so yeah now why is this the best boots in the game well 1st of to get netherite the only way is to go and go to the nether and dig down and make sure to be careful because then nether is like 75% lava so yeah you want to be careful then after that you want to go down and get 4 ancient wood and not just is that the only risk it is very rare as only 6 or 5 in every chunk yes 16 by 16 16 x 16 which is a lot so yeah you need to be very patient not just that you also need to be careful because mobs spawn there as piglins or pig piglins or magma cubes and baby piglins but how do you avoid the piglins well you need to wear golden boots but the pig piglins and magma cubes will still kill you because there are no way to be able to make them not able to attack you because they are real killer mobs so yeah you just have to kill them manually so yeah now after you got 4 ancient debris you need to smelt it in the furnace now after you smelt it in the furnace you need to get 4 golden ingot now then after that go make a crafting table or go place one or go to one then place the ancient debris on one side then the golden ingot on the other side now go make netherite ingot or just use the green book then now get 4 oak planks and 2 iron ingot then go to a crafting table then place the 4 oak planks like a crafting table then place 2 iron ingot on top then done smithing table place it down then get diamond boots place it on one slot then the netherite ingot on the other slot then done netherite boots now do I say its worth it well I say it is worth it if you are at the very late game because it is very hard to get so yeah if you are going to the end I say this worth it because you really need to get good at wear good things to defeat something very hard to defeat so yeah I say this one is worth it if you have the patient so yeah that’s the netherite boots on to the next one I guess so yeah anyways on to the next topic I guess so netherite boots are really good so yeah and you should only get them at the late game so yeah on to the next one I guess so yeah so I am going to do the next one now ok bye.


How good is Leather Boots and are they worth getting it in Minecraft Java?

Leather Boots and boots which you can wear to take less damage from falling and take less damage when a mob hits you so yeah the boots have 2 good things the only bad thing it’s the worst one because it is the easiest to make so it gives the least amount of armor health so that is one thing to think about to so yeah and so how do you make leather boots well leather boots you don’t need to smelt or do anything hard just find some cows which should be around you but if not try to find some then after that you get leather and beef use that beef to eat and the leather is the one we want to use to make that leather boots now get 4 leather which shouldn’t be to hard then get 1 oak wood then press E turn into oak planks then make a crafting table then place it down now you want to place your 4 leather at the middle right and middle left and bottom right corner and bottom left corner then done that’s how you make leather boots now do I suggest them yes or no well here is something it is the worst one to make as it is the easiest to make but I do suggest them if you just started the game because if you just started the game or started a server with your friends or not I suggest making these because the next one you need to make is iron so better off making leather then later making iron armor so yeah make leather armor first so yeah now we are going to do the next one but the next one you can’t craft so yeah be ware of that if you didn’t know that so yeah.


How good is Chain mail Boots and are they worth getting it in Minecraft Java?

Chain mail boots are boots but with a twists but it is better than leather but worse than gold and iron and more but chain mail armor can not be crafted yes it can not be crafted you can only get them from mobs which so yeah mobs which wear armor like skeleton and zombie those can wear armor and its even rarer them wearing armor and its even more rare them wearing chain mail armor and even more rarer than it might drop so you have a lot of risk to do so yeah you need to be very patient and if you get it when you just started the game keep it because it might be worth something than its durability and bad because it is very bad worst than iron and it is way harder to get than iron and others so yeah better of using leather or iron so yeah and by the way you can also find them at dungeons but those are like super hard to get to so yeah and its even rarer trying to find it there because it is rare them spawning in dungeons so yeah I say if you get it don’t use it and if you did got it then don’t use it but if you are trying to get it don’t get it because it is not worth it so yeah don’t get it because you can maybe get a diamond gear 1 of them in the time spam of trying to get chain mail armor because chain mail are super hard to get so yeah better of keeping it so yeah and back then you can make it so yeah and you have to change version to be able to craft them but you can’t craft them today so yeah I say don’t get it but if you do then don’t use it ok that’s it on to the next.


How good is Golden Boots and are they worth getting it in Minecraft Java?

Golden boots are very bad boots because gold are worst than iron but gold are harder to get because gold is actually have another use for it than using it for armor and tools and other stuff so yeah now I’m going to tell you what gold is actually used for and gold is actually used for golden apples or gapples for short and so yeah and now we know what it is called now we want to know how do you make it well it does heal you so it is kind a expensive so yeah so now you want to go and get 1 apple from the tree now go to your mine or go to your chest with valuable and get 8 gold ingot or 8 gold ore but If you don’t then go mine and get 8 gold ore then smelt it now you have 8 gold ingot now how do you make it well make a crafting table or go to one or just place one then place the apple in the middle then after that you want to place the 8 gold ingot around it so then it will be golden apple or gapple for short then done that’s how you make it now It does heal you so it should be worth it now do I say its worth it or not to make it but if you find a golden stuff and you don’t have stuff better than it use it but if you are going to make it then no don’t make it only find it so yeah that my tip so now we know that gold has another used for it and its not use for to make armor or tools so yeah that is about golden boots so now I am going to do iron boots so yeah time to do it.

How good is Iron boots and are they worth getting it in Minecraft Java?

Iron boots are armor pieces and it is very good because it is the 3rd best boot piece you can get and the other ones are bad so yeah now how do you make iron boots well this is how you make it well 1st go to your mine or chest and get your 4 iron ingot but if not then go to your mine and try to find 4 iron ore and it should not be to hard as it is very easy because iron is not that hard to get because iron is not very low and its near to the surface maybe I don’t know pretty not that low to find it so yeah you can maybe dig diagonal or down if you are to lazy to get iron so yeah then after you get 4 iron ingot you want to go and smelt it in your furnace with coal then after you wait you will get 4 iron ingot then after you get 4 iron ingot you want to make a crafting table or go to one or just place one then after that you want to place your 4 iron ingot at the middle right middle left bottom right corner and bottom left corner then done that’s how you make iron boots then done that’s how you make it then now do I suggest it this of course yes because iron boots and better than nothing and if you just started and found a iron gear that is very good because it can make you survive for good amount of time and it has good durability so then you don’t have to keep making it and so yeah that’s good and so yeah I say its good if you just started the game or you are at the middle term of the game so yeah anyways I am going to go do it now so yeah on to the next one I guess so yeah.

How good is Diamond Boots and are they worth getting it in Minecraft Java?

Diamond Boots are really good boots which are really hard to get because you can only get them at y 11 and at y 10 there are lava so you want to be careful because you might fall down and die because of the lava so you want to be careful so bring blocks and water bucket or just dig diagonal or just dig straight down if you are lazy and it takes to long for you to dig diagonal so yeah then again diamonds are mostly below lava and there could only be 0 – 10 diamonds and the average is 4 – 6 and if you found more than 6 diamonds in 1 finding then that’s lucky but if you find less than 4 well your unlucky but you are lucky because again it is diamonds are rare to get so yeah it’s a win even if you get little so yeah now once you get 4 diamonds you want to go to your home or make a crafting table or place one or go to your home and go to your crafting table then place the 7 diamonds at the Middle right then middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done that’s how you make diamond boots and you can only mine the diamonds with iron pickaxe or higher like diamond pickaxe or netherite pickaxe so yeah and so yeah that’s it so do I say its worth it I say yes if you are in the late game like you have iron armor and you have been playing for pretty long time then I say its worth getting it because if you are thinking to fight the wither get diamond armor because if you don’t then its maybe going to kill you if you have no good gear so I say this one is worth getting it if you are in the late game so yeah make sure to get it if you are in the late game so yeah I hope you enjoy this one now did you know there is something better than diamond yes netherite and yes netherite is better than diamond so on to netherite one yay so yeah next one.

How good is Netherite Boots and are they worth getting it in Minecraft Java?

Netherite Boots are really good boots or you can say the best boots in the game so yeah now why is this the best boots in the game well 1st of to get netherite the only way is to go and go to the nether and dig down and make sure to be careful because then nether is like 75% lava so yeah you want to be careful then after that you want to go down and get 4 ancient wood and not just is that the only risk it is very rare as only 6 or 5 in every chunk yes 16 by 16 16 x 16 which is a lot so yeah you need to be very patient not just that you also need to be careful because mobs spawn there as piglins or pig piglins or magma cubes and baby piglins but how do you avoid the piglins well you need to wear golden boots but the pig piglins and magma cubes will still kill you because there are no way to be able to make them not able to attack you because they are real killer mobs so yeah you just have to kill them manually so yeah now after you got 4 ancient debris you need to smelt it in the furnace now after you smelt it in the furnace you need to get 4 golden ingot now then after that go make a crafting table or go place one or go to one then place the ancient debris on one side then the golden ingot on the other side now go make netherite ingot or just use the green book then now get 4 oak planks and 2 iron ingot then go to a crafting table then place the 4 oak planks like a crafting table then place 2 iron ingot on top then done smithing table place it down then get diamond boots place it on one slot then the netherite ingot on the other slot then done netherite boots now do I say its worth it well I say it is worth it if you are at the very late game because it is very hard to get so yeah if you are going to the end I say this worth it because you really need to get good at wear good things to defeat something very hard to defeat so yeah I say this one is worth it if you have the patient so yeah that’s the netherite boots on to the next one I guess so yeah anyways on to the next topic I guess so netherite boots are really good so yeah and you should only get them at the late game so yeah on to the next one I guess so yeah so I am going to do the next one now ok bye.



 How to be good at Minecraft Java: What is sword:

What is sword In Minecraft java ? :

Swords are weapons you can kill mobs and you can defend your self or you can make a arena and fight together so that’s good to know and there is more use for it and is it use to defeat very big and hard to defeat mobs so that is good and you can defend your self and other stuff to do and that is swords they are used as weapons to kill people or stuff or enemies really so up the next one I guess .

Is there a best and worst sword in Minecraft Java? :

There is a worst and best sword in Minecraft Java and there is in Minecraft bedrock but the worst is wood sword as it is the easiest to get so may as well be the worst to fight with but there is more swords which are better so it will be there later so yeah so there is a worst and best sword in the game that you can use in the game in Minecraft java so lets go to the next one I guess so here is next

What Type or Swords Are there in Minecraft Java ? :

There is a wood sword which is easy to get as you can just get it in spawn because there is probaraly trees around you so that is good but it is the worst there is also stone sword as it is can be made from cobble stone as you can just dig down and there will be stone and you with get cobble stone and you can make a stone sword with that then there is a iron sword there should be a cave near you and they may be a lot of iron or just some and it takes 2 iron ingot and you need so smelt it and you got yourself a iron sword then next is gold sword then you need to go deeper than iron then you may find gold so that is good but not as good but I will explain later then there is diamond sword and it is very rare because diamonds are very deep and they are very hard to find and get at the same time and if you find them in a village or a temple then you are probaraly very lucky or you can just mine to y 11 and you can see that by pressing f3 or fn f3 what ever your pc or laptop preferce and so there is something better than diamond as it is called netherite and it is way harder to get than diamond because you have to go to the nether and get 4 debris ingot which you can find in the nether and get debris log or something and you need a diamond pickaxe to mine it then you need 4 of them then you have to smelt then and while you are there get 4 gold ingot then go to craft table then make like a circle with the 4 gold ingot and 4 debris ingot then leave the middle so its like a square donut then it will turn to netherite ingot then you want to get 4 wood planks then 2 iron ingot you can get from smelting iron ore then go to your crafting table then put your 4 planks like a crafting table then put your 2 iron ingot on top then you get smithing table then you need a diamond sword and a netherite ingot then you can do that and boom bat then you got yourself a netherite sword to use and it is the best sword in the game as it is worst than a netherite axe as in Minecraft java netherite axe is more better than a netherite sword so it is better going for both as axe for breaking shield then sword to fight as sword is better at fighting as axe does more damage.

Why do I need a sword in Minecraft java? :

You probaraly need a sword because it is a combat item you can use to defend your self as you can slay the other person and kill them or defend your self from mobs by killing them or enemies so you may need sword if you are going to a dangerous place or anywhere really and it does way more damage than just your fist as wooden sword would be helpful but any sword is good anyways so you should probaraly bring a sword to your next adventure just to make sure you don’t die and lost your items as they can despawn and you can’t do anything about that and lose your items so oof I guess .

How to make Wooden tools in Minecraft Java:

Wooden tools are tools you can make out of wood now lets go to the easiest one from all now the first one from all is wooden sword now you want to make a crafting table now get 1 oak wood from a tree press E go to the 2 x 2 crafting table make oak wood to 4 oak planks then turn into crafting table then after that you want to go place it down now get 1 more oak wood turn into oak planks make sticks then place the stick at the middle bottom and the oak planks at the middle and middle top so yeah that’s how you make a wooden sword now you want to make a wooden pickaxe now get oak wood now oak planks then get 2 sticks and 3 oak planks now place the 2 sticks at the middle and middle bottom and now the 3 oak planks at the middle top and middle top right then middle top left then done now wooden axe get the same thing 2 stick and 3 oak planks get 2 sticks into the middle and bottom middle then the 3 oak planks at the middle top then top right corner then middle right then done now wooden shovel now get 2 sticks and 1 oak plank then place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then the oak plank at the middle top then done now hoe the easiest get 2 sticks and 2 wooden oak planks then place the 2 stick at the middle and bottom middle then 2 oak planks at the middle top and top right corner then done that’s how you make all the wooden tools and that’s how you make them ok done.


How good is a Wooden Sword and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

Wooden Sword is a good sword if you just started the game as if you are a noob or a beginner you can say to your friends and if they just started the game Wooden Sword is good if you just started and it is worth getting as it only needs like 2 oak wood or 3 I don’t know but it’s a good starter tool but you can just get cobble stone and make a better sword than just wooden sword so I guess it is worth getting if you just started the game and it is not that good as it only does 4 – 5 damage I am not sure because this is my 2nd month playing Minecraft so if I am wrong please don’t judge me and so yeah its good for starter and it is pretty good atleast it is better than your fist come on im not wrong but I am right because it does more damage as your fist and your fist only does 1 damage or even half a heart while  a wooden sword does 4 damage so that’s a good upgrade I guess so next . . .

