Zhafran typing about random stuff
Zhafran talking about Random stuff.
Zhafran talking about Football.
Today I'll
be talking about the football/soccer World Cup, precisely when Saudi Arabia
shocked the world against Argentina. You might wonder how Saudi Arabia shocked the
world and defeated Argentina. 2 – 1. The Saudis effectively used Argentina's
main strength against them. The South American side is known for its aggressive
offensive play, with players adept at piercing through the back line with quick
passes. Saudi Arabia took a risk by pushing up the pitch, leaving itself
somewhat vulnerable.
Zhafran Will now be talking about the toys he likes:
He will be
talking about the Beyblade toy, its use, and how unique different types of
Beyblades are.
What is Beyblade?
Beyblade is
a toy you can play with friends you can also play with lots of people and you
can also do kind of like competitions at home with friends or family or compete
in real competitions and win prizes.
material does Beyblade use?
Beyblade mainly
use plastic but other types of Beyblade uses metal and it can also be metal and
plastic combiner.
different types of Beyblades are there?
There are
lots of types of Beyblades that have unique set powers that can help you when
you play Beyblade against your friends and family.
How do you
use Beyblades?
You could
use Beyblades in different types of ways like you could use your hand or you
can use the official ray by using launchers from Beyblades to use with the Beyblades.
How do you
play with Beyblades?
You use Beyblades
by using launchers and launching the Beyblades with the launchers grip.
Expensive are Beyblades?
It depends what
type of Beyblade you're getting but the average price for a Beyblade is 200,000
rupiah or 13 dollars.
What do you
need to play Beyblade?
You first
of course need Beyblade and then you also need a launcher that probably comes
along with the Beyblade and then lastly you need a stadium for the Beyblade to
play with your friends and also maybe your family.
Zhafran talking about big cats and small cats
There are
lots of types of launchers and there's launchers with grips that you need to
put and there's launchers where you don't need to put in the grips and the grip
is already on there for you so you can do it at anytime.
now I will be talking about the biggest cat in the world
the biggest cat in the world is
maybe fat or maybe the cat has lot of fur
The biggest cat in the world would probably squish you if the cat lands on you
if he was your pet you'll probably have to right
away carry him if he wants to get somewhere
now i'll be talking about the
smallest cat in the world sorry i meant kitten
The smallest cat in the world is so small you could probably fit him in
your hand sorry i meant kitten
The smallest kitten in the world will probably feel like plushy you when you're holding him
What is the difference between the smallest kitten in the world and the
biggest cat in the world?
The smallest kitten in the world it's really small and the biggest cat in
the world is really big
The biggest cat in the world would
probably squash you if he was on you
The biggest cat in the world would
probably squish the kitten because the worlds biggest cat didn't see the worlds smallest kitten
the biggest cat in the would would
probably feel like a tank if he was on
you while
The smallest kitten in the world
would probably feel like a plushy alive on you
The biggest cat in the world would probably get in your way when you're trying to
get somewhere so you have to jump over the cat
The Smallest kitten in the world you would probably not see trying to get
somewhere so you can get anywhere
without the kitten getting in your way so
you can go anywhere at any time without any interuption
Zhafran talking about what he
did today
now Today I'll be talking about what I did today first thing I did was
that my mom woke up me up and we sholat subuh and then I go back to sleep and then i wake up again and then take a shower
and then put on my clothes watch some
youtube and then do class and today i learned about bahasa indonesia and then
finish class and then watch on youtube again and then go to the mosque and then
go back home and then i play and today I want to a football store for football shoes and then we got into the football store
and then i tried many football shoes until i found the
best one for me And then I found the
best football shoe for me and there are three colors blue green and red and unfortunately
blue-green are sold out so they're was only red left in shock so I decided to
just red so i got red and we bought the shoes for really cheap for just 100,000
rupiah and then we got back to our car with the shoes in a box which was put
inside of a plastic bag And then Mama took a different path to see is there
another way to get into the football field And she found another way to get to
the football field and was bit long to get to that area or that different
pathway to the football field and then we drive back home and then I opened the
gate and then closed it, got back home, I ran inside as fast I could then I
went onto my laptop and I turned it on and started playing a bit of roblox of
arsenal and then I played FIFA Mobile for a bit too and then ohsome stuff like played some fifa mobile then
after that it was already time to go and sholat isha and then I did everything
again and after that i watched some TikTok again play some FIFA mobile again
and i watched some more TikTok and then it was time for us to go to sleep
because it was already 9 and then we went to the bathroom we brushed our teeth
and then wudhu and drink some water and finally went to bed I said goodnight
and the end.
For yesterday what I did first is my mom woke me up for sholat then i go
to the bathroom and then I wudhu after that I went to the living room to sholat
subuh and then after we finished sholating we all went back to the bedroom then
went back to sleep .then i wake up i go to the bathroom and then i brush my teeth and then took a shower and then
i put on my clothes on and then i put my towel on the outside drying towel
thing and then I go sholat duha and then
I go get a bowl and then put it on the table and then I take out the
cereal out of the fridge and then I put it in the cereal in the bowl and then I
got the milk out of the fridge and then put the milk in the bowl of cereal
and then I got a spoon from the kitchen and put it in the bowl of cereal and
then i put the cereal back in the fridge and the milk back in the fridge and
then I eat the cereal and then after I finish eating my cereal I went to the
kitchen I put my bowl in the sink and then I wash it with soap and water and
then I opened the shelf and then I put my bowl in it and then I closed the shelf
and then I watched some TikTok and youtube and then I started to play a bit
of FIFA mobile and then it was time to
sholat duhur so the first thing I went to the bathroom and would wudhu and then
I go outside and put on my sandals and then I opened the gate and then close
the gate and left and ran all the way to the masjid to sholat duhur over there
and then we waited there for 3 mintues and then sholat then went back home and
after that I started to watch some TikTok and YouTube play some more games.
Like FIFA Mobile and then i was hot so I decided to go to the bedroom and then
I turn on the air conditioner or AC and then i go watch TikTok and youtube in
the bedroom with the air conditioner on I watch TikTok until it was around 2:00
pm on the clock because it was the day that I go to the football training and then
it was 2:00 PM so I got ready and I got my mask on the table and then I put on
my mask and then my I put on my socks and then I put on my shoes and then my
mom start up the car and then I go to the gate and I open it and when the car
gets out of the house I close back the gate and then i opened the car door get
inside the car and then i close the car door right and then we drive to the
football field and then we get to the football field and then when we did got
there at the football field. the coach was not there so we have to wait until
the coach arrive and I was a bit bored so I watched the YouTube on my mom's
phone and after watching YouTube the coach finally arrived and then I saw him and
then I got on the football field and then i did
some training and then we did a
football match with the other kids and
then when after we're done with the football match we go back to the car and then we drive back home and when we arrive to
our home I got out of the car and I opened the gate and then when the car gets
in the house i closed the gate and then I go take off my shoes and also my
socks and then my mom gets my towel and i go to take a shower and then when I'm
done with my shower i put on my clothes and after i put on my clothes i put my
towel on the towel racket and then after I put my towel on the racket and then
it was time to go and sholat asar and after I sholat asar I watch some TIKTOK and
some FIFA Mobile and and I watch TIKTOK let's go and tell it was time for my
group so I go to the bathroom and then I would do and then I go back to the
living room and then I go so let Margaret. And then after I sholat Magrhib and I
learn my Surah Al-quraisy then after i learned the Surah Al-quraisy I'll
go back to watching TIKTOK and YouTube and play some FIFA mobile and now it was
time to eat some dinner because I was really hungry. So we all ate and then after
I eat I have to go and wash my dish so I put my dish in the sink and I wash it with
soap and water and then i put my dish In the racket and then after i watch some
tiktok and play a bit of FIFA mobile and
then I sholat Isha so I went to the bathroom and then after that I went to the
living room and sholat Isha. After I finish sholating Isha I decided to go back
watching some TikTok and then mom come up
to me and say to brush my teeth and then go to sleep. So then I stopped
watching tiktok and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and wudhu. After
that I went to get some water with my brother. Then after that we went to the
bedroom and said goodnight to everyone and then went to sleep.
