What I learned from Mas Egi – Friday ( IPS )

 What I learned from Mas Egi – Friday ( IPS )


Mas Egi – Friday ( IPS ) 31/3/2023

1) What is Periodization based on Geology?

Periodization is something which can tell the age of an item.

2) How many periodization based on Geology?

1. Zaman arkhaikum

2. Zaman paleozoikum

3. Zaman mesozoikum

4. Zaman neozoikum

3) What is Zaman Arkhaikum?

Zaman Arkhaikum is a time periodization on when the earth was still evolving and still very hot and no living creatures.

4) What is Zaman Paleozoikum?

Zaman Paleozoikum was when there was animals / living creatures on earth.

5) What is Zaman Mesozoikum?

Zaman Mesozoikum is when the dinosaur become alive on earth and also human too.

6) What is Zaman Neozoikum?

Zaman Neozoikum is when there was alot new life of humans, birds, and alot of new animals / mammals.

Because of the human interaction with nature that is destructive to our environment:

1. Air contamination

Air pollution can happen because of the factories everywhere on earth because of the gas emissions which are produced during production of the factory.

2. Water contamination

In the ocean, river, pond, and alot of other water area, there are alot of trash which pollutes the water. Water pollution can also occur from people using explosives to be able to catch fish. People could also be putting chemicals in the water which can make the water poluted and maybe even deadly.

3. Land contamination

Soil pollution can happen when the soil loses an important component as its carrying capacity. Too much waste into the ground can contaminate the soil. Only about 20% hit the target, while most of the rest free falled to the ground. The impact of soil pollution is that the land can  become unproductive, and you cannot plant anything like wheat which can lower down the food source.


Extra Question:

What are the bad impact causes of interaction between human and nature?

Because of the factories and the pollution and the trash in the ocean and also us cutting down the trees in the forest, we are destroying nature because the people doing it are reckless and they don’t care. The fish will die more, the air will become bad and hard to breath, the forest will be very limited, and more.



Mas Egi - Friday ( IPS ) 7/4/2023

Today Mas Egi teach me about Air Pollution and other pollution:


Air Pollution can affect so much more than just the air. Everything living needs the air. For example the plants, with air pollution the plant may not get enough sunlight and enough clean air to be able to photosynthesis and soon will discolor and die soon.


Another disadvantage is that Air pollution will create smog which is smoke and fog together mixed up, so you may up very high but not be able to see anything because of the smog created by the smoke from the factories which creates air pollution


When we breathe it will be much more harder and it may even feel like we are smoking when breathing the air when you are next to a factory and you may even pass out if you have asthma, allergies, and diseases in which gives you a disadvantage with breathing, so making it harder could kill you or make you pass out.


We need to team up together and make the earth clean again and be aware of all of our next actions.


Create a Paragraph about the Water Pollution!

Water pollution affects alot of us and not just the fish and the water creatures. Water pollution can affect us humans and plants. We need to quickly fix this problem before the water becomes toxic and we have no way to fix it.


Firstly, Water pollution is a common issue in rivers, lakes, and the ocean because of people throwing their trash into the rivers and lakes. There are many garbage factories which throw their trash into the ocean. Soon the trash will end up in the Ocean which will affect the fish and other sea creatures. For example, the turtle may be eating the plastic and eventually dying, the fish may also eat it, and other animals may get stuck inside of the rubbish which makes them unable to get up for air.

( And soon all the trash will end up in the pacific garbage patch )


Secondly, Water pollution can affect our water supply and also our Food Supply, us humans eat alot of fish, and other sea creatures. If those food supply have alot of plastic, then we may not be able to eat it. Our water supply could be ruin by the toxic chemicals and trash.


Water pollution can also be polluted by the big companies throwing their chemicals into the ocean which makes it toxic and not liveable for ocean creatures, and in some cities they put the sewer water into the ocean which can also pollute the water which makes it toxic too.


Finally, When the clouds condensation the water from the ocean and also the air pollution, the clouds could pick up the toxic water and the toxic air gas and make acid rain, which are harmful to our food supply, our plants, our skin, and our property.