How to make Stone tools in Minecraft Java?

Stone tools in tools which you can make from cobble stone which you can mine with wooden pickaxe or higher tier now how do you make it well make a crafting table then after that get 1 stick and 2 cobble stone place the crafting table put the 1 stick at the middle bottom then 2 cobble stone at the middle and middle top then done then now you want to make stone pickaxe now get 3 cobble stone and get 2 sticks place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then the 3 cobble stone place it at the middle top and top right corner and top left corner then done that’s how you make a stone pickaxe then now stone axe now you need the same thing 2 sticks and 3 cobble stone then place 2 stick at the middle and middle bottom then the 3 cobble stone at the top middle then top right corner then middle right then done now cobble stone shovel now this one you only need 2 sticks and 1 cobble stone place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle the 1 cobble stone at the middle top then done now stone hoe now get 2 sticks and 2 cobble stone place 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then place the 2 cobble stone at the middle top and top right corner or the top left corner so yeah that’s how you make the tools anyways onto the next.

How good is A stone sword and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

Stone sword is a good sword if you just started because it is a very common tool as you can just get it from the cave as you can mine it with a pickaxe which is any pickaxe really wooden pickaxe or higher really and it is called a beginner tool I guess well I say kind of  noob sword or tool I guess for combat as  it is very good if you just started and you can kill the mobs in like idk 3 – 5 hits so that’s actually pretty good and it is 1 step more as it does 5 – 6 damage so that is good and it is 100 % better than your fist in Minecraft and a wooden sword so that is very good to know and hear so yeah its pretty good and this was my 1st sword I ever made when I play Minecraft java because wooden sword wasn’t good enough for me so yeah it is a good sword if you just started and it is a good and I think it is worth getting it I guess and it does decent damage 5 – 6 so that is good up to the next one.


How to make Iron Tools in Minecraft Java?

Iron tools are tools which are made out of iron now how do you make them now the 1st one is a sword because a sword is the easiest one to make and the most simple to make now how do you make it now you need 1 crafting table you can craft one  by using 4 oak planks and pressing E or you already have one or place one then now you need 2 iron ingot and 1 stick now you can get 2 iron ingot from smelting 2 iron ore from your furnace or something then done now place 1 stick at the middle bottom then put 1 iron ingot at the middle then the other one at the middle top then done you made a iron sword now pickaxe iron so now you need 3 iron ingot and 2 sticks place the sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 3 iron at the middle top and top right corner and top left corner then done then now axe 2 sticks and 3 iron now 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 1 iron at the middle top then 1 at the top right corner then 1 at the middle right then done now shovel now you only need 2 sticks and 1 iron now place the sticks at the middle and bottom middle then place 1 iron at the middle top then done you made a iron shove now that’s all the iron tools and the armor how to make iron armor should be below so read it if you don’t know how to make it so yeah.

How to make Iron armor in Minecraft Java?

first one is to make is iron boots so yeah and it only need 4 iron ingot which can be found in your mine or somewhere in your chest but if you don’t have 4 iron ingot get 4 iron ore from your chest or from mining then you want to make a furnace and how to make it you want to make 4 oak planks then make a crafting table by pressing E then done then place down your crafting table or the one you have or you just got to go home then get to crafting table then get 8 cobble stone then place it round like a donut then after that you want to craft it then done you place down the furnace or you make one or just go to your home then smelt your 4 iron ore if you have 4 iron ingot than that’s fine then after you smelt your 4 iron ingot go to your crafting table place 1 iron ingot at the middle right then the other at the middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done that’s how you make boots now you need to make helmet now this one is harder because this one you need 5 iron ingot so yeah if you have 5 iron ingot in your place or just mine 5 iron ore then you want to smelt your 5 iron ore from the furnace and using coal then done now that you have 5 iron ingot or you already do go to your crafting table or craft one then after that you want to play 1 iron at the middle then middle right then middle left then bottom right corner then bottom left corner then done that’s how you make iron armor helmet then done now leggings get 7 iron ingot you can get by finding 7 iron ore then smelting it in the furnace with coal then place 1 iron at the middle top then 1 more at the middle right then 1 more at the middle left then 1 more at the top right corner then 1 more at the top left corner then 1 more at the bottom left corner then 1 more at the bottom right corner then done you made a iron leggings very easy now make the chestplate now you need 8 iron ingot which you can get from getting 8 iron ore then smelting it in the furnace by using coal and the furnace then done then get 8 iron ingot now go to your crafting table now put 1 iron at the middle then 1 at the middle bottom then 1 at the middle right then 1 at the middle left then 1 at the top right corner top left corner bottom left corner bottom right corner then done you made a iron chestplate now you know how to make the full iron armor set now I hope that helps you because its better than leather armor so then you can be more safe than ever well not really but you will be safe.


How Good is a Iron Sword and is it worth getting it in Minecraft java ? :

Iron Sword is a good sword if you are in the start you can just say a pretty amazing start because it is better than your fist a wooden sword and even the stone sword and it is better than one more sword I am going to tell you later and it does 6 damage or I don’t know so that is good 6 damage is a good damage if you just started the game and it is easy to get as it is very common in caves you can just get it by mining with stone pickaxe to the iron ore then smelting it and it is very easy and you only need 2 iron ingot from smelting and it does 6 damage so that is good and it is very easy to make so I say it is worth getting it as it is better than your fist in Minecraft and it is better than wooden sword you can get from wood and it is better than a stone sword which you can get from cobble stone from mining in the cave and it is even better than the sword I am about to tell you so this sword does 6 damage and it is easy to get as it is in many caves and very common I say it is worth getting it if you have spare to time to go down the cave and go explore the cave on to the next one.



How to make golden tools in Minecraft java:

Now is not worth it to make golden tools but if you are a maniac ok here you go I don’t say its worth it but if you are interested then here you go now 1st one is to make a sword the easiest now to make this you need 2 golden ingot now go to your mine or somewhere else then get 2 gold ore then smelt it in the furnace then get 1 stick then get a crafting  table or go to crafting table then place 1 stick at the middle bottom then the 2 golden ingot at the middle and top middle then done now pickaxe 3 golden ingot now smelt 3 gold ore from your mine place 2 sticks at the middle and middle bottom then 3 golden ingot then middle top then top right corner then top left corner then done then now same material then 2 stick at the middle and bottom middle then 1 gold ingot at the middle top then top right corner then middle right then done then mow shovel now 1 golden ingot and 2 sticks then place 2 sticks at the middle and middle top and 1 at the middle top then done.


How good is a Gold Sword and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

Gold is a good sword but is not as good as you think it is very bad its like the same as the stone sword worst than iron sword so that is just crazy even though gold is more rarer than iron but gold has more use to it than making swords and making armor it is mostly use to make golden apples or you can say gapples for short that is what people call them and it is only better than your fist In Minecraft and a wooden sword you can just get from a tree and stone sword and you can get it from the cave and it should be anywhere but it is not better than a iron sword even though gold is harder to get because gold has the durability AS A WOODEN SWORD so I say not even worth it so it is like a wooden sword when you are using a golden sword or golden armor so I say it only does 5 damage so that is bad and it has the durability of a wooden sword so it better off making golden apples or gapples as you can just make it from 1 apple in the middle then 8 gold ingot around it and it can heal you and that is better than golden tools so that is a big fat no no as it only does 5 damage and have the durability of a wooden sword so it is better off making a iron sword.

How to make Diamond Tools in Minecraft Java.

You need 2 diamonds and 1 stick for a sword and you need a crafting table so make a crafting table get 2 diamonds and 1 sticks place down the  crafting table then place 1 stick at the middle bottom then 1 diamond at the middle then 1 more diamond at the middle top then bam you made a diamond sword so then now you can kill mobs in like 2 hits except for really op mobs so now you want make a a diamond pickaxe you need 3 diamonds and 2 sticks and same concept 2 sticks middle and middle bottom then 3 diamond at middle top and top right corner and top left corner then done then the axe put 2 sticks middle and bottom middle 1 diamond at the top middle then 1 at the right top corner then 1 at the middle corner then shovel 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 1 diamond at the top middle then done that’s how you make 4 tools of type of diamonds so yeah done.


How good is a Diamond Sword and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

Diamond sword is a incredibly amazing sword as it does 8 damage I think or more im not sure I did not do my research but it does 8 – 9 damage probaraly 8 but ill say 8 – 9 and it is better than your fist in Minecraft and it is better than a wooden sword because you can just get it from a tree or woods and it is better than a stone sword and you can just get it from a cave and it is better than a iron sword as many caves have them and you can cook the iron ore and it is easy to get and is it better than a golden sword as it has the damage of a stone sword and have the durability of a wooden sword BUT diamond comes with a big cost and it is at y 11 as you can just do f3 or fn f3 and you can see the middle for to 11 and there is a risk of lava and other mobs and it is very hard to find and it is very rare and hard but once you get it it is like a relief moment and it is incredible when you see the damage it does as it does 8 – 9 damage so I have conclude that is does 8 – 9 damage and it is better than your fist in Minecraft a wood sword you can get from a tree a stone sword you get from a cave and better than iron sword you can get by finding iron ore and smelting it and better than golden sword which is just garbage and garbage so it is amazingly good so you should get this but you have a risk and you may die and you must have patient so yeah it’s a very good sword to get . . .

How do you make Netherite Tool In Minecraft ? :

You need only 1 netherite ingot and diamond Tool and there is something called smithing table and how do you make it you ask 1st you need to make 4 wood make a crafting table then you place It down then you basically put 4 wood like a crafting table BUT WAIT you want to put 2 iron on top after that there is something called smithing table click then place then you need a diamond tool then 1 netherite ingot then place it in the spot in the smithing table then done you got yourself a netherite tool you can also do it to armor to so yeah.

How good is a Netherite Sword and is it worth getting it in Minecraft java ? :

Netherite Sword is A AMAZINGLY GOOD SWORD as it cost a diamond sword and netherite ingot to make and it need 4 debris ingot as you can only get them at the nether at a deep coordinates and it is very hard and rare as there is only 6 in every chunk and a risk of dieing from lava so it is better than your fist and your wooden sword when you just started from a tree and a stone sword you got from a cave from cobble stone which there should be a cave near you some where I don’t know but it is also better than your iron sword you are holding you got from a cave iron ore and you smelt that and you got 2 iron ingot then made it and it is also better than your garbage golden sword which you probaraly don’t have so congrats to you not having a golden sword because it is very bad so that is good and it is also better than the LEGENDARY DIAMOND SWORD AS you need 2 diamonds to make it and it is hard but not as hard as netherite sword AND NETHERITE SWORD DOES 10 DAMAGE SO THAT IS CRAZY and netherite sword you need a diamond sword a smithing table you can make by getting 4 oak planks like a crafting table then get 2 iron ingot and put it on top then boom smithing table and you need 1 netherite ingot which you need 4 debris ingot which you need to cook like a debris wood or something which can only be obtain from the nether as a risk from lava and magma cubes and more weird dangerous creatures so that is bad and so I say netherite sword is the best sword in the game as it is very hard to get so watch out when you are trying to get it then you need 1  netherite ingot then 1 diamond sword then put it In the smithing table then bam you got your self a netherite sword which does 10 damage which is just insane so it is better than your fist your wooden sword your stone sword and your iron sword and your bad prob you don’t have a golden sword so that is good AND it is even better than your  diamond sword so yeah netherite sword is really powerful but I suggest getting it if you don’t care about the risk of weird dangerous creatures and lava and you need a lot of patients and I am very close to 6 . 5 k words or you can say 6500 words so yeah netherite sword is op and other swords to not trying to judge here but if you have a netherite sword good game that is amazing good and you can put enchants on it with a anvil or a enchanting table oh yeah by the way here is a tip when you are enchanting make sure you get book shelfs and put it around your enchanting table to get better enchants so yeah that is a tip for begnnres and so next one!



How to be good in Minecraft Java: Which Pickaxe Should I use:

What are Pickaxes In Minecraft java ? :

Pickaxes Are a tool you can mine and you get a lot of ores and other stuff and you can smelt then and make into better pickaxes but some pickaxes are hard to get and sometime really hard so Pickaxes are things you use  to mine in caves and other stuff there are also different type of pickaxe from worst to best and there is 6 types of pickaxes that you can use in Minecraft java next one . . . . .

What type of Pickaxes are there in Minecraft java ? :

There are 6 types of pickaxes they are different pickaxes the 1st is a wooden pickaxe the 2nd is a Stone Pickaxe and the 3rd is Iron Pickaxe and the 4th is Golden Pickaxe and the 5th is Diamond Pickaxe and the 6th the final is a netherite pickaxe there are 6 types of pickaxe in Minecraft java so yeah I hope there will be more types of stuff than just 6 cos I want to more than 6 like 7 or 8 or more like a lot and some pickaxes which are easy to get or hard or super hard anyways on to the next one . . . . .