Now it is the next day. I did the same morning routine like last time
Now the same thing I did my mom woke me up and then I wudhu and sholated
shubuh in the living room and then we all went back to sleep after that. Then
now my mom woke me up again. Then I went and took a shower brushed my teeth and
did the regular routine. I put on my clothes then after that I put my towel on
the rack outside. Went to the living room to go eat some breakfast. Then right
after I finished eating my breakfast now it was time to clean my bowl and to do
class and The first class I had was with mas heri. After I did the class I was
supposed to do another class with Nur but because she couldn’t do it I finished
school after Mas heri. After that I sholat duha so i first go to the bathroom
to wudhu and then I go to the living room and when I get to the living room I
sholat duha and then after I sholat duha I shut down my laptop and I watch
TikTok on the phone and then I wait until it's time for duhur and then it's time for duhur so I go to the bathroom and I wudhu
and then I go outside put on my sandals and then i opened the gate and then I
go run to the mospue and when I reach the mosque can you take off my sandals and then i go
inside and then I sholat inside the mosque
and then after I sholat asar and then I
go back outside OK and I put on my sandal and then I run back to my house and then
when I get to my house I close the gate and
then i go to the porch of the house and then I take off my sandal then I go
into that house and then I go to the bathroom to clean my feet and then after I
cleaned my feet and then I go to the living room and then I get
phone and i watch TikTok on the phone. And after I finished watching tik tok at
1 30 pm because i have music class and then it was 1 30 pm so So I decided to get my bass
and after that I went outside opened up the gate for the car and then hop
inside. After we arriveed to the music area I had to go to my class which is
upstair to do guitar. So then we did some lessons and did a song too and after
we finished I had to pack up everything so I got my book, my bass inside my bag.
Once I was done packing up, I went downstair to my moms car and then got inside
of the car and started driving back home, but while I was going back home I
decided to listen to some music The music I decided to pick was from twenty-one
pilots and the music was called stressed out. Once I reached home I decided to
go watch some more tik toks and then played some fifa mobile and other games.
Went onto my laptop and played some of my laptop games and then sholat asr with
my brothers and mom so I went to the bathroom and wudhu and sholat with them.
And after we finished sholating we all played some games and after that I played
some Fifa games and Football games on roblox. Then it was magrihb. Same thing I
went to the bathroom wudhu and sholated. Then not long after it was Isha. So I
didn’t fart or peed so I didn’t have to go to the bathroom to wudhu. So we just
sholat and after that I watched some videos and played. And now it was time for
us to go to sleep. So I went to the bathroom with my brothers and we all
brushed our teeth together and watched some tiktoks too while we were brushing
our teeth then wudhu and turned off our laptops, the light and our phone too.
We all went to the bedroom got our blankets, and then said goodnight and went
to sleep. And the end.
Zhafran talking about turtles and tortoises
The tortoise are a land species and look very similar to the turtle so you
might think that they have the same abilities as a turtle. But you're wrong tortoise are actually a land species or animal
because if a tortoise wants go to the water it will drown because it can't swim like a turtle. So
that is why the tortoise is not the same as turtle. The turtle is a water
animal and land animal while the tortoise isn’t. Now we'll be talking about the
size of the turtles and also tortoises too. So right now we'll be talking about
the tortoise size and you can see the picture below the tortoise is really big.
And then the turtle picture is just right below this text. As you can see
they look very similar but the tortoise one looks much more bigger than the turtle. The turtle loves swimming
in the ocean.
Zhafran is now finished talking about turtles and tortoise and now instead
going to be talking about football legends like Pele and more.
Zhafran talking about football.
We will be talking about legends in football. Namely, the first one is
about a person who won the world cup many times. His full name is “ Edson Arantes do Nascimento “; he is better known by his nickname Pele. He was a Brazilian professional
footballer who played as a forward and was regarded as one of the greatest
players of all time and labelled the greatest by FIFA. He was among the most successful
and popular sports figures of the 20th century. In 1999, he was
named athlete of the country by the International Olympic Committee, and he was
also included in the timeless of the 100 most influential people of the 20th
century in 2000. Pele was also voted the Player of the Century by the International
Federation of Football History & Statistics ( lFFHS ). After that, he was
one of the two joint winners of the FIFA Player of the Century. Pele also holds
a Guinness world record in which he scored a whopping 1,279 goals in 1,363
games, including his friendly ones.