In conclusion, all of us are responsible for this and we must take action quickly by recycling our trash instead of throwing our trash into the lakes, rivers, and ocean and to clean the trash we see on the road or in the water.

Mas Egi – Friday ( IPS ) 14/4/2023

Mas Egi show me the effects and what water pollution looks like.

What causes Water Pollution:

Oil Spillage




Too much fertilizers

Acid rain


What are the side effects of Water Pollution:

The aquatic animals will die

The plants will die

Our food crops will die

Our water will be polluted, and we cannot drink it

Our water will be so disgusting and filled with oil and chemicals so we cannot swim in it

Now Mas Egi say I have know enough of water pollution so now I learn about air pollution


Assignment 90 SCORE

Create a Paragraph about Air Pollution!

Air pollution is massive problem to all of us, as it doesn't just affect us but also everything around us. Air pollution can affect the water which will kill the animals which depend on water like fish, sharks, dolphins and more. It  also affects our ecosystem and the earth temperature which makes our air more dirty.

Firstly, Air pollution can affect the air around us which can make us breath in more smoke from the pollution. Air pollution is mostly because of us humans and from the factories which produce tons of smoke.

Secondly, Air pollution can create acid rain, from all the oxide, smoke, and the chemicals which are coming out of the air pollution. It can create acid rain which can contaminate the water which can lead to thousands of fish and water mammals dying.

Finally, Air pollution can affect the earth climate change. The main thing cooling down the earth is its greenhouse and also the arctic and Antarctica. If the arctic and Antarctica starts melting then we should know it’s time to take a big change for the better. The greenhouse keeps the earth at a good temperature. If we keep polluting the earth then the greenhouse will raise higher in temperature and slowly it will be too hot for us.

In conclusion, we all somehow responsible for this, and because of that we all need to change for the better. We need to firstly clean up the earth to prevent the garbage building up. Secondly we all need to start recycling our trash and be aware on which brand we are buying from. And most importantly we should reuse recycle and reduce.


Mas Egi say very good and to use the different font.

Mas Egi - Friday ( IPS ) 5/5/2023

Today Mas Egi go back to what we have learned about air polution and water contamination and finally Land Contamination

Mas Egi showed me about


Land Contamination

Land Contamination is a part of Soil pollution and Soil pollution can happen when the soil loses an important component. Too much waste in the ground can also contaminate the soil. The impact of soil pollution is that the land can become less productive and therefore cannot grow any plant like flowers or wheat which can lower down the food source.



Create a Paragraph about Land Contamination!

            Land Contamination is a big deal especially to our planet and our growing food crops. Land Contamination will create massive problems if we don’t try to stop it now for example like, our food supply going down due to the soil pollution and unable to grow any wheat or food source. If we don’t try to stop it now it can get worse.


            Firstly, Land contamination can lead to soil pollution which then it can affect our food supply and maybe in the future we won’t have much food crops left for example like wheat. It doesn’t just affect our food but also nature, there won’t be much flowers or grass because of the soil being contaminated.


            Secondly, our environment will be much different than our current environment. In the future there  could trash everywhere because of the people who throw them away. In the future there could be too much trash and everywhere you will see trash. Our environment will look bad and not have beauty like it once had.


            Finally, I am going to say how to prevent Land Contamination and how to help to prevent it from becoming worse in the future. If you are walking or going outside and you see trash, pick it up and put it in the recycle bin. Make sure to be aware of what you buy and how you throw it away. For plastic you should recycle it and not throw it away. Reduce what you buy so you will have less trash. Reduce Reuse and Recycle.

            We need to stop Land Contamination before it’s too late and today you can help by just doing some small things and all of us needs to help. We all are responsible for what we did and we need to fix it.




Mas Egi – Friday ( IPS ) 12/5/2023

Mas Egi first show me the video of global warming and an assignment for me to make text about it and how to prevent it.



Make a text about Global Warming and how to prevent it!