Is there a worst to best type of Pickaxes in Minecraft Java ? :

There are a best to worst well it matter how hard it is to get it but I would kind a prove that wrong ok the worst is a wooden pickaxe, a wooden pickaxe is made by a oak log you can get from a tree you have to go to your crafting table which you can make by putting 4 wood planks in your inventory by pressing E then you want to place down your crafting table then put 2 sticks in the middle and middle bottom them 3 wood planks to a line top so there that how you make a wooden pickaxe and the 2nd worst pickaxe is a stone pickaxe as you can make it with 2 sticks and cobble stone and it is a little faster with better durability making it last longer and mine faster and it is very easy to get cobble stone you just have to go to a cave near you or just dig down and get cobble stone easy then after that the 3rd worst is actually a Golden pickaxe it may even be worst than a stone pickaxe and golden pickaxe has the same speed as a stone but the durability is the same as a wooden pickaxe so that is bad or I don’t know I didn’t do my research on these stuff I just use this to my knowledge as I have played Minecraft java for 2 months so I say that’s enough practice to make this and golden pickaxe is made by 3 gold ingot as you can get harder than iron and 2 sticks and the 3rd best is actually iron pickaxe and you may say why is gold worst than iron even though gold is harder to find well Minecraft made that gold is more breakable than iron so it better to go to iron pickaxe than golden pickaxe and gold has it own use for golden apples or people call gapples for short the 2nd best is actually diamond pickaxe and diamond pickaxe is actually pretty fast and amazing durability and now you have the ability to mine obsidian which insane as obsidian is super strong then after that you may know this but the 1st best pickaxe is actually the netherite pickaxe as it is very hard because actually diamond pickaxe you need 3 diamonds to make and 2 sticks ok back to netherite pickaxe because netherite is actually really hard you need to find 4 debris ingot which you need to get debris wood or something in the nether and it is very hard as there is only 6 in every chunk and there is a risk of lava and magma cubes and piglins and after you get 4 debris wood you need to cook it then you need to get 4 gold ingot now you are here with 4 gold ingot and 4 debris ingot go to the crafting table and go to the book and search netherite ingot or you can go to crafting table and place the gold ingot half of the side then netherite ingot on the other side just leave out the middle part then you wanna make a smithing table and you need 4 oak planks then go to a crafting table then place 2 iron ingot on top of the 4 oak planks then you got your self a smithing table then place it then get a diamond pickaxe then combine it then you got yourself a netherite pickaxe so yeah that was hard . . .


Why Do I need a pickaxe in Minecraft Java ? :

You may need a pickaxe because for mining and other stuff and you may get stuff in a cave then the only way is to dig up but you don’t have a pickaxe so you may wanan bring a spare pickaxe or more pickaxes or just 1 diamond pickaxe because it has really good durability so yeah you may get stuck and your only way was to get pickaxe so that is why you need a pickaxe if you are going far away and may bring some wood or material with you so you don’t get stuck when you are doing your very long far away journey some where I don’t know well if you are then bring a pickaxe please ok next one . . .


How good is a Wooden Pickaxe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

A wooden Pickaxe is very easy to get as you only need 3 oak planks and 2 sticks and if you are new here is how to make it get a tree get 1 oak wood then go press E to your inventory then turn them into planks then make them into a crafting table then get 2 more oak wood then turn then into planks then make sticks then go place down the crafting table then after that place 2 sticks from the middle and the middle bottom the put oak planks top line with oak planks then done you got your self a wooden pickaxe and if you just started your game then I say it is worth it but it is pretty slow but it is good enough but you can just get stone pickaxe from a cave and its easy to so what ever it’s a good pickaxe and I say get it if you just started the game or something but it is better than your fist and if you use your fist you get no cobble stone and it takes super long but with the pickaxe no that long and you get your cobble stone that you mined in your cave or any cave really or a hole or anything just remember to get like a stack of wood if you are only using a wooden pickaxe if you are going to mine and it is worth it if you just started the game and it is pretty good so yes sir next one. .


How Good is a Stone Pickaxe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

A Stone pickaxe is also very easy to get almost the same difficulty as the wooden pickaxe and how do you make it you have to mine 3 cobble stone then 2 sticks middle and bottom middle then 3 cobble stone at the top line and it is faster than your fist and faster than your wooden pickaxe you probaraly had when you just started so yeah stone pickaxe is like 2 x faster or idk but it is way better durability and if you are using it for a mining trip just remember to bring like 10 of them because they are still not like diamond durability so it is good when you just started but you can just make a iron pickaxe it is like 3 x better durability and better speed but it is harder to get but not as hard then it will probaraly be way better mining trip and it is easy to make but if you just started the game I say it is worth getting the stone pickaxe because it is easy to get and easy to mine with and a starter tool I recommend getting and it better than your fist which doesn’t even get you anything if you mine a stone block and wooden pickaxe because wooden pickaxe has worst durability and worst mining speed so that is good if you have the stone pickaxe so yeah I recommend getting it if you just started anyways I guess lets go to the next thing or next pickaxe we are going to talk about I guess ? ? ? ? ? ?


How Good is a Iron Pickaxe and is it worth getting it in my Minecraft java ? :

A Iron pickaxe is a medium tool as it is not as hard getting but it may take some time as it is rarer than wood and stone because it is around you everywhere but it is really good if you just started and it is better than your fist which doesn’t even give you stone if you mine it and it will take super duper long and you won’t even get it while it is better than wooden pickaxe but wooden pickaxe does the same but slower and less durability so I recommend iron pickaxe and same with stone pickaxe because stone pickaxe is slower and worst durability than iron pickaxe so iron pickaxe is better than a those what ever I just said so yeah iron pickaxe is a good tool if you are going to go mining and if you are going mining make sure to bring like maybe 3 or 4 maybe 3 if you are going mining because it is not as good as diamond and it can still break and it is a good pickaxe if you just started so I recommend this pickaxe if you just started the game or you have 3 iron ingot laying in your chest or inventory I recommend making it as it is very good and amazing if you just started and it is better than your fist which doesn’t even give you cobble stone and it is better than wooden pickaxe which is slower and worst durability and it is better than stone pickaxe which is slower and worst durability so this I recommend if you just started I guess to the next one yay wow next one I said next one now.


How good is a Golden Pickaxe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

A Golden Pickaxe is actually very bad even though it is very hard getting it well not that hard but finding gold ore is harder finding iron ore while gold does have another use for it which is not armor or tools but It is use for golden apples or people call them gapples so yeah gold isn’t really for tools or armor mostly for gapples or golden apples so the golden pickaxe has the same mining speed of iron or stone pickaxe I am not sure because I don’t do my research but this is what I think and the durability is like a stone pickaxe or a wooden pickaxe maybe stone pickaxe because wooden pickaxe would just be to little to be true so it is not as good as I just said it mines like a stone pickaxe or a iron pickaxe and the durability I just said is not as good as a iron pickaxe so it is better of just getting a iron pickaxe than a golden pickaxe so yeah because it only has a durability of a stone pickaxe not a wooden pickaxe because that would be to little of a durability to do for a golden pickaxe so the answer is no a golden pickaxe is not as good as you can just get a iron pickaxe easier to get as I said gold is for golden apples as it can be craft with 1 apple in the middle and 8 gold around it in a crafting table or people say a gapple and the durability is not good so just use a iron pickaxe not a golden pickaxe because you know its just worst than iron even though is harder to get than iron. . . .


How good is a Diamond Pickaxe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

A Diamond pickaxe is actually a very good pickaxe but not the best on this list no no no just wait till the last one but diamond pickaxe is very hard to get but very useful as it has very good durability and it does have a very good mining speed and it can also mine obsidian if you didn’t know that already in Minecraft java tip so yeah and it can be craft in a crafting table as 2 sticks from middle and bottom middle and 3 diamonds on the top row and you can craft your self a diamond beautiful pickaxe and it is a relief when you get it because it is very good at mining speed and you may find your self finding and mining more diamonds when mining with it as it has a incredible mining speed and also a incredible durability and it is better than your fist which gives literally nothing and it is very slow and very not fast at all and a diamond pickaxe you already guess it. It is better than Wooden PICKAXE because a wooden pickaxe is low and bad durability even better than stone pickaxe because stone pickaxe is the same reason slow and bad durability same with iron well iron is a good mining speed and good durability BUT NOT AS GOOD AS DIAMOND PICKAXE and it is better than that trashy golden pickaxe you have in your inventory you got from somewhere because a golden pickaxe is literally trash and no one even wants it if you have it but this is the only 2nd best oh no no don’t start me there netherite pickaxe is the best so yeah I guess lets go to the best one I guess lets go . . . . . . . .



How Good is A Netherite Pickaxe and is it worth getting it? :

A Netherite is the best Pickaxe in the game but it is very hard to get as it is made by a diamond pickaxe as you can make it with 2 sticks in the middle and below middle and 3 diamonds on the top row and you need a smithing table as you get 4 oak planks and 2 iron ingot then go to your crafting table place the 4 oak planks like a crafting table then place 2 iron ingot on top of the 4 oak planks then you have a smithing table then after that you need 1 netherite ingot then you are going to say how do I get that 1 netherite ingot well if you Are a noob or a beginner you can say or just started the game or started the game not that long ago as you need 4 debris ingot and to get that you need 4 debris wood which can only be obtain in the nether and you need a diamond pickaxe to mine it so it is very hard then you need to smelt the 4 debris wood that you got from only the nether because that is only where it spawn and there Is only 6 debris in just 1 chunk and there is risk for weird mobs as piglins or you can say magma cubes and there is also a very big fat risk of lava as the nether is basically filled with lava everywhere so that is very hard and you can’t place water in the nether if you didn’t know so that will make it harder but beds or tnt does not break the debris if there is one then you need to smelt that 4 debris wood you got then you got debris ingot then you have to have 4 gold ingot then debris ingot I mean 4 debris ingot then go to the crafting table then craft it from the green book or 4 gold on the side then same with the 4 debris ingot that you have then you have a netherite ingot then you probaraly already know what to do but if you don’t know you go to the smithing table then you go then place your diamond pickaxe then the netherite ingot then done boom that is how you make a netherite pickaxe and it is the best pickaxe better than your fist which is useless to stone as it gives you completely nothing better than a wooden pickaxe ofcourse as it is slower an worst durability same with the stone pickaxe it is worst because it has worst durability and it is slower mining than the netherite pickaxe then same with iron but if you just started iron is good but it is better than iron because iron is worst durability and mining speed same with golden pickaxe but the golden pickaxe is way worst as it is like a stone pickaxe and it is better than the diamond pickaxe ofcourse because it is number 1 so that is the best to worst of pickaxe bye.

What Kind Of Stuff Can you get from Mining In Minecraft Java ? :

You can get a lot of stuff from a pickaxe and you can mine with that pickaxe so what can you get with it well you can get a lot of things well it matters of which pickaxe you have in the game because if it’s a bad pickaxe it only can mine certain things and not everything if you have a diamond pickaxe you can mine anything yes obsidian diamonds gold ore iron ore but you can’t mine bedrock because bedrock is impossible to mine even if you are mining with 24 hours straight its still impossible but you can get a lot of things still like a lot of ores and a lot of stuff in the nether which you might not know but the better pickaxe the faster you mine the faster you get ores and other stuff like gold ore diamonds iron ore coal red stone ore and lapis ore and more and you may not know that so that’s a fact and pickaxes are very useful if you are going mining because that is what they are made for because pickaxe is a mining tool and not a combat or getting wood or getting dirt its for mining for like cobble stone or stone and other ore like iron ore gold ore and red stone ore and lapis ore and diamonds and 1 which is very hard to get and it is only spawn in the nether it is the nether wood thingy and if you didn’t know that and it is very hard to get because only 6 spawn in 1 chunk which is like a 16 by 16 or 16 x 16 so that is very hard and it is in the nether so there is a lot of risk if you think about it as there is a lot of lava and there is weird mobs like magma cubes and piglins which can kill you very easily and if you want to avoid piglins you want to wear golden boots so then they don’t kill you and that is pretty much every thing which you can get from using a pickaxe to mine from the over world to the cave to the nether to pretty much everywhere unless bed rock because you can’t mine bedrock because it is impossible because it supposed to be un break able yes un break able so yeah and Mojang did design it that way so then you don’t die from the void from dieing so that is why Mojang added that but yeah that is pretty much all that you can mine in the over world and cave and nether with your pickaxe and make sure your pickaxe can mine what ever you are mining and make sure to bring spare unless if it break so that is it for the pickaxe lane time to go to another one so bye bye!



How To Be Good at Minecraft Java: Which Axe should I use In Mincraft Java ? :

What is a Axe in Minecraft Java ? :

A Axe is a combat tool or a tool you can use for cutting down trees and getting oak wood for stuff you can craft like sticks and doors and other stuff to planks or more so yeah it is mostly use as a combat tool because it does more damage than a sword and it can break your shield more and it can make your shield not work for like 4 seconds so axe is a combat tool but a sword is better because a axe is only use to break a shield so yeah because a sword can get better enchantments than a axe so don’t waste your diamond on a axe just use your diamonds on a sword and better make a axe if you have enough or a iron axe or anything and make sure to bring a shield if you are fighting a person so it is mostly a combat tool than use to use to cutting trees for wood so now you know it is use for combat mostly but not wood because it does more damage than a sword but sword gets more enchants so use a sword more than a axe because sword is more op with enchants instead of a axe.