Pele soon began playing for Santos at
15 and Brazil national team at 16 during his national career and he won three
FIFA World Cup 1958 1962 and 1970. The only person to do so he was nickname o Rei or translated the king following the 1958
tournament pele is the joint top goal score for Brazil with 77 goals in 92
games at the club level here Santos all-time top scorer with 643 goals in 659
games in a golden era for Santos he led the club to the 1962 and 1963 Copa Liberatores
and to the to the 1962 and 1963 intercontinental cup. How did connecting the
phrase of the beautiful game with football pele electrifying play and penchant
for spectacular goals made him a star around the world and his team's toured
internationally to take full advantage of his popularity during his playing
days pele was for a period the best paid athlete in the road after retiring in
1977 pele was a worldwide ambassador for
football and made many acting and commercials ventures in 2010 he was name the
honorary president of the New York cosmos averaging almost a goal per game
throughout his career pele was adept at
striking the ball with either foot in addition to participating his opponent’s
move on the field while predominantly a striker he could also drop deep and
take on a playmaking role providing assists with his vision and passing ability
and he would also use his dribbling skills to go past opponents and below he
was hauled as a national hero for his accomplishments and football and for his
outspoken support of policies that improve the social conditions of the poor at
his emerged at the 1958 world cup where he becomes a black global sporting *
was a source of inspiration throughout his career and in his retirement pele
perceive numerous individuals and team rewards for his performance on the field
his record-breaking achievements and his legacy in the sport now I'll be
talking about Pele early years pele was born Edson Arantes do Nascimento on 23
October 1940 in tres coracoes minas Gerais the son of Fluminense footballer
dondinho born joao ramos do nascimento and celeste arantes he was the elder of
two siblings with brother zoca where are you also playing for santos albeit not
as successfully he was name after the American inventor Thomas Edison his parents decided to remove the i and call him edison but there was
a typo on his birth certificate meeting many documents to show his name as edson not edson as he was told he was originally
nickname dico by his family he received the nickname pele during his school
days when it is claim he was given it
because of his pronunciation that all the name of his favourite player local
vasoc da gama goalkeeper bile Lech he
misspoke but the more he complained the
more it stuck in his autobiographical pele stated he had no idea what the name
means nor did his old friends apart from the assertion that the name is derived
from that of bile the word that has no meaning in Portuguese pele grew up in
poverty in bauru in the state of Sao Paulo he earned extra money by working
anti shops as a servant taught to play by his father he could not afford a
proper football and usually played with either a cock stuffed with newspaper and
tied with string or a grapefruit he played for several amateur teams in his youth
including sete de setembro canto do Rio Sao paulo state youth championship in
his mid-teens he played for an indoors football team called Radium indoor football had just become popular in Bauru
when pele began playing it he was part of the first futsal indoor football competition
in the region pele and his team won the first championship and several others
according to pele futsal indoor football presented difficult challenges he said
it was a lot quicker than football on
the grass and that player was required to think faster because everyone is
close to each other in the pitch pele credit futsal for helping him think
better on the spot in addition futsal allow him to play what adults when he was
about 14 years old in one of the tournaments he participated In he was initially
considered too young to play but eventually when on to end up top scorer with
14 or 15 goals that gave me a lot of confidence pele said I knew that not to be
afraid of whatever might come now I’ll be talking about pele club career Santos
1956- 1962 early years with Santos declared a national treasure in 1956 de
Brito took pele to Santos an industrial and port city located near Sao paulo to
try out for professional club Santos fc telling the club director that the 15
year old will be the greatest football player in the world pele impressed Santos
coach Lula during his trial at the Estadio Vila belmiro and he signed a
professional contract with the club in June 1956 pele was highly promoted in
the local media as a future star he made his senior team the debut on 7 of December 1956 at the age of 15 against
Corinthians de Santo andre and had an impressive
performance in a 7 1 victory scoring the first goal in his Prolific career
during the match when the 1957 season started pele what's given a starting
position in the first team and at the age of 16 became the top scorer in the
league 10 months after signing professionally the teenager was called up to the
Brazil national team after the 1958 and the 1962 world cup wealthy European
clubs such as Real Madrid Juventus and Manchester united tried to sign him in
vain in 1958 inter milan even manage to get him a regular contract but Angelo Moretti
was forced to tear the contract up at the request of Santos chairman following
a revolt by Santos Brazilian fans Valencia cf also. Arranging an agreement that
Would have brought. Pele to the club. After the 1958 World Cup, however, after
his performance at the tournament. Santos decline to let the player leave. In
1961, the Government of Brazil under the President. Janio Quadro declared. Pele
is an official. A national treasure to prevent him from being transferred out
of the country Pele won his first major title with Santos in 1958 as the team won
the Campeonato Paulista He would finish the tournament as the top scorer with
58 goals. A record that will still stand today. A year later, he'll help the
team earn their first victory in the tormeio Rio sao paulo with a 3-0 over.
Vasco da gama, however. Santos was unstable. To retain the. Paulista title in
1960. Pele scored 33 goals to help his team regain the. Campeonato Paulista
trophy the lost out on. the Rio-Sao Paulo title in 1960 after finishing at eighth
place. In the 1960 season pele goals and
helped. Santos rregainedthe Campeonato paulista the club went on to win the. Taca
Brazill that same year, beating. Bahia in, the finals pele finished as the tournament’s
top scorer with nine goals. The victory allowed Santos. To participate. In the.
Copa Libertadores the most prestigious club tournament. in the western hemisphere. Santos most successful
copa season started in 1962. The team was. seeded In Group 1 alongside. Cerro
porteno and Deportivo municipal bolivia winning every match of their group but
one. A 1-1 away tie versus. Cerro Santos defeated. Universidad catolica in the
semi finals an met defending champions. penarol in the finals. pele scored
twice in the play of match to secure the first title for a Brazilian club. pele
finished as the second top second scorer of the competition with four goals that
same year. Santos would successfully defend the Campeonato paulista with 37
goals from. Pele and the taca brasil pele scoring four goals in the final
series against. botafogo Santos would also win the 1962. Intercontinenta cup
against. benfica wearing his number 10 shirt. pele produced one of the best
performance of his career, scoring a hat trick in Lisbon on Santos won 5-2 pele
stated that his most memorable goals was scored at. The estadio rua Javari on a
Campeonato paulista match against. Sao Paulo rival clube atletico Juventus on 2
August. 1959. As there is no video footage of this match. pele ask that a
computer animation be made of this specific goal in March 1961. pele scored
the. gol de placa goal worthy of a plaque against. l at the maracana pele
received the ball on the edge of his own penalty area. And ran the. length of
the field eluding opposition players with feints before striking beyond the keeper a plaque commission with a
dedication to the most beautiful goals in the history of the maracana as the
defending champions Santos, qualified automatically
to the semi finals. Stage. Of the 1963
copa libertadores the bale branco white ballet the nickname given to Santos at
the time. Managed to retain the title after victorious over. Botafogo and boca juniors
pele help Santos overcome a. botafogo team.
Zhafran will now be talking about 4 different
species of Cheetah’s:
But first I will be talking about
some facts about cheetahs:
Short Cheetah’s Facts
1) Nearly all of the wild cheetahs can be found in the sub Sharan part
of Africa, where they mostly roam openly, in the grassy savannah plains and open forests. A small population
of cheetahs live in the north eastern of Iran, although only a few dozen remains
2) Cheetah’s bodies are able to grow between 1.1 metres to 1.4 metres
long, also the tail measuring 65 cm to 80 cm. The cheetahs can weigh from 34 kg
to 54 kg but that’s for females, while for males they are slightly more heavier.
3) Cheetah’s have a pale yellow coat with black dots on their upper parts,
and their underbelly in white. Their face is usually distinguished by prominent,
black lines that curve from the inner corner of each to the outer corners of
the mouth.
4) Cheetah’s are the fastest land animal in the world, cheetahs are able
to reach 112 km/h ( 69 mph ) in just three seconds – just for an example, that’s
faster than a sports car acceleration ( Sports car top speed are way higher
than cheetahs but based on acceleration cheetahs win ). It’s cheetah’s body has
evolved over time for speed, with its long legs, an elongated spine, adapted
claws to grip on the ground and a long tail for balance.
5) Cheetahs are carnivores that lives
off on other animals that they find on Africa’s plains.
Example: rabbits, warthogs, springboks,
gazelles, and birds.
6) These fierce felines hunt during the day to avoid any other
competition from the other powerful predators around the areas such as lions, hyenas,
and leopards. And it’s crazy how they hunt. They first use their exceptional
eyesight to be able to scan their surroundings before they sneak up on their
chosen prey. And when the time is right, they sprint to the victim and kills
them by biting on their throat.
7) Although cheetahs can run at high speeds up to 112 kph, they are only
limited to run 200 – 300 metres / under a minute before they get tired again.
8) Cheetah’s are social animals, cheetah’s are usually found in groups, which
consists the mother and her cubs ( which stay together for around six months
after leaving the mother ) or a coalition of males who live and hunt together. Adult females, however,
tend to be solitary and only meet with males to mate.
9) Females usually give birth to between two to eight cubs at a time. She
likes to take of her cubs in a hidden area by tall grass, until they are 16 to
24 months.