Global Warming is a serious issue for not just us but for a lot of things. Global Warming heats up the earth and when it gets hotter and hotter it will be worse for the Arctic and Antarctica which helps to reflect the sun’s rays stabilizing the earth temperature. Global warming is currently getting worse by human activities, for example: Factories, wasting electricity, driving for a long time, etc…

            Firstly, we need to understand what global warming is. Global warming is when the Earth's temperature increases because of human activities. We release greenhouse gases by burning fossil fuels like coal and oil. These gases go up and trap heat in the atmosphere, which causes the planet to get warmer and warmer. This leads to many different types of problems like extreme weather, rising sea levels, harm to plants and animals, and health risks. To decrease global warming, we need to be able to reduce our greenhouse gases by doing other things to lower down the gases.

            Secondly lets understand the effects of global warming. Here are some examples:

1. Global warming can lead to extreme weathers, like storms, droughts, and heatwaves.

2. There will also be rising sea levels due to Antarctica melting and it could be a threat to coastal areas and increase risk of flooding.

3. Due to global warming heat there could be a loss to some plant and animal’s species that would go extinct.

4. There could be more health risks due to the rising temperatures that result in heat related illness and diseases.

            Finally, let’s talk about how we can prevent global warming. We can prevent it by using renewable energy. If we turn to clean and renewable energy source then we can reduce the greenhouse gas emission.

Another way we can prevent it is by using less energy. If we use our energy efficiently we can lower down the energy consumption and lower carbon emissions which contributes to preventing global warming.

The third way we can prevent it is by helping out nature by planting more trees and more plants. The plants can absorb the carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, which can reduce the greenhouse gas levels.

            At the end we are all responsible and we all need to contribute and prevent global warming. If we don’t stop global warming in time we could have some serious issues and the earth could be really unhealthy. We need to stop global warming as soon as possible before things get out of control. We can do small things to contribute like recycling your trash or using less energy etc…

Done finish



Mas Egi – Friday ( IPS ) 19/5/2023

Assignment 100 Score

Make a text about Air Pollution, Water Pollution, and Soil Pollution!

            Today I will be talking about Air Pollution, Water Pollution, and Soil Pollution. Pollution is really bad for us and also for the earth. Pollution is a massive problem and it’s going to be really hard to fix for the current state we are in right now. I will be talking about the effects of the 3 pollution and how to help to prevent it.

Firstly, I will be talking about Air pollution which is one of the most major one. Air pollution affects the air quality around us. The cause of air pollution mainly comes from the giant factories that creates stuff, it also comes from the cars, motorcycles.

We can help to prevent Air pollution by just savings electricity when not used, driving your car less, turn off your engine, switch from gasoline stuff to electric equipment’s etc…



Water pollution is really harmful for the marine life in the water. It can affect the sea life like fish, sharks, whales, dolphins, crabs, and not just that it can also affect our supply in water. It will also affect our food crops because of the bad water. The causes are usually from the people throwing trash into the water and big companies doing it too.

We can help prevent this by picking up trash which are found on the floor or in the water, also putting your trash in the correct bin will help, recycle reuse reduce. And most importantly do not throw your trash in the water.


Finally, Soil Pollution. Soil pollution can effect a lot of stuff. It can affect our food supply as it will result in unusable soil, it will also effect the animals, our health, increase in algae, the fertility of plants, etc…  The causes are usually form Littering, Mining, Chemical waste, nuclear waste, Illegal dumping, deforestation, etc…

And we can participate on preventing it by planting more trees, avoid littering / recycle reuse reduce, switch to organic products, avoid using fossils fuels, start gardening, and more.


At the end of the day, we are all responsible and all must take action before it becomes too bad. We can just small things to help prevent it as the examples I provided in the text above. I hope we all can help and change pollution for the better and hopefully it doesn’t get out of control.


Mas Egi – Friday ( IPS ) 26/5/2023


Make a text about Wildfire!