What type of axe are there in Minecraft Java ? :

There are many axes there are 6 exact axes in Minecraft java so that is good and some are bad and the rest are good but most is kind a bad good meh I guess so there is a wooden axe which  can be made by 1st making a crafting table with 4 oak planks from 1 oak wood then press E then done then place it down then get 2 more oak wood then turn them into oak planks then use 2 oak planks to turn into to stick by putting it in the middle and bottom middle then 3 oak planks in the middle top then right corner then middle right then done then you can also make a stone axe by getting 3 cobble stone and 2 sticks and a stone axe is better  than wooden axe because a wooden axe has worst durability and it is very slow while a stone axe is more faster and better durability so that is good and it is easy because you only need to make a wooden pickaxe then 3 cobble stone then easy then iron axe you can get from mining deep then you find iron ore and it can be mined with a stone pickaxe which can be made by 2 sticks in the middle and bottom middle then 3 cobble stone top row then done then after you mine iron ore you wanna make a furnace which you 8 cobble stone around and get rid of the middle so its like a donut kinda then you want to smelt it with your coal you got maybe but if not use something else like wood then you wanna get 2 sticks put it in the middle and bottom middle then middle top right corner then middle right then done then it is better than your fist which is very slow but inf and I meant inf durability but it is very slow so that is not good and iron axe is better than a wooden axe and the wooden axe is just a little better than your fist but it has terrible durability same with stone axe they have worst durability and it is a little faster but a iron axe is better than those so that is good and the next one is a golden axe and you may say it is better than iron because it is more harder to get but it is actually worst because it has like the speed of a iron axe or a stone axe then the durability Is like a stone axe not a wooden axe because that would be to big of a rip off making it because gold has another use of a golden apple and it can be made by a apple in the middle and 8 gold ingot around it in a crafting table and it is called a golden apple or people call it a gapple for short or I don’t know what ever you call it but I call it a gapple instead of golden apple because it is to long so yeah a golden axe is very bad and worst than a iron axe stone axe but just better than a wooden axe I would say but it is 100 % better than your fist ofcourse then the next is a diamond axe and that is very good it is very fast and really good durability so that is good and you can make it from 2 sticks in the middle and bottom middle and 3 diamonds in the middle top and right corner and middle right so that is good but it is hard to get as diamonds are hard to find as they can only be found at y 11 and you can dig down to find it but there is a big risk of lava and other stuff like mobs so that there I a big risk so if you going to find diamonds good luck because It is going to be hard and you can only mine it with a iron pickaxe made by 2 sticks in the middle and the bottom middle and you also need 3 iron ingot top row then you can mine it and the diamond axe is better than a wooden axe of course better than your fist and it is better than a stone axe and even a iron axe and ofcourse if you have a golden axe in your inventory what are you doing the diamond axe is 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 % better than a golden axe so yeah get a diamond axe instead of a golden axe and the best of all is a netherite axe as it can be obtain by making a smithing table which can be made by 4 oak planks and 2 iron ingot then place the 4 oak planks like a crafting table in the crafting table then 2 iron ingot on top of the 4 oak planks in the crafting table then you get a smithing table then place it down now you need a diamond axe then after that you wanna go to the nether after that you wanna go all the way down well im not sure which or how far you wanna go down but there should be debris wood then you need 4 well that is very hard as there is only 6 in every chunk or 16 x 16 or 16 by 16 if you don’t know then it is a big risk if you are going to the nether as there is BIG FAT STACK OF LAVA YES LAVA. Lava is everywhere so you wanna be carefull then after that you want to watch out for the piglins and magma cubes or any mobs really then after that you got 4 debris wood go back home or go to a furnace then smelt those 4 ancient debris then you debris ingot then you need 4 gold ingot and you can get that in the nether to very easily because they are everywhere. Now that you have 4 gold ingot and 4 debris wood then go to the crafting table then you want to place the debris ingot on the one side then gold ingot on the other side and leave the middle in the crafting table or you can go to the green book in the crafting table and search netherite ingot or make it from what I said then you wanna go to the smithing table then get a diamond axe then you want to get your netherite ingot then after that you wanna go to the smithing table then go in the smithing table then place your diamond axe then netherite ingot then boom you got a netherite axe and it is better than your fist wooden axe and stone axe and iron axe and golden axe and even a diamond axe so yeah there is all the type of axe in Minecraft so yeah that’s it that’s all the axe I know and maybe that’s all the axe in the game anyways to the next. . . . . .

Is There a Worst to best type of axe in Minecraft Java ? :

Yes there is a worst to best type of axe in Minecraft Java as Wooden Axe is the worst one because it Is the easiest to get because you only need 1 oak wood from a tree then press E then after that turn your oak log to 4 oak planks then spread the 4 oak planks into all then you got a crafting table then place it down then turn the rest of your oak wood to planks then 2 oak wood from the middle to the middle bottom then done you have sticks then place the sticks 2 of them to the middle and bottom middle then 3 oak planks middle top then right corner then middle right then done that’s how you make a wooden axe so yeah that’s how you make a wooden pickaxe so it is should be the worst because super easy to get then the stone axe is the 2nd worst because it is a little better of wooden axe so yeah then the 3rd worst is a golden axe because it has the durability of a stone axe and the speed is a iron axe so yeah and gold has another use for it because it supposed to be use for golden apple which you can be able to get 1 apple then 8 gold ingot or people can say gapple instead of golden apple so yeah gapple is short for golden apple and a golden apple or a gapple is actually able to heal you if you have low health because a axe does a lot of damage to you so a gapple or a golden apple is really good and the 3rd best is a iron axe because a iron axe is better than a golden axe and a stone axe and it is better than wooden axe and of course it is better than a fist in Minecraft java so that’s good and you can craft it with a crafting table and 2 sticks in the middle and bottom and 3 iron ingot you can get from mining with a stone pickaxe or better then smelt then put the 3 iron ingot at the middle top and right corner and middle right so that Is good and it is pretty normal or average to use and it Is pretty good durability and fast at cutting down trees and getting wood and better damage to than a golden axe and a stone axe and a wooden axe and a normal fist in Minecraft java then the 2nd best is a diamond axe and you can get it from 2 sticks in the middle and bottom middle then 3 diamonds you can get from mining from the caves at Y 11 by doing f 3 or f n f 3 then you can see your coordinates then it is easy to get diamonds but still hard to find them so yeah and you need 3 and you can only mine them with iron pickaxe or higher like iron pickaxe diamond pickaxe and netherite pickaxe the best pickaxe in the game and it is really good because it is faster at cutting down trees for wood and It does more damage and more durability so you would never have to make another axe ever again well unless your diamond axe breaks of course then the 1st best is a netherite axe as it is the hardest to get as you need 4 debris ingot as you can get from only the nether and it is deep and if you fall down in lava you are dead and your stuff burn as there is a lot of risk and a lot of patients as there is a lot of lava and weird creatures like a magma cube and a piglins and more because they will kill you and will make you not come back and there is only 6 debris wood in every chunk which means there is 6 debris wood in 16 x 16 or 16 by 16 so that is crazy and you need 4 and after you get 4 debris wood you want to smelt it then after that you want to get 4 gold ingot which can also get from the cave next to you maybe or in the nether well nether more not safe but way more easier the cave is also pretty dangerous but harder so nether is more better than go to a crafting table then put the gold on 1 side then the 4 debris ingot on the other side then done you have a netherite ingot then you want to make a smithing table by getting 4 oak planks then after that you want to get 2 iron ingots then after you get 2 iron ingots go to the crafting table put the 4 oak planks like a crafting table then put the 2 iron ingot on top of the 4 oak planks in the crafting table then now you have a smithing table then get your diamond axe then get your netherite ingot then after that you want to put your diamond axe then your netherite ingot then take it out then boom you got your self a netherite axe the best axe is the game you can get unless you can enchant it then it will be the best in the game but a sword is better so use a sword better than a axe don’t waste your netherite ingot so make sure that and I hope this helps there is a worst to best and I just explained all of it then there should be a list of what kind of axe it is and if its good to get it or not right below this so yeah I hope you enjoy this part my fingers hurting now im going to take a break now so yeah im going to take a break and do the rest later bye good bye I said bye ok next one. . . . . .


How Good is a Wooden axe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

A Wooden Axe is not that good because it is the worst axe from the game so yeah it is the worst so its not that good because it only takes 4 oak log to make it really so its not that good because you need 1 oak wood from a tree then press E then after that turn your oak log to 4 oak planks then spread the 4 oak planks into all then you got a crafting table then place it down then turn the rest of your oak wood to planks then 2 oak wood from the middle to the middle bottom then done you have sticks then place the sticks 2 of them to the middle and bottom middle then 3 oak planks middle top then right corner then middle right then done that’s how you make a wooden axe and it is the worst because it is the easiest so yeah but it is better than your fist because your fist is very slow in Minecraft but if you have a wooden axe at least its more faster than using you fist so yeah that is good so if you just started the game I guess it is very good if you just started the game so I say it is pretty good better than your fist at least you know so yeah if you have it and you just started that’s very good so that yeah so that’s good so make sure to get it if you just started the game or you just started your own survival with your friends or your self only server but what ever if you just started the game make sure to make your self a wooden axe to start your self for the game I meant in the game so then you can get wood a lot of time and faster than your fist so use it when you just started so that is good so make sure to make it good as good very good so yeah that’s it so next . . . .




How Good is a Stone Axe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

A Stone Axe is not really that good because it is only a little better durability than a wooden axe and a little more faster and it does only 1 more damage but it is a little better than a wooden axe so that’s good and if you just started I guess its good because it is better than your fist and it is also better than that wooden axe you made at first place but you should make a stone axe because it is just a little better and it can be craft 2 sticks from the middle and the middle bottom then 3 cobble stone at to middle top then right corner then middle right that’s how you make a stone axe then done it is  better than a wooden axe so if you just started I recommend you this because it is a beginner tool for people who just started their server or world or member world for other people and your friends so if you just started a server and you just started make sure to make a stone axe if you are to lazy to make a iron axe and so now you know that a stone axe does 1 more damage than a wooden axe and more damage than your fist and faster mining than your wooden axe and your fist and it is more durability more than your wooden axe but not your fist because you fist is infinite durability ok so now we know that you should make a stone axe if you just started and all you need is just 2 sticks and 3 cobble stone you can get from a cave near you or dig down ok next one now. . . .


How Good is a Iron Axe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft java ? :

A Iron Axe is a good axe if you can get it and if you just got it from the beginning that is a good start but a sword is a better option if you are going for combat because a sword can get more enchantments but a axe can damage the shield for 4 – 5 seconds so that is good but still I recommend get a sword instead of a axe so make sure you are carefull when you are making stuff like this and a iron axe has better durability than a stone axe and wooden axe but not a fist of course because that is un break able so yeah and a iron axe is more faster than a stone axe and wooden axe and your fist and it does more damage actually 1 more damage than a stone axe then 2 more damage than a wooden axe then way more damage than just your fist by your self so make sure to make a iron axe than the other ones well if you are for combat then make a sword and you can make a iron axe by 2 sticks and 3 iron ingot so go to a crafting table then place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 3 iron ingot at the middle top then right corner then middle right so then after that you got your self a good iron axe and if you got it when you just started the game that is a good start if you say to me so now we know that a iron axe is better than a stone axe and a wooden axe and a fist in Minecraft java because the stone axe has worst durability than the iron axe and slower than a iron axe and 1 less damage than a iron axe so there that’s why a iron axe is better and a wooden axe is worst durability and worst because it is slower than a iron axe and it does 2 less damage than a iron axe so there that is why the iron axe is better and it is also better than a fist because a fist is slow and does 1 heart or half a heart even though the durability is un break able or infinite so yeah a iron axe is a option you can choose if you are going to make a axe and you just have 2 sticks and 3 iron ingot or 3 iron ore in your inventory or chest so go make a iron axe it is very fast and very easy to make so go make it and it will make your Minecraft world more easier than using a wooden axe or stone axe or just your fist so go make it now because its better come on im waiting for you come on so are you going to make it now ok you made it time for the next one. . . . . .


How Good is A Golden Axe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft java ? :

A Golden axe is a Axe which is very bad because the durability is like a stone axe even though a golden axe is harder to get than a iron axe because a golden axe is the same speed as a iron axe to and does the damage of a stone axe so its better of making a iron axe so just make a iron axe instead of a iron axe because gold actually has their own use instead of making tools and armor like golden axe and golden sword and more and golden armor to because it is only better than a stone axe and a wooden axe and better than your fist only even though its harder to get than iron axe because gold is used to make golden apple or you can say gapple and it can be made by 1 apple in the middle and 8 gold ingot around it in a crafting table and it is easy to make but finding that 8 golden ingot is hard to get but if you are in the nether then it is very easy to make and get so yeah that is good to know if you have a nether portal lying some where in your room or cave so make sure to make a golden apples or gapples instead of golden tools and golden stuff so now we know gold is used for gapples or golden apples and not tools like sword axe pickaxe and more and armor then boots are fine but the other is not fine so use it for gapples or golden apples so be carefull if you have a lot of gold but If you are rich and don’t care then I guess you can make a full  set of golden armor well it’s a waste but just do it if you want to because it is only better than a stone axe from the speed of how fast is can mine and the durability and the damage is the same I think same with the wooden axe the wooden axe is worst durability and worst damage and worst speed at mining and it is better than the fist of course without the fist is would be bad so now we know don’t make golden tools or golden armor unless you are trying to flex anyways on to the next axe we are going to do now. . . . . .


How good is a Diamond axe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft java ? :

A Diamond Axe is a really good axe which you need 3 diamonds and 2 sticks to make from a crafting table or you can find to make it on google or the crafting table because there is a green book in the crafting table which tells you how to make stuff and when you make new stuff it will how to make it but if It doesn’t tell you then get 2 sticks and 3 diamonds then go to a crafting table then get 2 sticks then place 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 3 diamonds at the middle top then 1 at the corner right then 1 at the middle right then you made a diamond axe and it does a lot of damage more than a sword but a sword is better if you are trying to find a best combat tool then go for sword instead for a axe even though a axe block the shield for 5 seconds and I mean like if a person have a shield and you hit it with your axe they can’t use it for 5 seconds but sword can have way more enchants but yeah diamond axe is better than your very slow infinite durability fist and it is better than your wooden axe and it is better than your stone axe and it is better than your golden axe AND IT IS BETTER THAN A IRON AXE which you probaraly have in your inv but if you are trying to find diamonds and want to make a axe make a sword if you want to go to combat so yeah there is a tip and if you have spare diamonds sure you can make a diamond axe if you want to so yeah there is the what diamond axe can do it is better than 5 things fist wooden axe stone axe golden axe and iron axe so I say this axe is really good but not the best axe  you can think of because there is a axe better than this diamond axe and that is a netherite axe the best axe in the game but 1st why diamond better than all those 4 things well number 1 the fist is really slow and it does 1 heart or half a heart even though it has infinite durability its not better than a diamond axe then wooden axe it is better than a fist but not so much better because the wooden axe is just a little faster than your fist and it has worst durability and worst damage compare to the diamond axe but it is better than your fist so yeah then stone axe it has worst durability and worst damage and the speed is a little faster than the wooden axe that you started with then the golden axe then you may ask why is the golden axe worst than iron axe well because gold has another use for it as golden apple or gapple and its not for tools or armor it has worst durabiblity and worst mining speed and it does worst damage compare to the diamond axe then iron axe it does worst mining speed well not as much then worst damage to well not as much again and it has good durability but worst than the diamond axe durability so yeah Diamond axe is good if you are in the late game or like you are very ahead from the game and you have spare diamonds so yeah but diamonds are hard to get they can be found at Y 11 which you have to do fn f3 or f3 it matters which pc you are on but then after that you wanna dig down then go to Y 11 and at Y 10 lava spawns there so u have another risk then so make sure you watch out because there are many mobs and many lava so watch out but it is not as dangerous as the netherite ingot how to get it but still be carefull and this axe is very good so I recommend getting it if you are in the late game anyways on to the next one which should be right below this one. . . . . .