10) Cheetahs are endangered. Cheetahs are threatened by the loss of
habitat and prey, as well as conflicts with the humans. As a result of these current
going events, cheetahs are classified as Vulnerable on the IUCN Red list, and
today there is an estimation of 9,000 to 12,000 cheetahs which remain in
Source: 10
top cheetah facts! - National Geographic Kids (natgeokids.com)
Starting with the Northwest African
Cheetah / Saharan Cheetah
Northwest African Cheetah / Saharan Cheetah:
Firstly, the Northwest African cheetah
Scientific name is Acinonyx jubatus hecki, which is also known as the “ Saharan
cheetah “. This cheetah subspecies is native to the Sahara and Sahel. It is
currently listed as Critically Endangered on the IUCN Red List. 15 Years ago in
2008, it was suspected that there was less than 250 Saharan Cheetahs.
The Northwest African cheetah was described
a German zoologist, Max Hilzheimer 110 years ago in 1913 under the scientific
name Acinonyx hecki.
Felis jubata senegalensis was described
by Henri Marie Ducrotay de Blainville in 1843 and it was based on a cheetah found
from Senegal. As this name was preoccupied, it is considered synonymous with A.
j. hecki.
The Northwest African Cheetah Characteristics
The Northwest African cheetah is quite
different in appearance from the other cheetahs. The Saharan cheetah’s coat is
shorter and nearly white in colour, and there are some spots that fade from black
over the spine to the light brown on the legs. The cheetahs face has a few or no
black spots, and the tear stripes ( the dark stripes running from the medial
canthus of each eye down the side of the muzzle to the corner of the mouth )
are often missing. The body shape is the same as the sub-Saharan cheetah, except
that’s it is slightly smaller.
Distribution and habitat
The Northwest African cheetah ranges
from the western and central Sahara and the Sahel in small, fragmented populations.
Based on the data ranging from 2007 to 2012, the cheetah population in the West,
Central and North Africa has been estimated at just 457 cheetahs in an area of
1,037,322 km2 ( 400,512 square miles ). 238 of those cheetahs are
distributed between Central African Republic and Chad, 191 cheetahs are in
Algeria and Mali, and a small 25 cheetahs in the transboundary of W, Arli, and Pendjari
protected area complex in Benin, Burkina Faso, and Niger.
In Niger, the population are at the
Tenere desert which is the northern part of Niger and in the southern savanna region
of W National Park. Records have been done since the 1970’s in Togo. The Sharan
cheetah is thought to be a regionally extinct in Morocco, Western Sahara,
Senegal, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Sierra Leone, Cote d’Ivorire and Ghana. In 2010,
a cheetah was photographed in Niger’s Termit Massif by a camera trap
While in Mali, the cheetahs were sighted
in Adrar des Ifoghas and in the Kidal Region during the 1990’s.
While for the north Province of
Cameroon, there has been no sightings of the Northwest African Cheetahs. They
were doing a survey between January 2008 and May 2010.
During the time of August 2008 and November
2010, four animals were recorded by the camera traps which were set up in Ahaggar
National Park located in the south central Algeria. Another single cheetah was
once filmed again and photographed by the Algerians in 2010 in the same part in
the Atakor volcanic field which peaks at a height of 3,000 metres ( 9,800 ft ).
Behaviour and ecology
In the Sahara Desert, the daytime
temperature can exceed 40 Celsius ( 104 Fahrenheit ). Water is Scarce and rainfall.
Two camera trapping surveys in the Ahaggar massif revealed that the cheetahs in
the area exhibit several behavioural adaptation to the Sahara Desert Climate. The
cheetahs are nocturnal animals and active between the sunset and the early mornings;
they can travel larger distances and occur at a lower density than cheetahs living
in the savannas.
The main prey of the Northwest
African Cheetah are antelopes which have adapted to an arid environment such
as. The Addax, Dorcas, gazelle, rhim gazelle, and dama gazelle. It also preys
on smaller mammal. such as the hares Cheetahs can subsist without the direct access
to water, obtaining water. indirectly from the blood of their prey.
Source: Northwest
African cheetah - Wikipedia
The 2nd type of Cheetah
that Zhafran wants to talk about is the Asiatic Cheetah
Asiatic Cheetah
Now we will be talking about the Asiatic Cheetah. The Asiatic cheetah Acinonyx jubatus venaticus is a critically endangered cheetah subspecies currently only surviving in Iran. The Asiatic cheetah became extinct in lndia in 1948.
The cheetahs which were reintroduced
in 2022 are the African subspecies the southeast African cheetah. It once occurred
from the Arabian peninsula and the near east to the Caspian region Transcaucasus Kyzylkum desert and northern
south Asia but was extirpated in this region 20th century. The Asiatic cheetah diverged
from the cheetah population in Africa between 32 000 and 67 000 years ago.
The Asiatic cheetah survives in the
protected areas in the eastern central. Arid region of Iran where the human
population density is very low between December 2011 and November. 2013 84. Individuals
were sighted in 14 different protected areas and 82 individuals were identified
from camera traps. photographs in December 2017 were fewer than 50 individuals
were thought to be remaining in three. Subpopulations that are scattered over 140,000.
Km ( 54,000 sq. mi ) in Iran’s central
plateau. As of January 2022, the Iranian department of environment estimates that
only 12 Asiatic cheetahs 9 males and 3 females are left in Iran in order to
raise international awareness for the conservation of the Asiatic cheetah an illustration
was used no the jerseys of the Iran national football team at the 2-14 FIFA
World Cup.
Felis venatica was proposed by Edward
Griffith in 1821 and it was based on a sketch of a maneless cheetah which was
found from India. Griffith’s description was published to the Le Regne Animal
with the help of Griffith’s Assistant Charles Hamilton Smith in 1827.
Acinonyx raddei was proposed by Max
Hilzheimer in 1913 for the cheetah population which was in the Central Asia,
the Trans-Caspian cheetah. Hilzheimer’s type specimen which originates in Merv,
Results of a five-year
phylogeographic study on cheetah subspecies indicate that Asiatic and African cheetah
populations separated between 32,00 and 67,000 years ago and are genetically distinct
samples of 94 cheetahs for extracting. Mitochondrial DNA was collected in nine countries
from the wild. Seized and captive. Individuals and from the museum specimen the
population in Iran is considered autochthonous monophyletic and the last remaining
representative of the Asiatic subspecies mitochondrial DNA fragments of an
Indian and a southeast African cheetah museum specimen. Showed that they
genetically diverged about 72,000 years ago.
The Asiatic cheetah has a buff to
light fawn coloured fur that is more polar on the sides, on the front of its
muzzle, below the cheetah eyes and inner legs. The cheetah have some black
spots which are arranged in lines on the head and nape, but it is irregularly
scatted on its body, legs, paws, and tail. They also have some black stripes on
its tail tip. The cheetah’s coat and mane are shorter than a African cheetah
subspecies. The head and body of an adult Asiatic cheetah can measure to around
112 cm to 135 cm ( 44 to 53 inch ) with a 66 cm to 84 cm ( 26 to 33 inch ) long
tail. The Asiatic Cheetah can weigh from 34 kg up to 54 kg ( 75 lb to 119 lb ).
