my taecher yuan what she learned me
Traditional Indonesia dish: Bakso and Satay I can’t find the history. Bakso is a meatball in a soup with some yellow and white noodles. Satay was made in Java, Indonesia. Their satay was developed from the Indian kebab brought by the Muslim traders. Satay is meat on a stick with some sauce on top of it. Traditional Indonesia Snack: Klepon During the 1950’s time. Indonesians showed the Netherlands klepon in their shops. A snack of sweet rice cake balls filled with molten palm sugar and coated in grated coconut. Yuan tari – Monday a. Look at the pictures and text on the flyer, then discuss the questions this with the friend next to you. 1. Who is expected to read this pamphlet? People who are going there 2. Has this pamphlet provided all the information you want? known by people who want to climb the mountain? Yes, It shows all the Information needed. 3. How to describe the location and place of camping in ...