How good is a Netherite Axe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft  java ? :

A Netherite Axe is the best axe in the game and you can only obtain it by 1 netherite ingot 1 smithing table and 1 diamond axe and 1st I will tell you how to make a smithing table if you don’t know how to make it so 1st get 1 oak log then turn them into 4 oak planks then get 2 iron ore or 2 iron ingot from your chest but if you don’t have any just go to your mine then get 2 iron ore then smelt it but if you have iron ingot then you don’t have to smelt it then after that make a crafting table then make another oak log then turn to 4 planks again then after that go to your crafting table then go to it then after that you wanna place the 4 planks like a crafting table or at the left corner then middle bottom then middle then middle left then after that you wanna place the 2 iron ingot on top or at the middle top and top corner left then done that’s how you make a smithing table then now you need a diamond axe now you need 3 diamonds which can be found at Y 1 1 and you just have to do f n f 3 or f 3 then you can see your coordinates then go to y 11 then dig down but be carefull because at y 1 0 there is lava so you can die so be carefull and did 2 blocks everytime so you know if there is lava below you and be between those 2 blocks but it might be 2 times slower but it is 10 x safer than just did down so make sure to do that then after you get 3 diamonds get 2 sticks and you can get it by 1 oak log into 4 oak planks then turn the 2 oak planks into 4 sticks then get 2 sticks then put the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then get your 3 diamonds but it at the middle top then corner top right then middle right then done you got a diamond axe now you need a netherite ingot but now you need to go to the nether because netherite ingot can only be obtain by making it with 4 gold ingot and 4 netherite scrap and you need ancient debris to make it and it only can be obtain by the nether so you have to go to the nether like literally you have to because that’s the only way to obtain it so when you go to the nether idk how long down you want to go down but all I know you have to go really deep so yeah and again there will be lava and when you make holes really bad creatures can spawn as piglins and magma cubes those are the most deadliest and the pig piglins and the way to not get attacked by the piglins you have to wear golden boots and the piglins pig and magma cubes there is no way to get them not to attack to you so you can only make piglin not  to attack at you so you must be carefull so watch out and there is a lot of lava and you need 4 debris wood so be carefull and if you are in a late game then I recommend this and now you need 4 gold ingot which can be found in the cave near you or in your chest or in the nether but there is a lot of mobs so be carefull and you only need 1 netherite ingot so that is good and there is only 5 – 7 ancient wood thingy in a chunk yes 16 by 16 or 16 x 16 that is literally crazy so then after you get debris wood you want to smelt 4 debris wood and you want to smelt your 4 gold ore if you got it from your cave but if you got it from your nether portal then smelt it to cos it will give more then after you have done that you want to go to your crafting table then place the 4 debris scrapt then 4 gold ingot then make it around then after that you have 1 netherite ingot and 1 smithing table and 1 diamond axe then go to a place then place your smithing table then go  and put your diamond axe then put your netherite ingot then after that you got a netherite axe and it is the best axe in the game because it is better than your fist in Minecraft java because it only does half a heart of damage or 1 heart and it is very slow even though it has infinite durability it is worst than a netherite axe then a wooden axe is worst than a netherite axe because it has worst durability and it does only 5 damage or 4 or 3 I don’t know then it has worst durability and worst mining speed by I mean like cutting down the tree well ok then a stone axe is worst than a netherite axe because a stone axe has a worst durability and worst damage it does like 5 damage or 6 damamge or 4 damage I don’t know but yeah its does worst cutting to so a stone axe has worst damage and worst durability and worst cutting speed to mine the trees and a golden axe is worst than a netherite axe and you may say why is golden axe worst than a iron axe and gold is harder to get than iron well its because gold has another use for it and the used for it is a golden apple or people call it for short gapple and it can heal you if you if you eat it and it can be craft by 1 apple and 8 golden ingot in a crafting table and about the golden axe is worst than netherite axe because golden axe has worst durability and worst damage because the golden axe do like 6 damage or 5 damage or 7 damage I don’t know how much damage it does but it also do worst cutting speed or mining speed to mine the trees so the golden axe does worst durability worst mining speed and worst damage. A Iron Axe is the 3rd best axe in the game better than golden axe stone axe and wooden axe and better than your fist in Minecraft java and the iron axe is worst than a netherite axe because the iron axe has worst durability and worst damage because it does 5 damage or 6 damage or 7 damage or I don’t know but someone of those is right then after that it has worst cutting speed or mining speed by mining the trees so now we know the iron axe does worst durability worst damage and worst mining speed or cutting speed THEN THE MOST IMPRESSING the netherite axe is better than a diamond axe. A Diamond axe is worst than a netherite axe by a little because a diamond axe does 7 damage or 8 damage or 9 damage which is less than a netherite axe so yeah then it does a little worst cutting speed or mining speed or cutting the tree down or mining the tree down or what ever you call it so now we know the netherite axe is better than a diamond axe because the diamond axe does worst durability and worst damage and worst mining speed. So now we know a netherite axe is the best axe in the game and because it is a very hard to get tool I recommend getting it at the late game or when you are very pro at the game and you already did a lot in the game I recommend getting it so you are pro gamer but only get it if you are carefull of the lava and you have to go really deap then and you need to be carefull of the lava and you need to be careful because mobs can spawn and they can spawn magma cubes piglins and pig piglins so yeah you wanna be careful but I do recommend getting it so yeah the netherite axe is the best axe is the game so yeah that’s good to know so I hope this help and I hope you enjoyed reading this and I want this to be a book but I have to write way more than this so it will takes many days many hours may be even weeks but we don’t know so yeah it can be months or weeks or days or hours I have no idea but this is the 20th page so that is good and I passed 1 7 0 0 0 words or 1 7 k words so that is very and very good and I am very proud of my self and I am doing this to make money by typing 3 cents equals into 10 words so I have to type 10 words to get 3 cents so that is very little but since you type more and more that is good so yeah I hope I can get more but I am happy to what I have right now and you make sure to be happy to what you have so I am about to end when I finish this page because it make me O C D when I don’t even finish a page and there is a big piece of the page just not finished so I am trying to finish this page right now and I am trying my fastest as I can because I want to take a break writing words and stuff so I can play and watch youtube so yeah I think I am about to finish it so I hope you enjoy this and i will say the bye bye



How to be good at Minecraft Java ? : What shovel should I use for digging in Minecraft java ? :

What is a shovel in Minecraft java ? :

A Shovel is a item which you can use to dig into the grass easier than user your fist to use it for so a shovel can be used to dig dirt if you need to make something well I don’t know really so yeah I am going to end it here and it does really nothing and I am going to do like 2 pages or 1 page about shovel so yeah that’s is that is what shovel is in Minecraft java so yeah onto the next one. . . . . . . . . . .

Why do I need a shovel in Minecraft Java ? :

You probaraly need a shovel because you need it to dig and it takes forever to use your fist so its more faster with your shovel and dirt sometime spawns in cave so bring a shovel with you or else you have to wait super long for your fist to do all the job and it will take a long time digging or mining or shoveling it with your fist so bring a shovel please because it will make your time and day way better than just using your fist so yeah that’s it lets go to the next one I guess. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



How many types of Shovels are there in Minecraft Java ? :

There are 6 Types of shovels and this is not a shovel but if you don’t have a shovel and ur using your fist stop fist is the worst one you can do then its wooden shovel and it is the 2nd worst one if you count the fist if you want because it has better durability and then it also have better speed of shovel  or digging or mining then it also does better damage but make a sword because that’s way better than a shovel and how do you make it well you get 3 oak wood make all of them into oak planks then make 2 oak planks into 2 sticks by putting 1 oak plank in the middle and the other oak plank in the middle bottom then done then after that get 4 oak plank then make a crafting table and you can access a 2 x 2 or 2 by 2 crafting table by pressing E into your inventory then make a crafting table then after that you want to put it down the put 2 sticks in the middle and bottom middle then put 1 oak plank at the top then done you got yourself a wooden shovel from 3 oak wood then after that we have a stone shovel and it is the 3rd worst if you consider the fist but if you don’t then it’s the 2nd worst and it is very easy as you only need 2 sticks 1 crafting table and 1 cobble stone you can get from mining stone with a wooden pickaxe not your fist then done you have a stone shovel and it is better than wooden shovel and fist because it has better durability than the wooden shovel an it has better mining or shoveling or digging speed than the wooden shovel but make a sword instead of making this bad stone shovel instead really then you need a crafting table place 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 1 cobble stone at the middle top then done you have a stone shovel done then after that we have a golden shovel and I know why is golden worst than iron when gold is rarer to get in the mines in the overworld than iron well gold has another as use for it as gold ore can be turn into golden ingot by smelting it by using a furnace you can get by putting 8 cobble stone all around in a crafting table needing 4 oak planks which is 1 oak wood so yeah then you can get 1 apple then 8 gold ingot then make a golden apple or people call gapple for short and you can eat the gapple or golden apple then you will heal and it only cost you 8 gold ingot and 1 apple so that is good and it is better than stone shovel and wooden shovel because it has better durability or same durability as a stone shovel but the mining or digging speed or shoveling speed is more better than stone shovel and better than wooden shovel and it is the 4th worst if you consider the fist but if not 3rd worst then and it is not worth getting and just make gapples or golden apples they are the same just different way how to say it as gapple for short now if you want to make it only mad lads will do it but you need crafting table 2 sticks and 1 gold ingot then go to a crafting table place 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 1 gold ingot at the top or use the green book to make the golden shovel then done you made it mad lad well lets go on to the next one then the next one is a iron shovel and it is better than the golden shovel well this is why is golden worst than iron when gold is rarer to get in the mines in the overworld than iron well gold has another as use for it as gold ore can be turn into golden ingot by smelting it by using a furnace you can get by putting 8 cobble stone all around in a crafting table needing 4 oak planks which is 1 oak wood so yeah then you can get 1 apple then 8 gold ingot then make a golden apple or people call gapple for short and you can eat the gapple or golden apple then you will heal and it only cost you 8 gold ingot and 1 apple so that is good but now let’s go to the iron shovel so the I just said why is it worst so now the golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel and fist is worst than a iron shovel because a iron shovel has better durability than a golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel and better mining or shovel or digging speed you can say and iron shovel and it is better than golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel and iron shovel does more damage than a golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel but just make a sword really just don’t make a shovel unless you are digging dirt so yeah and diamond shovel is next and it is the 2nd best one and it is very good and I say its not worth it if you are not digging dirt much so make sure if you want to make it or not but it does have better durability than a iron shovel and golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel and It does more faster mining or digging or shoveling speed than a iron shovel and it is also better than golden shovel and a stone shovel and a wooden shovel and a diamond shovel also does more damage than a iron shovel and a golden shovel and stone shovel and a wooden shovel but for real just get a sword instead of a shovel really because a sword is better than a shovel ok now finale. . . . . The Netherite Shovel is the best shovel in the game as it is the hardest and it does more better durability than a diamond shovel iron shovel and golden shovel and stone shovel so that is good but be careful because shovels are mostly useless so make a iron or diamond your choice but it does more faster digging speed mining speed or you can say shoveling speed or any one of those than a iron shovel and golden shovel and stone shovel wooden shovel and a netherite shovel does better damage than a iron shovel golden shovel stone shovel wooden shovel but for real just make a sword really its way better so yeah that’s it for all I h ope you like it ok now the next one.



Is there a worst to best kind of shovels in Minecraft Java ? :

Yes there is and here is the worst to best kind of shovels in Minecraft Java so yeah here is the worst to best right here:

this is not a shovel but if you don’t have a shovel and ur using your fist stop fist is the worst one you can do then its wooden shovel and it is the 2nd worst one if you count the fist if you want because it has better durability and then it also have better speed of shovel  or digging or mining then it also does better damage but make a sword because that’s way better than a shovel and how do you make it well you get 3 oak wood make all of them into oak planks then make 2 oak planks into 2 sticks by putting 1 oak plank in the middle and the other oak plank in the middle bottom then done then after that get 4 oak plank then make a crafting table and you can access a 2 x 2 or 2 by 2 crafting table by pressing E into your inventory then make a crafting table then after that you want to put it down the put 2 sticks in the middle and bottom middle then put 1 oak plank at the top then done you got yourself a wooden shovel from 3 oak wood then after that we have a stone shovel and it is the 3rd worst if you consider the fist but if you don’t then it’s the 2nd worst and it is very easy as you only need 2 sticks 1 crafting table and 1 cobble stone you can get from mining stone with a wooden pickaxe not your fist then done you have a stone shovel and it is better than wooden shovel and fist because it has better durability than the wooden shovel an it has better mining or shoveling or digging speed than the wooden shovel but make a sword instead of making this bad stone shovel instead really then you need a crafting table place 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 1 cobble stone at the middle top then done you have a stone shovel done then after that we have a golden shovel and I know why is golden worst than iron when gold is rarer to get in the mines in the overworld than iron well gold has another as use for it as gold ore can be turn into golden ingot by smelting it by using a furnace you can get by putting 8 cobble stone all around in a crafting table needing 4 oak planks which is 1 oak wood so yeah then you can get 1 apple then 8 gold ingot then make a golden apple or people call gapple for short and you can eat the gapple or golden apple then you will heal and it only cost you 8 gold ingot and 1 apple so that is good and it is better than stone shovel and wooden shovel because it has better durability or same durability as a stone shovel but the mining or digging speed or shoveling speed is more better than stone shovel and better than wooden shovel and it is the 4th worst if you consider the fist but if not 3rd worst then and it is not worth getting and just make gapples or golden apples they are the same just different way how to say it as gapple for short now if you want to make it only mad lads will do it but you need crafting table 2 sticks and 1 gold ingot then go to a crafting table place 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 1 gold ingot at the top or use the green book to make the golden shovel then done you made it mad lad well lets go on to the next one then the next one is a iron shovel and it is better than the golden shovel well this is why is golden worst than iron when gold is rarer to get in the mines in the overworld than iron well gold has another as use for it as gold ore can be turn into golden ingot by smelting it by using a furnace you can get by putting 8 cobble stone all around in a crafting table needing 4 oak planks which is 1 oak wood so yeah then you can get 1 apple then 8 gold ingot then make a golden apple or people call gapple for short and you can eat the gapple or golden apple then you will heal and it only cost you 8 gold ingot and 1 apple so that is good but now let’s go to the iron shovel so the I just said why is it worst so now the golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel and fist is worst than a iron shovel because a iron shovel has better durability than a golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel and better mining or shovel or digging speed you can say and iron shovel and it is better than golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel and iron shovel does more damage than a golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel but just make a sword really just don’t make a shovel unless you are digging dirt so yeah and diamond shovel is next and it is the 2nd best one and it is very good and I say its not worth it if you are not digging dirt much so make sure if you want to make it or not but it does have better durability than a iron shovel and golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel and It does more faster mining or digging or shoveling speed than a iron shovel and it is also better than golden shovel and a stone shovel and a wooden shovel and a diamond shovel also does more damage than a iron shovel and a golden shovel and stone shovel and a wooden shovel but for real just get a sword instead of a shovel really because a sword is better than a shovel ok now finale. . . . .