They also exhibit sexual dimorphism; males are slightly larger than the
females. In size, weight, length, etc…
You may already know this, but the
cheetah is the fastest land animal in the world. It was also previously thought
that the cheetah body temperature increases during a hunt due to its high
metabolic activity. In a short period of time during a chase, a cheetah can /
may produce up to 60 times more heat than at rest, with much of the heat
produced from its glycolysis, which is stored to possibly raise its body
temperature. The claim was supported by data analysis from experiments which
were done. It contained two cheetahs running fast on a treadmill for minutes on
end, but it contradicted by studies in natural settings, in which indicates
that the body temperature stays relatively the same during a cheetah’s hunt. In
2013 a study was done, and it suggested that stress hyperthermia and a slight
increase in body temperature after a hunt. The cheetah’s nervousness after a
hunt may induce stress hyperthermia, which it involves high sympathetic nervous
activity and raises the body temperature. After a hunt, the risk of another
predator taking its kill is great, and the cheetah is also on high alert and
pretty stressed. The increase sympathetic activity prepares the cheetah’s body
to run when another predator find them and start to approach and attacks. In the
2013 study, even the cheetah that did not chase the prey experience an increase
in body temperature once the prey was caught, showing increased sympathetic
Distribution and habitat
The cheetah thrives in the open
lands, like the small plains, semi desert areas, and other open habitats where
prey are available for them to hunt down. The Asiatic cheetah mainly inhabits
the desert areas around like Dasht-e Kavir in the eastern half of Iran, which
also include parts of the Kerman, Khorasan, Semnan, Yazd, Yehran, and Markzai
provinces. Most of them live in the five protected areas which are, viz Kavir
National Park, Touran National Park, Bafq Protected Area, Dar-e Anjir Wildlife
Refuge, and Naybandan Wildlife Reserve.
During the 1970’s time, the Asiatic
cheetah population in Iran was estimated to be about 200 individuals in 11
protected areas. Soon later on it was the end of the 1990’s, and the population
was estimated to be at 50 to 100 individuals which is 2x less up to 4x less
than it was 20 years before. During its camera trapping surveys which was
conducted across 18 protected areas between 2001 and 2012, a total of 82 individuals
in 15 to 17 families were recorded and identified. Of these, only around six
individuals were recorded for more than three years. During this period, 42 of
the cheetahs had died due to poaching, in road accidents and also due to some
natural causes. It’s population are fragmented and known to survive in the
Semnan, North Khorasan, South Khorasan, Yazd, Esfahan, and Kerman Provinces.
During the summer 2018, a female
cheetah and four cubs were sighted in the Touran Wildlife Refuge Iran’s Semnan
Former range
The Asiatic cheetah once ranged from the
Arabian Peninsula and Near East to Iran, the Caucasus, Central Asia, Afghanistan,
and Pakistan to India. It is also considered as regionally extinct in all of
its former range, with the only known surviving population being in Iran.
(The image is pretty sad because it shows a person named “Maharajah Ramanuj Pratap Singh Deo shooting down the last 3 cheetahs in India in 1948.)
In Iraq, the Cheetah was still. In
the desert West of. Basrah in 1926. The last record was. publish in 1991.
and it was a cheetah that had been
killed by a car in the Sinai Peninsula a sighting of two cheetah was reported
in 1946 in the Arabian. Peninsula it used to occur in the northern and south
eastern fringes and had been reported in both Saudi Arabia and. Kuwait before,
1974 two cheetah were killed in the northern Saudi. Ha il region in 1973 in
Yemen the last known cheetah was sighted in Wadi Mitan in 1963 near the
international border with Oman. In Oman’s dhofar mountains a cheetah was shot
near Jibjat in 1977
In Central Asia uncontrolled hunting
of cheetahs and their prey severe winters and conversion of grassland to areas used
for agriculture contributed to the population decline by the early 20th
century the range in central Asia had decreased significantly by the 1930s
cheetahs were confined to the ustyurt
plateau and mangyshlak peninsula in Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan and to the
foothills of the Kopet dag mountains and a region in the south of Turkmenistan
bordering Iran and Afghanistan the last known sightings in the area were in 1957
between the tejen and Murghab rivers in July 1983 in the ustyurt plateau and in
November 1984 in the Kopet Dag.
Officers of the badhyz state nature reserve did not cheetah in this
area until 2014 the border fence between Iran and Turkmenistan might impede
The cheetah population which is in
Afghanistan decreased to the extant that is has now been considered extinct
ever since the 1950’s. Two skins were sighted at the market in the country, one
in 1971 and another one was sighted in 2006, the latter reportedly from
Samangan Province.
in India the cheetah occurred in Rajputana
Punjab sind and south of the Ganges from Bengal to the northern part of the
deccan plateau it was also present in the kaimur District Darrah and other desert
regions of Rajasthan and parts of Gujarat and central India akbar the create
was introduced to cheetahs around the mid-16th century and used them
for coursing blackbucks chinkaras and anteloes he allegedly possessed 1,000
cheetahs during his reign but this figure might be exaggerated since there is no
evidence of housing facilities for many of the animals, nor of facilities to
provide them with sufficient meat every day. Trapping of adult cheetahs, who had
already learned some hunting skills from their wild mothers, for assisting in
the royal hunts is said to be another major cause of the species rapid decline
in India, as there has only been one record a litter ever born to captive
animals. By the beginning of the 20th century, the wild Asiatic
sightings in India were super rare, so much so that between the year 1918 to
19945, the Indian princes decided to import cheetahs from Africa for coursing.
Three of India’s last cheetahs were sadly shot down by the Maharajah of Surguja
in 1948. A female was sighted in 1951 in Koriya district, North Western of
Ecology and Behaviour
Most of the sightings of cheetahs in
the Miandasht Wildlife Refuge between January 2003 and March 2006 occurred
during the day time and not night and also near the watercourses. These
observations suggested that they are mostly active when their prey is active.
Soon later in between 2009 to 2011
camera trapping data was able to obtain some data which shows that some of the
cheetahs like to travel long distances. A female was recorded by the camera
trapping in two protected areas that are around 150 km / 93 mi apart and
intersected by railway and two highways. Her three male siblings and a
different adult male were recorded in three difference reserves, which may
indicate that they have a large home range.
The Asiatic cheetah preys on the
medium sized herbivore animals. Examples: chinkara, goitered gazelle, wild
sheep, wild goat, and cape hare. In Khar Turan National Park, cheetahs use a
wide range of different habitats, but they prefer the areas which are close to
water sources. This habitat overlaps to about 61% with wild sheep, 36% with
onager, and then 30% with gazelle.
In India, prey was formerly abundant.
But before the cheetah became extinct in India, the cheetah fed on animals like
the blackbuck, the chinkara, and sometimes the chital and nilgai.