Wildfires are a big problem for nature. It destroys entire forests and hundreds of thousands of tree every single time it happens. It creates pollution which also makes our quality of air worse. Today I will be writing about the side effects of Wildfires and how we can contribute to preventing this to become worse!

            But first we need to know how they happen. Wildfires can happen because of lightning. If a tree gets hit with lightning, so much force can be put into that tree that it will burn.

Another way Wildfires can happen is because of Human cause fires. Some humans will leave their campfires left unattended still having a fire and not stopping it first, equipment use and malfunctions, throwing away burning cigarettes, and some people do it on purpose.

            There are many side effects to wildfires. Wildfires burns the entire forest which is really harmful because trees are the main thing which cleans up our air, and because of the burning trees it will pollute the air due to the pollution coming out of it. It will worsen our air quality. Ash  will also come from the burning tree which will pollute our soil, ground water, lakes, rivers, and streams.

            We can try prevent wildfires by extinguishing any campfire that are still running that we see. We can also help by recycling and cleaning up the trash that are in the forest. Mainly the cigarettes and very flammable stuff like gasoline and more. And when we go camping we can buy stuff which are not that flammable and making sure that nothing burns.

            And the end of the day it is all our fault, and we need to solve this issue together. By just doing the small stuff I said in the text can possibly stop a wildfire from happening. Wildfires are a huge problem and in the future hopefully it doesn’t get worse.






Mas Egi – Friday ( IPS ) 9/6/2023

Mas Egi say I am going to do the dance thing again so the first one is Lampung.

First one is Sigeh Penguten worship dance, and it is from Lampung and its floor patterns are Lurus ke depan, segi-tiga, and horizontal.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xuL79lk-fWA&ab_channel=SDN6Kotagajah

The second one is the Tari Bentang, and it is from Banten, and the floor patterns are only zig-zag, and horizontal.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aBW3BFoygiE&ab_channel=MediaDiksi

The last one is Tari Topeng Betawi, and it is from DKI Jakarta, and the floor patterns are segi-tiga, horizontal, Lingkaran, zig-zag, and lurus ke depan / vertical.

Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=krI8WDR0Upg&ab_channel=UKMPANKREASPNJ



Find a traditional dance and observe its floor patterns on Jawa Barat, Jawa Tengah, and Jawa Timur.



Mas Egi – Friday ( IPS ) 16/6/2023


Write a text about Earthquakes!

            Today I will be talking about Earthquakes. I will be talking about how earthquakes happen, how it affects us, and how we can help prevent it. Earthquakes are really destructible earth phenomenon where the earth crust moves violently and creates earthquake.


Firstly, I will be talking about earthquakes and what they are. Earthquakes are a earth phenomenon where tectonic plates collide through stress and create a giant shake. Earthquakes can be rated to be more deadly or not. There is a system called the Magnitude System where the higher magnitude equals to a harder shake or a more intense earthquake.


            Now I will be talking about how earthquakes happens in the first place. Earthquakes can happen when there is a sudden release of energy in the Earth’s crust. This occurs when the earths tectonic plates, which are large pieces of the earths outer shell suddenly move due to the energy. This slowly happens until too much stress between the tectonic plates is built up and is eventually release shaking the ground. Most of the earthquakes are caused by these tectonic plates.


            The effects of an earth can be devastating as it destroys buildings and endangers the lives of potentially millions of people. The earthquake also has some side effects as their usually occur under an ocean which causes tsunamis. Which not just kill people but destroy every building, every animal has a chance of drowning.


Sadly, there is no way to prevent earthquakes like other disasters. Earthquakes are a earth phenomenon which cannot be stopped. Although we may not be able to stop earthquakes we can help save lives from an earthquake. We can help by teaching children to go under their table or under a door way to survive. If it’s an INTENSE Earthquake we can help by warning other people to evacuate the city due to an earthquake and maybe tsunami too. With that we could save thousands of lives.

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At the end of the day, we cannot do anything to stop it, but we can save lives by warning people. Hopefully in the future we can somehow predict earthquakes more frequently.




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