How good is a Wooden Shovel and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

this is not a shovel but if you don’t have a shovel and ur using your fist stop fist is the worst one you can do then its wooden shovel and it is the 2nd worst one if you count the fist if you want because it has better durability and then it also have better speed of shovel  or digging or mining then it also does better damage but make a sword because that’s way better than a shovel and how do you make it well you get 3 oak wood make all of them into oak planks then make 2 oak planks into 2 sticks by putting 1 oak plank in the middle and the other oak plank in the middle bottom then done then after that get 4 oak plank then make a crafting table and you can access a 2 x 2 or 2 by 2 crafting table by pressing E into your inventory then make a crafting table then after that you want to put it down the put 2 sticks in the middle and bottom middle then put 1 oak plank at the top then done you got yourself a wooden shovel from 3 oak wood then after that we have a stone shovel and it is the 3rd worst if you consider the fist but if you don’t then it’s the 2nd worst


How good is a Stone shovel and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

Cobble stone is a block where you make buildings out of and you can make tools better than wooden tools and easy to get as you only need a wooden pickaxe or more higher tier to mine it so that is very easy and good and it is very good when you just started the game so I recommend it when you start the game or just made a survival or a place where you are going to go and play survival so make sure to get cobble stone when you play.Stone tools in tools which you can make from cobble stone which you can mine with wooden pickaxe or higher tier now how do you make it well make a crafting table then after that get 1 stick and 2 cobble stone place the crafting table put the 1 stick at the middle bottom then 2 cobble stone at the middle and middle top then done then now you want to make stone pickaxe now get 3 cobble stone and get 2 sticks place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then the 3 cobble stone place it at the middle top and top right corner and top left corner then done that’s how you make a stone pickaxe then now stone axe now you need the same thing 2 sticks and 3 cobble stone then place 2 stick at the middle and middle bottom then the 3 cobble stone at the top middle then top right corner then middle right then done now cobble stone shovel now this one you only need 2 sticks and 1 cobble stone place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle the 1 cobble stone at the middle top then done now stone hoe now get 2 sticks and 2 cobble stone place 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then place the 2 cobble stone at the middle top and top right corner or the top left corner so yeah that’s how you make the tools anyways onto the next.


it is very easy as you only need 2 sticks 1 crafting table and 1 cobble stone you can get from mining stone with a wooden pickaxe not your fist then done you have a stone shovel and it is better than wooden shovel and fist because it has better durability than the wooden shovel an it has better mining or shoveling or digging speed than the wooden shovel but make a sword instead of making this bad stone shovel instead really then you need a crafting table place 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 1 cobble stone at the middle top then done you have a stone shovel done


How good is a Golden Shovel and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

golden shovel and I know why is golden worst than iron when gold is rarer to get in the mines in the overworld than iron well gold has another as use for it as gold ore can be turn into golden ingot by smelting it by using a furnace you can get by putting 8 cobble stone all around in a crafting table needing 4 oak planks which is 1 oak wood so yeah then you can get 1 apple then 8 gold ingot then make a golden apple or people call gapple for short and you can eat the gapple or golden apple then you will heal and it only cost you 8 gold ingot and 1 apple so that is good and it is better than stone shovel and wooden shovel because it has better durability or same durability as a stone shovel but the mining or digging speed or shoveling speed is more better than stone shovel and better than wooden shovel and it is the 4th worst if you consider the fist but if not 3rd worst then and it is not worth getting and just make gapples or golden apples they are the same just different way how to say it as gapple for short now if you want to make it only mad lads will do it but you need crafting table 2 sticks and 1 gold ingot then go to a crafting table place 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 1 gold ingot at the top or use the green book to make the golden shovel then done you made it mad lad well lets go on to the next one then the next one is a iron shovel and it is better than the golden shovel well this is why is golden worst than iron when gold is rarer to get in the mines in the overworld than iron well gold has another as use for it as gold ore can be turn into golden ingot by smelting it by using a furnace you can get by putting 8 cobble stone all around in a crafting table needing 4 oak planks which is 1 oak wood so yeah then you can get 1 apple then 8 gold ingot then make a golden apple or people call gapple for short and you can eat the gapple or golden apple then you will heal and it only cost you 8 gold ingot and 1 apple so that is good


How good is a Iron Shovel and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

iron shovel so the I just said why is it worst so now the golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel and fist is worst than a iron shovel because a iron shovel has better durability than a golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel and better mining or shovel or digging speed you can say and iron shovel and it is better than golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel and iron shovel does more damage than a golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel but just make a sword really just don’t make a shovel unless you are digging dirt so yeah





How good is a Diamond Shovel and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

it is the 2nd best one and it is very good and I say its not worth it if you are not digging dirt much so make sure if you want to make it or not but it does have better durability than a iron shovel and golden shovel and stone shovel and wooden shovel and It does more faster mining or digging or shoveling speed than a iron shovel and it is also better than golden shovel and a stone shovel and a wooden shovel and a diamond shovel also does more damage than a iron shovel and a golden shovel and stone shovel and a wooden shovel but for real just get a sword instead of a shovel really because a sword is better than a shovel


How good is a Netherite Shovel and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

The Netherite Shovel is the best shovel in the game as it is the hardest and it does more better durability than a diamond shovel iron shovel and golden shovel and stone shovel so that is good but be careful because shovels are mostly useless so make a iron or diamond your choice but it does more faster digging speed mining speed or you can say shoveling speed or any one of those than a iron shovel and golden shovel and stone shovel wooden shovel and a netherite shovel does better damage than a iron shovel golden shovel stone shovel wooden shovel but for real just make a sword really its way better so yeah that’s it for all I h ope you like it ok now the next one.




New Page for new stuff

How to be good at Minecraft Java ? : Minecraft Hoes

What is a Minecraft Hoe in Minecraft Java ? :

A Minecraft Hoe is a tool you can use for farming in Minecraft Java and you can use the hoe to farm stuff like you can farm potatoes or carrots or wheat to make bread or hay or I don’t know what ever you can craft with it you can also plant beet root even you can do pumpkin you can use to wear by using shears or light pumpkin AND you can even plant watermelons or melons you can plant then you can get watermelon for food and they are easy to do and make but hard to get but if you are at a jungle or a place with melons like the village then it is very easy to get a melon seeds but it will take a long time for it to grow same with the pumpkin so yeah so you can use the hoe to farm to get food so then you can heal yourself so then you won’t die if you have a lot of food but there are only certain food but there are better food you can get without using the hoe so I think its better getting the food harder to get than farming but better but if you just started the game and you are in the forest go make a hoe then get seeds from the grass then grow the seeds into wheat to make food so then you can survive your first night or your first time playing so yeah I recommend this if you just started this game anyways on to the next hoe thingy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .  . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Is there a worst to best type of Hoe in the game In Minecraft Java ? :

Yes there is a worst to best kind of hoe and the worst one is a Wooden Hoe which is very easy to get and the durability is very bad and it does slower farming and you can farm by clicking the right button on your mouse or the right  click on your mouse so then you can farm then the damage is the worst but it is better than your fist but no recommended just make a sword the hoe only does like 2 damage but just make a sword the same resources but if you don’t know how to make it here get 3 oak wood then after that make those 3 oak wood into 12 oak planks then then turn 2 into sticks then get 2 sticks in the middle and bottom middle then 2 oak planks at the middle top and right corner in your crafting table which you need 4 oak planks press E so then you can make it then put the 2 sticks in the middle and bottom middle then 2 oak planks at the middle top and right corner then done then the sword 1 stick at the bottom middle then 2 oak planks at the middle and top middle basically the rest of the middle row then its stone hoe which is better durability and more faster to do it and to make it you need 2 sticks 1 crafting and 2 cobble stone you can get from mining in a cave by using a wooden pickaxe then put 2 sticks in the middle and bottom middle then 2 cobble stone at the middle top then right corner then done bam then now it’s the golden hoe now you may be saying why is gold worst than iron well gold is for another stuff as it is for golden apples or you can say gapples for short and you can eat them any time even if you are not hungry it will heal you but they are useful and you only need 8 golden ingot and 1 apple and you need a crafting table and bam a golden apple and gold can be found at caves as 8 golden ore then you need a furnace to cook then boom you have apple and 8 golden ingot go to your crafting table then place 1 apple in the middle and 8 golden ingot around It then done and the golden hoe is bad and I don’t recommend getting it as the durability is bad and the farming is the same as stone hoe ok the next one is a iron hoe now the iron hoe is better than the golden hoe because I already explained it but the iron hoe has better durability than a golden hoe and the iron hoe does more damage than a golden hoe a stone hoe wooden hoe so yeah and it does more better farming as it take less longer to farm or press right click so yeah but if you are trying to get damage then make a sword it cost the same tools just 1 less stick and how to make a hoe well get 2 sticks put 1 at the middle then the other 1 put it at the middle bottom then 2 iron ore or 2 iron ingot then if you have 2 iron ore cook it in the furnace but if you have 2 iron ingot your fine then get 2 sticks put it in the middle and bottom middle then get 2 iron ingot put it at the top middle then the right click then done you got a iron hoe but if you need damage then go for a iron sword then done it is very easy to make a iron sword so make a iron sword if you are going for damage then the next one is a diamond  hoe and it is not good to get it because why do you need a diamond hoe it is very bad and useless but here is the good things but for real don’t get it ok so the diamond hoe is good at durability the best well the 2nd best and you can farm faster with it and the durability is better than a wooden hoe stone hoe golden hoe iron hoe so that is good and a diamond hoe is better than those as the farming speed it is better than a wooden hoe and stone hoe golden hoe and iron hoe and the damage on the diamond hoe is better than a wooden hoe stone hoe golden hoe and iron hoe but for real get a sword instead of a hoe so yeah that’s it for diamond hoe next to the Netherite hoe. . . . . . .

A Netherite hoe the useless thing you can ever have in your entire Minecraft life wow let me tell you how waste it is as it is very bad in everything but if you are looking at the good of the hoe then let me tell you here you go a Netherite hoe is really good in durability as it is the best kind of material you can get yes better than diamonds so that is very good so the netherite hoe is better than wooden hoe stone hoe golden hoe iron hoe and even a diamond hoe then done and it is also better in farming if you are looking for richness and it is better than wooden hoe stone hoe golden hoe iron hoe diamond hoe so yeah that’s it really for the netherite hoe anyways next one. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



How good is a Wooden Hoe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

Wooden Hoe which is very easy to get and the durability is very bad and it does slower farming and you can farm by clicking the right button on your mouse or the right  click on your mouse so then you can farm then the damage is the worst but it is better than your fist but no recommended just make a sword the hoe only does like 2 damage but just make a sword the same resources but if you don’t know how to make it here get 3 oak wood then after that make those 3 oak wood into 12 oak planks then then turn 2 into sticks then get 2 sticks in the middle and bottom middle then 2 oak planks at the middle top and right corner in your crafting table which you need 4 oak planks press E so then you can make it then put the 2 sticks in the middle and bottom middle then 2 oak planks at the middle top and right corner then done then the sword 1 stick at the bottom middle then 2 oak planks at the middle and top middle basically the rest of the middle row and yes I think its worth it getting it because it is very easy and you can make a lot of them so you never have to make a new. .


How good is a Stone hoe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

Cobble stone is a block where you make buildings out of and you can make tools better than wooden tools and easy to get as you only need a wooden pickaxe or more higher tier to mine it so that is very easy and good and it is very good when you just started the game so I recommend it when you start the game or just made a survival or a place where you are going to go and play survival so make sure to get cobble stone when you play.Stone tools in tools which you can make from cobble stone which you can mine with wooden pickaxe or higher tier now how do you make it well make a crafting table then after that get 1 stick and 2 cobble stone place the crafting table put the 1 stick at the middle bottom then 2 cobble stone at the middle and middle top then done then now you want to make stone pickaxe now get 3 cobble stone and get 2 sticks place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then the 3 cobble stone place it at the middle top and top right corner and top left corner then done that’s how you make a stone pickaxe then now stone axe now you need the same thing 2 sticks and 3 cobble stone then place 2 stick at the middle and middle bottom then the 3 cobble stone at the top middle then top right corner then middle right then done now cobble stone shovel now this one you only need 2 sticks and 1 cobble stone place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle the 1 cobble stone at the middle top then done now stone hoe now get 2 sticks and 2 cobble stone place 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then place the 2 cobble stone at the middle top and top right corner or the top left corner so yeah that’s how you make the tools anyways onto the next.

stone hoe which is better durability and more faster to do it and to make it you need 2 sticks 1 crafting and 2 cobble stone you can get from mining in a cave by using a wooden pickaxe then put 2 sticks in the middle and bottom middle then 2 cobble stone at the middle top then right corner then done bam yes I think its worth getting it as it is very easy to get and you can make a lot of it.  . . . . . . .