There have been evidence which shows
that females successfully raising their cubs are veery rare. A few observations
were made in Iran which indicates that they give birth throughout the year to
around one to four cubs. In April 2003, they found that there were 4 cubs
inside a den had still closed eyes. In November 2004, a cub was recorded by a
camera trap that was about 6 to 8 months old. Breeding success will also
depends on the availability of prey around the area. In October 2013, a female
with four cubs were filmed in the Kar Turan National Park. A year later at December
2014, four cheetahs were sighted and photographed by the camera traps in the
same national park. In January 2015, three other adult Asiatic cheetahs and a
female with her cub were sighted in Miandasht Wildlife Refuge. Eleven different
cheetahs were also sighted at the time, and another four month later. In July
2015, five adult cheetahs and three cubs were spotted in Khar Turan National
Today Zhafran wants to write/talk
about Dinosaurs
Dinosaurs are a diverse group of
reptiles of the clade Dinosauria, they first appeared during the Triassic period
between 245 and 233.23 million years ago
( mya ). Although, the exact origin and timing of the evolution of dinosaurs is
a subject of active research. They became the dominant terrestrial vertebrates
after the Triassic Jurassic extinction event 2013 mya and their dominance
continued throughout the Jurassic and cretaceous periods. The fossil record shows
that birds are feathered dinosaurs having evolved from earlier theropods during
the late Jurassic epoch and are the only dinosaur lineage known to have
survived the cretaceous Paleogene extinction event approximately 66 mya. Dinosaurs
can therefore be divided into avian dinosaurs’ birds and the extinct non avian
dinosaurs which are all dinosaurs other than birds.
Dinosaurs are varied from taxonomic
morphological and ecological standpoints. Birds at over 10,700 living species
are among the most diverse groups of vertebrates. Using the fossil evidence palaeontologists
have identified over 900 distinct genera and more than 1,000 different species
of non-avian dinosaurs. Dinosaurs are represented on every continent by both
extant species birds and fossil remains. Though the first half of the scientific
community believed dinosaurs to been sluggish and cold blooded. Most research were
conducted since 1970’s, however, has indicated that dinosaurs were active
animals with elevated metabolisms and numerous adaptations for social interaction.
Some were herbivores, others carnivorous. Evidence can suggests that all
dinosaurs were egg laying, and that nest building was a trait shared by many
dinosaurs both avian and non-avian.
While dinosaurs were ancestrally
bipedal many extinct groups included quadrupedal species, and some were able to
shift between these stances. Elaborate display structures such as horns or crests
are common to all dinosaur groups, and some extinct groups developed skeletal modifications
such as bony armour and spines. While the dinosaur’s modern day surviving avian
lineage ( birds ) are generally small due to the constraints of flight many
prehistoric dinosaurs ( non-avian and avian ) were large bodied the largest sauropod
dinosaurs are estimated to have reached lengths
of 39.7 meters 130 feet and heights of 18 m 59 ft and were the largest land animals of all time.
The misconception that non avian dinosaurs were uniformly gigantic is based in
part on preservation bias as large sturdy bones are more likely to last until
they are fossilized. Many dinosaurs were quite small some measuring about 50 centimetres
or 20 inches in length.
The first dinosaur Jurassic Park
recognized in the early 19th century with the name dinosaur meaning
terrible lizard being coined by Sir Richard Owen in 1842 to refer to these “great
fossil lizards”. Since then mounted fossil dinosaur skeleton have been major attractions
at museums worldwide and dinosaurs have become an enduring part of popular
culture. The large sizes of some dinosaurs as well as their seemingly monstrous
and fantastic nature have ensured their regular appearance in best-selling
books and films such as Jurassic Park. Persistent public enthusiasm for the
animals has resulted in significant funding for dinosaurs’ science and new
discoveries are regularly covered by the media.
Under phylogenetic nomenclature,
dinosaurs are usually defined as a group which consists of the most recent common
ancestor ( MRCA ) of Triceratops and the modern birds ( Neornithes ), and all
its descendants. It has also been suggested that Dinosauria be defined with
respect to the MRCA of Megalosaurus and Iguanodon, because these were two of
the three genera cited by a person named Richard Owen when he recognized the
Dinosauria. Both definitions results in the same set of animals which are
defined as dinosaurs: “Dinosauria = Ornithischia + Saurischia”. This definition
also includes major groups such as the ankylosaurians (armoured herbivorous
quadrupeds), stegosaurians (plated herbivorous quadrupeds), ceratopsians
(bipedal or quadrupedal herbivores with neck frills), pachycephalosaurians (bipedal herbivores with thick skulls),
ornithopods (bipedal or quadrupedal herbivores including “duck-bills”),
theropods (mostly bipedal carnivores and birds), and sauropodomorphs (mostly
large herbivorous quadrupeds with long necks and tails).
Birds are now recognized as being the
main sole survivor lineage of theropod dinosaurs. In traditional taxonomy, birds
were actually considered as a separate class that had evolved from dinosaurs, a
distinct superorder. However, a majority of contemporary palaeontologists
concerned with dinosaurs reject the traditional style of classification in favour of the phylogenetic taxonomy; this
approach requires that, for a group to be natural, all of the descendants of
the members of the group must be included in the group as well. Then the birds
are thus considered to be dinosaurs and dinosaurs are technically, “not
extinct”. Birds are classified as belongings to the subgroup Maniraptora, which
are coelurosaurs, which are theropods, which are saurischians, which are dinosaurs.
There was a research which was done
by Matthew G. Baron, David B. Norman, and also Paul M. Barrett in 2017 they
suggested a radical revision of dinosaurian systematics. Phylogenetic analysis
by Baron et al. recovered the Ornithischia as being closer to the Theropods
than the Sauropodomorphs. They resurrected the clade Ornithoscelida to refer to
the group which contains Ornithischia and Theropoda. Dinosauria itself was
re-defined as the last common ancestor of one of the dinosaur called
Triceratops horridus, Passer domesticus and Diplodocus carneggi, and all of its
descendants, to ensure that the sauropods and kin remain included as “
dinosaurs ”.
General description
Using one of the above definitions, dinosaurs can be generally described as archosaurs with hind limbs which are held erect beneath the body. Other prehistoric animals, which includes pterosaurs, mosasaurs, ichthyosaurs, plesiosaurs, and Dimetrodon, while often popularly conceived of as dinosaurs, are not taxonomically classified as dinosaurs. Pterosaurs are distantly related to dinosaurs, as being members of the clade Ornithodira. The other groups which are mentioned are, like dinosaurs and pterosaurs, the members of Sauropsida (the reptile and bird clade ), except Dimetrodon ( which is a synapsid ). None of them had the erect hind limb posture characteristics of a true dinosaur.
Dinosaurs were the dominant terrestrial
vertebrates of the Mesozoic era especially the kurassic and cretaceous periods
other groups of animals were restricted in size and niches mammals for example
rarely exceeded the siae of a domestic cat and were generally rodent sized carnivores
of small prey they have always been recognized as an extremely varied group
of animals over 900 non avian genera have
been identified with certainty as of 2018 and the total number of genera
preserved in the fossil record has been estimated at around 1850 nearly 75% of
which remain to be discovered and 1124 species by 2016 a 1995 study predicted
that about 2 400 dinosaurs genera ever existed including many that would not
have been preserved in the fossil record. In 2016 the estimated number of
dinosaur species that existed in the mesozic was 1,543 2,468 in 2021, the
number of modern day birds. Avian dinosaurs was estimated to be at 10,806
species some are herbivorous others carnivorous including seed eaters fish eaters
insectivores and omnivores while dinosaurs were ancestrally bipedal as are all
modern birds some prehistoric species were quadrupeds and others such as
Anchisaurus and iguanodon could walk just as easily on two or four legs cranial
modifications like horns and Crests are common dinosaurian traits and some
extinct species had bony Armor although known for large size many Mesozoic
dinosaurs were human-sized or smaller and modern birds are generally small in
size dinosaurs today inhabit every continent and fossils show that they had
achieved global distribution by at least the early Jurassic epoch modern birds inhabit
most available habitats from terrestrial to marine and there is evidence that
some non-avian dinosaurs such as microraptor could fly or at least glide and
others such as spinosaurids had semiaquatic habits.
