Information from: Zebra - Wikipedia
Finish I am going to be talking about animals and stuff
I will be talking about zebras now and I will put up a
picture up later and so zebras and also called requus spp are with their familiar
horse like physique and their distinct black and white striping pattern are
among the most recognizable of all mammals . they rae native to both plains and
mountains of Africa ; mountain zebras climb over 6000 feet high yes 6 with 3 zeros
6 0 0 0 feet high which s crazy.
Fast facts about zebras are
Secientific name of a zebra is actually equus quagga or E .
burchellii ; E . zebra , E . Grevyi which is crazy too me because i never knew
Common names : planes or Burchell ‘ s zebra ; mountain zebra
; Grevy ‘ s zebra I never knew that they called them that
And then the basic animal group knows where they are is
mammals just like other animals
Then the size of the grevy’s and plans , 8.9 feet and then
the mountain versions are 7.7 feet I don’t know they are shorter but I guess it
is what it is.
The average life span is 10 – 11 years and wow that is very short
compared to a human saying that human average are like 67 years or something.
Their diet and vegies so they are herbivore if you know
Then the average population : planes : 150000 to like 250000
: grevys are 2680 zebra and then the mountain ones are actually more than the
grevys which I am surprised with 35000 wow that’s a lot more than the grevys.
Then the habitat of the zebra and 1 time they were wide
spread in Africa and now the are in seperate populations in different areas so
like different parts of asia and maybe areas in south America and so the next
one is conservation status basically how rare they are and the enderdangered
one is the grevy zebra saying that they only have like 2680 left so they are
pretty rare. Then next one is the mountain zebra with 35000 left they are
vulnerable basically chance of extinction and the last one is the plains zebra
with 150k to 250k and its crazy they are near threatened so basically its possible
in the future they can be extinct espesically with way less than humans and so
Now for the description of the zebras
Zebras are members of the genus Equus which is the fancy way to like
say it and basically im going to be copying them now for from now on so im going
to write more proper , which also includes butts ( its actually the bad
way to say butt so I type butt instead of the a word ) and horses.
There are three species of zebra : Plains or Burchell's zebra ( aqus something
) Grevy's zebra ( equs gravy ) , and mountain zebra ( equs zebra )
Anatomical differences between the zebra species are
fairly sparse : in general, the mountain zebra is smaller and has evolutionary
differences associated with living in the mountains. Mountain zebras have hard,
pointed hooves that are well-suited for negotiating the slopes and they have
conspicuous dewlaps—a loose fold of skin underneath the chin seen often in
cattle which the plains and Grevy zebras do not.
Various species of butts, including the African wild
butt ( equus asinus ), have some stripes (for instance equss asinus has
stripes on the lower portion of its legs ). Zebras are nonetheless the most
distinctively striped of the equids. Basically I have no idea what they mean of
anything im just typing it out so yeah.
Now we are going to be talking about the species of the
Each species of zebra has a unique stripe pattern on its coat
which provides researchers with an easy method for identifying individuals like
grey zebra and white and black zebras, and stripe zebras, and there are other
ways to identify too what type it is. Grevy's zebras have a thick black hairy
strip on their rump that extends towards their tail and a broader neck than the
other species of zebras, and a white belly. Plains zebras often have shadow
stripes (stripes of a lighter color that occur between the darker stripes).
Like Grevy's zebras, some plains zebras have a white belly.
Zebras can cross breed with other members of Equus:
A plains zebra crossed with a donkey is known as a "zebdonk," zonkey,
zebrass, and zorse and that’s crazy because I never knew that they had those
names and stuff. The plains or Burchell's zebra has several subspecies: Grant's
zebra ( equus quagga boehmi ) and Chapman's zebra ( equus quagga anti aquarium
) . And the now-extinct quagga,
once thought to be a separate species, is now considered a subspecies of the
plains zebra ( equus quagga boehmi ) . I never knew that they were called those
and pretty sad that one of them went extinct. Well im getting very tired typing
these outs so im just going to be going and typing what they are typing instead
of adding my own stuff.
And now we are going to be talking about habitats and distributions.
Most zebra species live in arid and semi-arid plains and
savannas of Africa: Plains and Grevy's zebras have different regions but
overlap during migrations. Mountain zebras, however, live in the rugged
mountains of South Africa and Namibia. Mountain zebras are skilled
climbers, inhabiting mountain slopes up to elevations of 6,500 feet above sea
All zebras are extremely mobile, and individuals
have been recorded to move distances of greater than 50 miles. Plains
zebras make the longest known terrestrial wildlife migration, a whopping 300
miles between the Chobe River floodplains in Namibia and the Nxai Pan National
Park in Botswana.
And after that we will be talking about diet and behaviour.
Regardless of their habitats, zebras are all grazers, bulk,
roughage feeders that need to consume large daily quantities of grasses. They
are also all full migrant species, migrating seasonally or year-round depending
on seasonal vegetation changes and habitat. They often follow long grasses that
grow after the rains, altering their migration patterns to avoid adverse
conditions or find new resources.
Mountain and plains zebras live in family groups or
harems, typically consisting of one stallion, several mares, and their juvenile
offspring. Non-breeding groups of bachelors and occasional fillies also exist.
During parts of the year, the harems and bachelor groups join together and move
as herds, the timing and direction of which are determined by seasonal
vegetation changes in habitat.
Breeding males will defend their resource
territories (water and food) that range between one and 7.5 square miles; the
home range size of non-territorial zebras can be as large as 3,800 square
miles. Male plains zebras ward off predators by kicking or biting them and have
been known to kill hyenas with a single kick.
And after all that we are going to be learning about how they
reproduce or reproduction and offspring and since I have no I dea how it works I
wont be adding extra stuff saying that I don’t understand.
female zebras sexually mature at the age of three and give birth
to between two and six offspring over their lifetimes. Gestation periods are
between 12 and 13 months, depending on species, and the average female gives
birth about once every two years. male fertility is far more variable.
Reproductive pairing is played out differently for
different species. While plains and mountain zebras practice the harem strategy
described above, Grevy zebra females do not join males in harems. Instead, they
form loose and transitory associations with many other females and males, and
females of different reproductive states group themselves into sets that use
different habitats. Males do not ally with the females; they simply establish
territories around water.
despite their stable long-term harem structure,
plains zebras often coalesce into herds, forming multi-male or uni male groups,
providing polygamous opportunities for males and polyandrous opportunities for
And finally I am almost finished the last one we are going to be
talking about conservation status.
The Grevy's zebra is listed by the IUCN as
Endangered; the mountain zebra as Vulnerable; and the plains zebra as Near
Threatened. Zebras once roamed all habitats in Africa, with the exceptions
of rain forests, deserts, and dunes. Threats for all of them include habitat
loss resulting from drought associated with climate change and farming,
continuing political upheaval, and hunting.
Ok so that is it for today I am done bye after I write 40 more words to get 1.5k so
then I can get the most I can get and so what I learned is zebras and very different
and its very strange ways and about colors and types and what they do but that’s
it bye now I reached my goal.
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