How good is a Golden hoe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

golden hoe now you may be saying why is gold worst than iron well gold is for another stuff as it is for golden apples or you can say gapples for short and you can eat them any time even if you are not hungry it will heal you but they are useful and you only need 8 golden ingot and 1 apple and you need a crafting table and bam a golden apple and gold can be found at caves as 8 golden ore then you need a furnace to cook then boom you have apple and 8 golden ingot go to your crafting table then place 1 apple in the middle and 8 golden ingot around It then done and the golden hoe is bad and I don’t recommend getting it as the durability is bad and the farming is the same as stone hoe


How good is a Iron Hoe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

a iron hoe now the iron hoe is better than the golden hoe because I already explained it but the iron hoe has better durability than a golden hoe and the iron hoe does more damage than a golden hoe a stone hoe wooden hoe so yeah and it does more better farming as it take less longer to farm or press right click so yeah but if you are trying to get damage then make a sword it cost the same tools just 1 less stick and how to make a hoe well get 2 sticks put 1 at the middle then the other 1 put it at the middle bottom then 2 iron ore or 2 iron ingot then if you have 2 iron ore cook it in the furnace but if you have 2 iron ingot your fine then get 2 sticks put it in the middle and bottom middle then get 2 iron ingot put it at the top middle then the right click then done you got a iron hoe but if you need damage then go for a iron sword then done it is very easy to make a iron sword so make a iron sword if you are going for damage so I say its worth it if you are farming a lot but for real make a sword or a lot of stone hoe really its very easy to make a lot of stone hoe so just do that instead. . . .


How good is a Diamond Hoe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

diamond  hoe and it is not good to get it because why do you need a diamond hoe it is very bad and useless but here is the good things but for real don’t get it ok so the diamond hoe is good at durability the best well the 2nd best and you can farm faster with it and the durability is better than a wooden hoe stone hoe golden hoe iron hoe so that is good and a diamond hoe is better than those as the farming speed it is better than a wooden hoe and stone hoe golden hoe and iron hoe and the damage on the diamond hoe is better than a wooden hoe stone hoe golden hoe and iron hoe but for real get a sword instead of a hoe so yeah that’s it for diamond hoe.

How good is a Netherite Hoe and is it worth getting it in Minecraft Java ? :

A Netherite hoe the useless thing you can ever have in your entire Minecraft life wow let me tell you how waste it is as it is very bad in everything but if you are looking at the good of the hoe then let me tell you here you go a Netherite hoe is really good in durability as it is the best kind of material you can get yes better than diamonds so that is very good so the netherite hoe is better than wooden hoe stone hoe golden hoe iron hoe and even a diamond hoe then done and it is also better in farming if you are looking for richness and it is better than wooden hoe stone hoe golden hoe iron hoe diamond hoe so yeah that’s it really for the netherite hoe. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Ok im done for today that’s it there will be more next page so yeah im going to do next page tomorrow because I already did a lot today as a lot I mean a lot by I did a lot of the hoe so yeah im going to be done so yeah im going to try to get to 26 thousand words yes 26 0 0 0 words that’s a lot of words 2 6 0 0 0 there ok im done just gotta get 3 0  shouldn’t be hard at all not at all so now im am going to be done for like maybe now im going to be done ok good bye. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .




Next page for new Stuff I don’t know new stuff new ideas but I have no ideas so im going to just read

How to be Good at Minecraft Java: How to start the game and getting better to the end of the game.


1st  So You start your world in Minecraft Java and how do you do that well you go to the launcher  you launch Minecraft then after that you go to single player then make your own world then boom done then when you are in find a tree then after that you want to mine the tree or cut down the tree with your fist then after that you got 5 wood oak then press E you will be able to access your inventory with space to put items and a 2 x 2 crafting table or 2 by 2 crafting table in your inventory by pressing E then put the oak wood to the 2 by 2 crafting table then after that you turn them into oak planks with that you can make sticks with 1 at the top and 1 at the bottom make sure they are above each other not diagonal so then now you need a bigger crafting table to make bigger stuff like swords or tools then after that you want to put 4 oak planks or 1 oak log in total all surrounded so then after that you can make a crafting table then make it then place it down then place the stick in the middle bottom then 2 oak planks at the middle and the middle top then done you have a wooden sword done now you can kill animals for food or mobs which are trying to kill

you made a wooden sword now.

How to be good at Minecraft Java: Making a wooden pickaxe:

you need a wooden pickaxe to be able to make better tools now you need a wooden pickaxe now how do you make it well 1st you want to go and make a crafting table or you already have one use it then place 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 3 oak planks at the middle top right corner and left corner then done you have a wooden pickaxe.

How to be good at Minecraft Java: How to make a Stone sword:

now mine stone and get cobble stone from a cave or dig down then after you get 2 cobble stone and 1 sticks get a crafting table or just get the one you already have then place 1 stick at the middle bottom then place 2 cobble stone at the middle and bottom middle then done you have a stone sword



now make a stone pickaxe get 2 sticks then get 3 cobble stone from mining with your wooden pickaxe then done you have a stone pickaxe so that is good it is better than a wooden pickaxe

A Stone pickaxe is also very easy to get almost the same difficulty as the wooden pickaxe and how do you make it you have to mine 3 cobble stone then 2 sticks middle and bottom middle then 3 cobble stone at the top line and it is faster than your fist and faster than your wooden pickaxe you probaraly had when you just started so yeah stone pickaxe is like 2 x faster or idk but it is way better durability and if you are using it for a mining trip just remember to bring like 10 of them because they are still not like diamond durability so it is good when you just started but you can just make a iron pickaxe it is like 3 x better durability and better speed but it is harder to get but not as hard then it will probaraly be way better mining trip and it is easy to make but if you just started the game I say it is worth getting the stone pickaxe because it is easy to get and easy to mine with and a starter tool I recommend getting and it better than your fist which doesn’t even get you anything if you mine a stone block and wooden pickaxe because wooden pickaxe has worst durability and worst mining speed so that is good if you have the stone pickaxe so yeah I recommend getting it if you just started

now you need to make a house so now get materials:

How to get good at Minecraft Java: Making a house to live in so you don’t die:

Now you need to build a house for protection but you ask yourself where do I start building a house and what material is the best to build a house now the best place to build a house is mostly a house which is high but you can make a house on the ground to if you want to now the best material is stone but if you want to keep it simple then wood but if you are trying to make a fancy home make a flat floor use quartz which we are not at yet and you need wood to make it fancy and other stuff to make it more fancy and better to live in and better the reason I say use cobble stone it is easy to get and it doesn’t burn unless like wood it burns and it can burn your house maybe a lighting struck your house but that’s hard and very rare but maybe somehow fire get into your house then burn but still use wood because it is very rare for that to happen so just use wood and make a flat floor and make it fancy and 2nd floor if you want to make it better and more fancier now complain about mobs then make a cobble stone fence around your base and place torches so then mobs don’t spawn where the torch is making light or contact to so then mobs don’t spawn which is good so then your house is safe and the mobs can’t kill you at all or really impossible but some can get over if they find a way and they can someone go over fence like spiders and make sure to not miss any part or else your house is filled with mobs and you will die now you need better material to get more stuff and more better stuff to make better things to keep you safe when you are not at your house so here is a new how to do It and how to survive when you are out of your house comfort zone right below here is it:

How to get good at Minecraft Java: How to keep safe when you are out of your home:

Now that you got tools and a house now you need armor to keep safe and if they hit you like the mobs it will take less damage and you kill it easier because it is armor and it make damage less to you if you have and if you are in a place with cows then bread them with wheat which will be later and you need to make fences then make them into it then breed them with bread now you have a lot of them now kill them you get a lot of food and you get a lot of leathers and with that leather not sure if you know this but leather are possible to make armor which are really cool now im going to tell you how to go and make this armor to make you safe and be ware this is the easiest armor to make so the boots you need 4 leather go to a crafting table or make one if you don’t have one put 2 leather at the right bottom corner then the other right middle  then 1 at the left bottom corner then 1 at the other left middle then done boots and you can wear them by pressing e or right clicking then wearing it instantly now helmet this is the 2nd easiest one to do now you need 5 leather now 5 leather put 1 at the top middle middle right middle left and top right corner and top left corner or you can also do 1 at the middle 1 at the middle right then 1 at the middle left then 1 at the corner left down and 1 at the corner right down then done you made a helmet and you can also do the same with the boots to so that is good if you make it wrong now the 2nd hardest to make it the leather leggings and im not saying its best armor remember than ok now you need 7 leather to make this leather legging so that is getting harder so now you need to put the leather at the middle top middle right middle left top right corner top left corner then bottom left corner bottom right corner then done you made legging again press E to wear it or press right click while holding the armor then done you have leggings but this is not the same thingy like you can’t do different to make leggings that the only way to do it NOW the hardest leather set to make is now you need 8 leather and don’t worry they all give different amount of armor if its harder to get now you need 8 leather a crafting table now place the the leather at the middle and middle bottom and middle right and middle left and bottom right corner and bottom left corner then top right corner then top left corner then done you made a leather chestplate then done you  can go out safely well not really because it is the worst kind of armor you can get but atleast you feel more safer than going with no armor.


How to be good at Minecraft Java: How to get better tools than what you have right now:

Now you need iron tools you have been with the stone tools for a long time and they are  breaking and it still takes a long time to still kill them now you need iron tools so first you want to get 8 cobble stone then make a crafting table or go to your crafting table then make a furnace and to make it put 8 cobble stone like a donut leave the middle alone then done place it down then  make sure to go and make a mining 3 blocks high then find coal make sure to get as much as possible to get more iron now dig more until you find iron they should be common or pretty easy if you find a cave and make sure to make torches so then you don’t get lost and how to much them get sticks and coal then press E or go to your crafting table place the stick at the bottom then coal above the stick then done you got torches you have 4 torches from crafting 1 then done now go mining the iron ore looks like kind a white like white terracotta then if you find it then go back to the surface go smelt it with your coal get 2 or more iron then smelt it then get 1 stick and 2 more iron ingot then make a iron sword by making a crafting table or go to your crafting table that you probably you have in your house or inventory then place 1 stick at the middle bottom then place 2 iron ingot and 1 iron ingot at the middle then 1 more at the middle top then done you made a iron sword and if you want details of the sword it should be below this text so yeah make sure to read it if you want to or not ur choice:


How Good is a Iron Sword and is it worth getting it in Minecraft java ? :


Iron Sword is a good sword if you are in the start you can just say a pretty amazing start because it is better than your fist a wooden sword and even the stone sword and it is better than one more sword I am going to tell you later and it does 6 damage or I don’t know so that is good 6 damage is a good damage if you just started the game and it is easy to get as it is very common in caves you can just get it by mining with stone pickaxe to the iron ore then smelting it and it is very easy and you only need 2 iron ingot from smelting and it does 6 damage so that is good and it is very easy to make so I say it is worth getting it as it is better than your fist in Minecraft and it is better than wooden sword you can get from wood and it is better than a stone sword which you can get from cobble stone from mining in the cave and it is even better than the sword I am about to tell you so this sword does 6 damage and it is easy to get as it is in many caves and very common I say it is worth getting it if you have spare to time to go down the cave and go explore the cave.

How to be good at Minecraft Java: Getting more Tools For other stuff which are useful to get:


Tools are just not Swords and Pickaxes but there are also axes and shovels and hoe to make food and now we are going to make a axe now you need to go to your crafting table get 3 iron ingots which you can get from the caves and they are common so they should be easy to get or you just have 3 iron ingots or 3 iron ore in your chest but if you don’t then mine 3 iron ore then when you have 3 iron ore smelt it by using your furnace now using your furnace you need coal then smelt your 3 iron ore then after that you have 3 iron ingot then get 2 sticks and 3 iron ingot and 1 crafting table you can craft a crafting table by press E and turning 1 oak log to 4 planks or you maybe have one already then place it down then put 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then place the 3 iron ingot at the middle top the top right corner then 1 more at the middle right then done you made a iron axe and you use it to mine wood or cut wood faster than using your fist useful right then here are the details of the iron axe if you are confused what is a iron axe and other stuff below this text:

How to be good at Minecraft Java: Getting Food For eating so you don’t starve a lot

Now you need food better of making a stone hoe because hoe are pointless and really bad stuff with it but 1st make a bucket after you make a bucket place water in your farming hole then right click with your stone hoe then get seeds from grass then boom now wait until its grown now wait how do you make a bucket get 3 iron ingot you can get from mining or you have 3 iron ingot or 3 iron ore in your chest or inventory just laying there but after you get 3 iron ore smelt it in the furnace with using coal then go to a crafting table then after you make a crafting table or you already have a crafting table get 3 iron ingot then place 1 at the middle right the other middle left then the last iron ingot at the middle  bottom then there you made a bucket now you need to make a stone hoe now you need 2 cobble stone you can get from mining with a wooden pickaxe or anything higher than that not lower then after you get 2 cobble stone get 2 sticks then make a crafting table or you already have one then place it then place the 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then the 2 cobble stone at the middle top and the other top right corner then done you made a hoe now here  are details of the stone hoe if you are confused what stone hoe is about and the details about it and its should be below this text im not sure but im going to see ok the details should be below this text:

stone hoe which is better durability and more faster to do it and to make it you need 2 sticks 1 crafting and 2 cobble stone you can get from mining in a cave by using a wooden pickaxe then put 2 sticks in the middle and bottom middle then 2 cobble stone at the middle top then right corner then done bam yes I think its worth getting it as it is very easy to get and you can make a lot of it. 

There anyways that how you plant and make food well onto the next one I guess:

How to be good at Minecraft Java: How to make food with the crop that  you got from farming.