Distinguishing anatomical features
While recent discoveries have made it
more difficult to present a universally agreed upon list of their distinguishing
features, nearly all dinosaurs discovered so far share certain modifications to
the ancestral archosaurian skeleton or are clearly descendants of older
dinosaurs showing these modifications. Although some later groups of dinosaurs
featured further modified versions of these traits they are considered typical
for Dinosauria, the earliest dinosaurs had them and passed them on to their descendants.
Such modifications earliest dinosaurs had them and passed them on to their
descendants such modifications originating in the most recent common ancestor
of a certain taxonomic group are called the synapomorphies of such a group.
A detailed assessment of archosaur
interrelations by sterling Nesbitt confirmed or found the following twelve unambiguous
synapomorphies some previously known:
In the skull a supratemporal fossa
excavation is present in front of the supratemporal fenestra the main opening
in the rear skull roof
Epiphyses obliquely backward-pointing
processes on the rear top corners of the anterior front neck vertebrae behind
the atlas and axis the first two neck vertebrae.
Apex of a deltopectoral crest is a
projection on which the deltopectoral muscles attach. located at or more than
30% down the length of the humerus upper arm bone
Radius a lower arm bone shorter than
80% of humerus length
Fourth trochanter projection where
the caudofemoralis muscle attaches on the inner rear shaft on the femur ( thigh
bone ) is a sharp flange
Fourth trochanter asymmetrical with
distal lower margin forming a steeper angle to the shaft
On the astragalus and calcaneum upper
ankle bones the proximal articular facet the top connecting surface for the
fibula occupies less than 30% of the transverse width of the element
Exoccipitals ( bones at the back of
the skull ) do not meet along the midline on the floor of the endocranial
cavity the inner space of the braincase
In the pelvis, the proximal articular
surfaces of the ischium with the ilium and the pubis are separated by a large
concave surface ( on the upper side of the ischium a part of the open hip joint
is located between the contacts with the pubic bone and the ilium )
Cnemial crest on the tibia ( protruding
part of the top surface of the shinbone ) arcs anterolaterally ( curves to the front and the outer
side )
Distinct proximodistally oriented ( vertical
) ridge present on the posterior face of the distal end of ( the tibia the rear
surface of the lower end of the shinbone )
Concave articular surface for the
fibula of the calcaneum ( the top surface of the calcaneum where it touches the
fibula has a hollow profile )
Nesbitt found a number of further potential
synapomorphies and discounted a number of synapomorphies previously suggested. Some
of these are also present in silesaurids, which Nesbitt recovered as a sister group
to Dinosauria, including a large anterior trochanter, metatarsals II and IV of
subequal length, reduced contact between ischium and pubis, the presence of a Cnemial
crest on the tibia and of an ascending process on the astragalus, and many
A variety of other skeletal features are shared by the dinosaurs. However, because they are either pretty common to the other groups of archosaurs or if they were not presented in the early dinosaur’s time, these features are no considered to be synapomorphies. For example, as diapsids, dinosaurs ancestrally had two pairs of Infratemporal fenestrae ( opening of the skull which is behind the eyes ), and as the members of the diapsid group Archosauria, had additional opening in the snout and the lower jaw. Additionally, several characteristics once thought to be synapomorphies are now known to have appeared before dinosaurs, or they were absent during the earliest dinosaurs and independently evolved by different dinosaur groups. These included an elongated scapula, or shoulder blade; a sacrum composed of three or more fused vertebrae ( three are found in some other archosaurs, but only two are found in Herrerasaurus ); and a perforate acetabulum, or a hip socket, with a hole at the center of its inside surface ( closed in Saturnalia tupiniquim, for example ). Another difficult of determining on which distinctly dinosaurian features is that the early dinosaurs and other archosaurs from the Late Triassic epoch are often poorly known and they were similar in many different ways; these animals have sometimes been misidentified in literature.
Dinosaurs stand with their hind limbs
erect in a manner similar to most modern mammals but distinct from most other
reptiles whose limbs sprawl out to either side this posture is due to the
development of a laterally facing recess in the pelvis usually an open socket
and a corresponding inwardly facing distinct head on the femur their erect
posture enabled early dinosaurs to breathe easily while moving which likely
permitted stamina and activity levels that surpassed those of sprawling
reptiles. Erect limbs probably also helped support the evolution of large size
by reducing bending stresses on their limbs. Some non-dinosaurian archosaurs,
also include rauisuchians, also had a erect limbs but achieved this by a “
pillar erect “ configuration of the hip joint, where instead of having a
projection from the femur insert on a socket on the hip, the upper pelvic bone
was rotated to form an overhanging shelf.
History of study
Pre-scientific history
Dinosaur fossils have been known for
millennia although their true nature was not recognized the Chinese considered
them to be dragon bones and documented them as such for example huayang guo Zhi
a gazetteer compiled by Chang Qu during the Western Jin Dynasty 265-316 reported
the discovery of dragon bones at wuheng in Sichuan province villagers in
central China have long unearthed fossil zed dragon bones for use in
traditional medicines in Europe dinosaur fossils were generally believed to be
the remains of giants and other biblical creatures.
Early dinosaur research
Scholarly descriptions of what would
now be recognized as dinosaur bones which was first appeared during the late 17th century located
in England. A part of a bone was found and now is known to have been the femur
of a Megalosaurus, it was recovered from a limestone quarry at Cornwell near Chipping
Norton Oxfordshire in 1676. The fragment was sent to Robert plot, professor of
chemistry at the University of Oxford and first curator of the Ashmolean Museum,
who published a description in the natural history of Oxford shire ( 1677 ). He
soon correctly identified the bone as the lower extremity of the femur of a
large animal and recognized that it was too large to belong to any known
species. He, therefore, concluded it to be the femur of a huge human, perhaps a
Titan or another type of giant featured in the legends. Edward Lhuyd, which is
a friend of Sir Isaac Newton, published Lithophylacii Britannici ichnographia (
1699 ), the first scientific treatment of what would now be recognized as a
dinosaur when he described and named a sauropod tooth, “ Rutellum impicatum “,
that had been found in Caswell, near Witney, Oxfordshire.
Between 1815 and 1824 the re William Buckland
the first reader of geology at the University of Oxford collected more fossilized
bones of Megalosaurus and became the first person to describe a non-avian dinosaur
in a scientific journal the second a non-avian dinosaur genus to be identified as
iguanodon was discovered in 1822 by Mary ann mantel the wife of English
geologist Gideon matell Gideon mantel recognised similarities between his
fossils and the bones of modern iguanas he published his findings in 1825
The study of these “ great fossil
lizards “ soon later became a great interest to the Europeans and the American
scientists too, and in 1842 the English paleontologist named Sir Richard Owen
coined the term “ dinosaur “, using it to refer to the “ distinct tribe or a
sub order of the Saurian Reptiles “ that were then being recognized in England
and also around the world. The term is derived from Ancient Greek δεινός which means, terrible, potent or fearfully great, and then the words
which aren’t in English letters means ( sauros ) or lizard or reptile.
Though the taxonomic name has often
bene interpreted as a reference to dinosaurs’ teeth, claws, and other fearsome
characteristics, Owen intended it to also evoke their size and majesty. Owen
recognized that the remains which had been found so far, are the Iguanodon,
Megalosaurus and also the Hylaeosarus, which shared a number of distinctive
features, and so decided to present them as a distinct taxonomic group.
Which was clarified by a British
geologist and historian Hugh Torrens, Owen had given a presentation about
fossil reptiles to the British Association for the Advancement of Science in
1941, but reports of the time show that Owen did not mention the word “dinosaur”,
nor recognize dinosaur as a distinct group of reptiles when he addressed it. He
only introduced the Dinosauria in the revised text version of his talk which
was published in April 1842. With the backing of Prince Albert, the husband of
Queen Victoria, Owen established the Natural History Museum, London, to display
the national collection the dinosaur fossils and also the other biological and
geological exhibits.
Discoveries in North America
In 1858 William Parker Foulke
discovered the first known American dinosaur in marl pits in the small town of
Haddonfield new jersey although fossils had been found before their nature had
not been correctly discerned the creature was named Hadrosaurus Foelike lt was
an extremely important find hadrosaur was one of the first nearly complete
dinosaurs skeletons found the first was
in 1834 in Maidstone England and lt was clearly a bipedal creature this was a
revolutionary discovery as until that point most scientists had believed
dinosaurs walked on four feet like other lizards Foulke discoveries sparked a
wave of interests in dinosaurs in the united states known as dinosaur mania.
Dinosaur mania was exemplified by the
fierce rivalry between Edward drinker cope and Othniel Charles Marsh both of
whom raced to be the first to find new dinosaurs in what came to be known as
the bone wars this fight between the two scientists lasted for over 30 years
ending in 1897 when cope died after spending his entire fortune on the dinosaur
hunt many valuable dinosaur specimens were damaged or destroyed due to the
pair’s rough methods, for example, their diggers often used dynamite to unearth
bones modern paleontologists would find such methods crude and unacceptable since
blasting easily destroys fossil and stratigraphic evidence despite their unrefined
methods the contributions of cope and marsh to paleontology were vast marsh unearthed
86 new species of dinosaur and cope discovered 56 a total of 142 new species
cope collection is now at the American museum of natural history in new York
city while marsh’s is at the Peabody Museum of natural history at yale university.
“Dinosaur Renaissance” and beyond
World War II caused a pause in
palaeontological research after the war research attention was also diverted
increasingly to fossil mammals rather than dinosaurs which were seen as
sluggish and cold-blooded at the end of 1960
however the field of dinosaur research experienced a surge in activity
that remains ongoing several seminal studies led to this activity.
First, john Ostrom discovered the bird-like
dromaeosaurid theropod deinonychus and described it in 1969. Its anatomy
indicated that it was an active predator that was likely warm-blooded in marked
contrast to the then prevailing image of dinosaurs concurrently Robert T Bakker
published a series of studies that likewise argued for active lifestyles in
dinosaurs based on anatomical and ecological evidence see physiology which was
subsequently summarized in his 1886 book the dinosaur heresies.
New Revelation were support by an increase
in dinosaur discoveries major new dinosaur discoveries have been made by
paleontologists working in previously unexplored regions including India South America
Madagascar antarctica and most significantly China across theropods sauropdomorphs
and ornithischians the number of named genera began to increase exponentially
in the 1990s as of 2008 over 30 new species of dinosaurs were named each year
at least sauropodomorphs experience a further increase in the number of named species
in the 2010s with an average of 9.3 new species having been named each year
between 2009 and 2020 as a consequence more sauropodomorphs were named between
1990 and 2020 than in all previous years combined these new localities also led
to improvements in overall specimen quality with new species being increasingly
name not on scrappy fossils but on more complete skeletons sometimes from multiple
individuals better specimen also led to new species being invalidated less
frequency Asian localities have produced the most complete the specimens while
north American localities have produced the most complete sauropodomorph
Prior to the dinosaur, Renaissance
dinosaurs were mostly classified using the traditional rack-based system of Linnaean
taxonomy the renaissance was also accompanied by the increasingly widespread
application of cladistics a more objective method of classification based on
ancestry and shared traits which has proved tremendously useful if the study of
dinosaur systematics and evolution cladistic analysis among us other techniques
help to compensate for an often incomplete and fragmentary fossil record reference
books summarizing the state of dinosaur research such as David b Weishampel and
colleagues the Dinosauria made knowledge more accessible and spurred further interest
in dinosaur research the release of the first and second editions of the Dinosauria
in 1990 and 2004 and of a review paper by Paul Sereno in 1998 were accompanied by
increases in the number of published phylogenetic trees for dinosaurs.
Soft tissue and molecular preservation
Dinosaur fossils are not limited to
bones but also include imprints or mineralized remains of skin coverings organs
and other tissues. These skin coverings based on keratin proteins are most
easily preserved because of their cross-linked hydrophobic molecular structure.
Fossils of keratin-based skin coverings or bony skin coverings are known from
most major groups of dinosaurs. Dinosaur fossils with scaly skin impressions
have been found since the 19th century.
Samuel Beckles discovered a sauropod
forelimb with preserved skin in 1852 that was incorrectly attributed to a
crocodile it was correctly attributed by marsh in 1888 and subject to further
study by Reginald hooley in 1917. Among ornithischians in 1884 Jacob Wortman
found skin impressions on the first known specimen of brontosaurs annectent
which were largely destroyed during the specimen excavation. Owen and hooley
subsequently described skin impressions of Hypsilophodon and iguanodon in 1885
and 1917. Since than scale impressions have been frequently found among
hadrosaurids where the impressions are known from Nealy the entire body across
multiple specimens.
Starting from the 1990s, major discoveries
of exceptionally preserved fossils in deposits known as conservation
lagerstatten contributed to research on dinosaur soft tissues. Chiefly among
these were the rocks that produced the jehol early cretaceous and tanliao mid
to late Jurassic biotas of northeastern China from which hundreds of dinosaur
specimens bearing impressions of feather-like structures both closely related
to birds and otherwise see § origin of birds have been described
y xing xu and colleagues. In living reptiles and mammals pigment storing cellular
structures known as melanosomes are partially responsible for producing their
Both chemical traces
of melanin and characteristically shaped melanosomes have been reported from
the feathers and the scales of the Jehol and Yanliao dinosaurs, including both
the theropods and ornithischians. This has enabled multiple full-body reconstructions
of dinosaur coloration, such as for the Sinosauropteryx and Psittacosaurus by a
person named Jakob Vinther and other colleagues and similar techniques have been
extended to dinosaur fossils from other localities. (However, some of the
researchers have also suggested that the fossilized melanosomes represent
bacterial still remains.) Stomach contents in some Jehol and Yanliao dinosaurs
are actually closely related to birds and have also provided indirect
indications of diet and digestive system anatomy (for example: crops). More
concrete evidence of internal anatomy has been reported in Scipionyx from the
Pietraoja Plattenkalk of Italy. It preserves portions of the intestines, colon,
liver, muscles, and windpipe.
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