Now you got the crops now you just need to get the food now you have to use your stone hoe to farm as I already said before then you want to get 3 wheat and to get that you have to wait until the crops are fully grown now that you have 3 wheats go to your crafting table or make one then place those 3 wheats in 1 line then bam you made bread now you can eat it and keep doing it then get a lot of food and never starve to death in Minecraft On to the next one I guess and use your stone hoe to keep doing your crop thingys.

How to be good at Minecraft Java: How to get Diamonds in Minecraft Java:

Now this one is a little hard because diamonds are hard to get because they can only be found at Y 11 and it is very hard because lava is at y 10 so it Is very hard because  you might die so be careful so you want to dig diagonal not straight down so make sure you are careful  if you are trying to find diamonds so you want to go to y11 and not dig straight down and here are details about diamonds if you are confused what is diamonds and here are details about diamonds so yeah you can read it:

Diamonds is a ore which is rare and you can only get at Y 11 as it is very deep and y 10 that is where lava is so you have to be super careful if you are trying to find diamonds but diamonds do give exp but the chances are rare and you can only get from 1 to 10 and 10 is very rare so you are most likely going to get 5 diamonds or 3 in 1 find but if you find 7 to 10 diamonds in 1 stack then that is just mega luck and if its your first ever diamond find that is even more luckier than just trying to look for ages so yeah that is just insane if you do find 7 to 1 0 diamonds in 1 find and in your first try so yeah diamonds are rare like very rare.

So that was the detail of Diamonds im going to tell you what to do with diamonds and which are most worth it later because I want to play with my brother first so yeah im going now


How to be good at Minecraft Java: What to do with Diamonds and which are worth it:


What Is Diamonds in Minecraft Java?

Diamonds is a ore which is rare and you can only get at Y 11 as it is very deep and y 10 that is where lava is so you have to be super careful if you are trying to find diamonds but diamonds do give exp but the chances are rare and you can only get from 1 to 10 and 10 is very rare so you are most likely going to get 5 diamonds or 3 in 1 find but if you find 7 to 10 diamonds in 1 stack then that is just mega luck and if its your first ever diamond find that is even more luckier than just trying to look for ages so yeah that is just insane if you do find 7 to 1 0 diamonds in 1 find and in your first try so yeah diamonds are rare like very rare.


How to make Diamond Tools in Minecraft Java.

You need 2 diamonds and 1 stick for a sword and you need a crafting table so make a crafting table get 2 diamonds and 1 sticks place down the  crafting table then place 1 stick at the middle bottom then 1 diamond at the middle then 1 more diamond at the middle top then bam you made a diamond sword so then now you can kill mobs in like 2 hits except for really op mobs so now you want make a a diamond pickaxe you need 3 diamonds and 2 sticks and same concept 2 sticks middle and middle bottom then 3 diamond at middle top and top right corner and top left corner then done then the axe put 2 sticks middle and bottom middle 1 diamond at the top middle then 1 at the right top corner then 1 at the middle corner then shovel 2 sticks at the middle and bottom middle then 1 diamond at the top middle then done that’s how you make 4 tools of type of diamonds so yeah done.


How to make Diamond Armor in Minecraft Java.

For boots you need 4 diamonds and 1 crafting table place those 4 diamonds 1 at the middle right then the other middle left then right bottom corner then the other left bottom corner then done then the helmet top middle the right middle then left middle then top right corner then top left corner then the leggings you need 7 diamonds you need to put 1 diamond in the top middle right middle left middle right top corner left top corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done then the chestpalte 8 diamonds required then you need a crafting table and middle middle bottom middle right middle left top right corner top left corner bottom right corner bottom left corner then done that’s how you make all 4 armor diamond so yeah that is how to make it all so then done.


Diamonds is a ore which is rare and you can only get at Y 11 as it is very deep and y 10 that is where lava is so you have to be super careful if you are trying to find diamonds but diamonds do give exp but the chances are rare and you can only get from 1 to 10 and 10 is very rare so you are most likely going to get 5 diamonds or 3 in 1 find but if you find 7 to 10 diamonds in 1 stack then that is just mega luck and if its your first ever diamond find that is even more luckier than just trying to look for ages so yeah that is just insane if you do find 7 to 1 0 diamonds in 1 find and in your first try so yeah diamonds are rare like very rare.

So that was the detail of Diamonds im going to tell you what to do with diamonds and which are most worth it later because I want to play with my brother first so yeah im going now


How to be good at Minecraft Java: What to do with Diamonds and which are worth it:

Diamonds are rare stuff you can only find at y 11 and lava is at y 10 so it is very hard to get and if you do get diamonds the first thing that you probably want to make a sword because so then you can kill mobs in 2 hits which is super op so and you only need 2 diamonds and 1 stick then done you made a diamond sword but that’s the material what you have to do is get a crafting table or make one or just go to one that you maybe have in your home then place the 1 stick at the middle bottom then 1 diamond at the middle then 1 more diamond at the middle top then done you made  a diamond sword but you can do different way you can put the stick and the bottom left corner then 1 diamond at middle left then 1 more at the top left corner and you can also do it at the other side to and so yeah that’s how you make a diamond sword



How to be good at Minecraft java: How to make a Diamond Pickaxe:

you make a diamond pickaxe you need 3 diamond same as the axe and 2 sticks then you want to go to a crafting table or make one or somewhere in your chest you have one or just go to your home then get 2 sticks and 3 diamonds place 1 stick at the middle bottom then 1 at the middle then 3 diamonds put 1 diamond at the top middle then 1 at the top right corner then 1 more at the top left corner the done that’s how you make a diamond pickaxe and a diamond pickaxe can mine obsidian so you can make a portal very easy but it will take some time because you have to find lava to be able to make a portal then place the portal maybe in your base or outside then now you can go to the nether and bring stuff to the nether so then you wont die as easily so then yeah that was the diamond pickaxe

How to be good at Minecraft Java: How to breed your animal so you get more than 2:

Now you need 2 of the animal then breed them now if it’s a cow then get wheat as I said how to get it in the how to farm section then now you need to breed both with 2 wheats then boom now sheep wheat to then chicken now this is easy because its seeds now then dogs I don’t know pigs carrots then done that’s all I know how to breed your animals so next time you have 2 of the same pets in this list make sure to breed them to get a lot of them so yeah and you can get good things from them as meat mutton chicken and the sheep will also give you wool and the cow will give you milk and chickens give you eggs  to throw at people or just for more chickens and it is a possible to get baby chickens and if you breed them you get benefits and make sure you just got the material as it is kind a hard getting the materials to feed them as I said you need to breed sheep and cow with wheat and you can get that by farming with a hoe and seeds and the chicken you only need seeds and you can get them by only getting it from the wheat because when you break wheat you get like 2 or 3 seeds back so you get more but you only get 1 wheat because yeah and that’s fair because wheat are more important than seeds as seeds you can only plant and breed the chicken and the wheat you can make bread hay bale and feed or breed the cows and sheep so I hope that helps you if you did please read more because they are also help full so yeah im going to stop at 48k words so then I can get many money so yeah I hope you enjoy read more if you want to and if you enjoy this so yeah and I want to make this as a book one day ok.



How to be good at Minecraft Java: How to be safe in the nether in Minecraft Java?

The nether is a place where it is very dangerous and a lot of mean players as piglins and magma cubes and piglins pig so you want to be careful in the nether bring iron armor or diamond armor if you want to be risky bring netherite armor but since we haven’t been in that topic yet wear diamond armor or iron armor and get iron tools or diamonds tools and don’t hit the piglins and you can hit the piglins pig and to prevent piglins wear golden boots and iron or diamond the rest then after that you don’t want to fall in the lava as in the nether lava is like 75% im not sure but lava is everywhere and can be below you so make sure to be careful when you are going to the nether or you can bring your friend to help you if you are dying and make sure to bring food and you are sure to be safe and how to make golden boots all you need is 4 golden ingot and you can get it from 4 gold ore then smelt it then go make a crafting table or make one then place it then or just go to your home then place 1 gold ingot at the right middle then the other left middle then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done you made boots to keep you safe and make sure you are safe because it is very hard to stay alive in the nether unless you make a line and secure the line with torches so yeah that’s how you go and stay alive in the nether I hope this help anyways if im going to do to the next one so read the next one if you don’t know what the topic is about.

How to be good at Minecraft Java: How to make Diamond armor in Minecraft Java:

how do you make diamond armor now diamond armor is the 2nd best armor in the game if you count netherite armor as one but netherite armor is very hard to get because you can only get it in the nether but this one is about diamond armor so diamonds can be found at y 1 1 and lava is at y 1 0 so you want to be careful If you want to go and get diamonds so yeah it’s a risk getting diamonds so this is how you make all the diamond armor so first for boots you need 4 diamonds and 1 crafting table place those 4 diamonds 1 at the middle right then the other middle left then right bottom corner then the other left bottom corner then done then the helmet top middle the right middle then left middle then top right corner then top left corner then the leggings you need 7 diamonds you need to put 1 diamond in the top middle right middle left middle right top corner left top corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done then the chestpalte 8 diamonds required then you need a crafting table and middle bottom middle right middle left top right corner top left corner bottom right corner bottom left corner then done that’s how you make all 4 armor diamond so yeah that is how to make it all so then done and that’s how you make diamond armor now I’m going to go make a new how to get good in Minecraft java and it will be about golden apple food and it will be very useful so read it if you don’t know about golden apple or gapples ok next one.


How to be good at Minecraft Java: How to make golden apples to regen yourself:


Golden apples are food which can regen you and make you heal so then you won’t die but it will not make you invincible because it will not make you fire res so you can stay in the lava because if you stay in the lava and eat a golden apple you will still die but slower because golden apples also re heal you so then you will die slower but its not meant for not able to die but enchanted golden apple will make you  invincible because the enchanted golden apple is not able to craft it so you have to find it in a temple or a dungeon or the black stone in the nether so good luck and its like a 2% chance so yeah but so stick with golden apples but if you are patient get enchanted golden apple now how to make golden apples not the enchanted now get 1 apple and 8 golden ingot then place the crafting table you have or at home then place the apple at the middle then 8 golden ingot surrounding the apple then done you made a golden apple and you can eat It and it is kind a expensive so you have to be rich in Minecraft to be able to make this a lot of them but it is pretty good because it heals you but yeah that’s how you make a golden apple and that what golden apples does to you when you eat one and so I say its worth it if you have the materials to make it because it is kind a expensive so yeah that’s one thing now that’s it anyways on to the next one I guess:


How to be good at Minecraft java: How to get netherite ingot in Minecraft java:

So netherite is a rare thing you can only get In the nether and it is very hard to get because in the nether dangerous things spawn and there is a ton of lava in the nether so be careful if you are going to the nether because you have to be careful because mobs can kill you or holes and you can’t place water so make sure to bring fire res potion so yeah and make sure you go bring some good armor to and weapons so then you won’t die easily so first you want to go really deep but just bring a stone pickaxe and nothing else then dig down then if you die you only lose your stone pickaxe then after that you want to go and if you success then make a ladder then after that you want to bring beds so then you can explode and get it and you can only get it IF YOU HAVE A DIAMOND PICKAXE so you need 2 sticks and 3 diamonds then done then you need to find 4 gold ingot and 4 debris wood then cook it then make it like a donut then make a smithing table to make it you need to make 4 oak planks and 2 iron ingot place 4 oak planks like a crafting table then place 2 iron ingot on top then done then make your diamond stuff turn to netherite stuff but this is a hard process but if you are trying to do this good luck.

How to be good at Minecraft Java: How to make netherite armor in Minecraft java:

well this is how you make netherite armor it is the best armor in the game but it is the hardest in the game and you need to get materials to make it you need to make diamond armor so follow this then when you are done read the rest diamond armor now diamond armor is the 2nd best armor in the game if you count netherite armor as one but netherite armor is very hard to get because you can only get it in the nether but this one is about diamond armor so diamonds can be found at y 1 1 and lava is at y 1 0 so you want to be careful If you want to go and get diamonds so yeah it’s a risk getting diamonds so this is how you make all the diamond armor so first for boots you need 4 diamonds and 1 crafting table place those 4 diamonds 1 at the middle right then the other middle left then right bottom corner then the other left bottom corner then done then the helmet top middle the right middle then left middle then top right corner then top left corner then the leggings you need 7 diamonds you need to put 1 diamond in the top middle right middle left middle right top corner left top corner then bottom left corner then bottom right corner then done then the chestpalte 8 diamonds required then you need a crafting table and middle bottom middle right middle left top right corner top left corner bottom right corner bottom left corner then done that’s how you make all 4 armor diamond so yeah that is how to make it all so then done and that’s how you make diamond armor. Then now you want to make netherite armor now get 4 netherite ingot now netherite ingot is a ore which is rare to get because they are deep and lava is 100% below you so be careful and mobs can spawn as piglins or pig piglins or magma cubes and they are very deadly so be careful and you need to get 4 ancient wood but idk what its called then after that you want to get 4 then cook it now you have 4 acient debris now place it in the furnace and 4 gold ingot like a donut then boom done now make a smithing table now how do you do that well get 4 oak planks then 2 iron ingot place 4 oak planks where a crafting table would be then place the 2 iron ingot on top then done now get your diamond gear you got and make netherite armor then done that’s how you make netherite armor. Now if you want to make the best netherite armor just keep repeating the same process just different diamond armor and no you can’t do it without diamond armor so yeah remember that and you also need to get netherite ingot so yeah.

How to be good at Minecraft java: How to get to the end in Minecraft java:

First you want to get your netherite stuff so then you can go and be very overpowered.

How to be good at Minecraft Java: How to get to the end part 2:

Well now you got good armor like netherite armor and diamond or what ever you want to get ender pearls you can get that from killing ender mans or trading piglins then after that you want to go and get blaze rod which you can get from killing blaze at the fortress then turn into Blaze powder then make ender eye then right click one then it go to a direction then after that you want to go to that direction then after that you want to go and find a strong hold then place down the eye of ender then done now defeat the dragon destroy the crystal and use beds or your sword then done then  get the ender egg right click it then dig a hole below it then place a torch then place the block below it then done ender egg then you finish the game that’s how you finish the game ok done.



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